
sealed trait JsLookupResult extends JsReadable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def \(index: Int): JsLookupResult
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access a value of this array.

Access a value of this array.

Value Params

Element index

def \(fieldName: String): JsLookupResult
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Return the property corresponding to the fieldName, supposing we have a JsObject.

Return the property corresponding to the fieldName, supposing we have a JsObject.

Value Params

the name of the property to look up


the resulting JsValue wrapped in a JsLookup. If the current node is not a JsObject or doesn't have the property, a JsUndefined will be returned.

def \\(fieldName: String): Seq[JsValue]
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Look up fieldName in the current object and all descendants.

Look up fieldName in the current object and all descendants.


the list of matching nodes

def apply(index: Int): JsValue
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access a value of this array.

Access a value of this array.

Value Params

Element index.

def apply(fieldName: String): JsValue
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access a value of this array.

Access a value of this array.

Value Params

Element index.

def get: JsValue
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access the head of this array.

Access the head of this array.

def isDefined: Boolean
def isEmpty: Boolean
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access the last element of this array.

Access the last element of this array.

def orElse(alternative: => JsLookupResult): JsLookupResult

If this result is defined return this. Otherwise return alternative.

If this result is defined return this. Otherwise return alternative.

Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup

Access the tail of this array.

Access the tail of this array.

def toOption: Option[JsValue]

Tries to convert the node into a JsValue

Tries to convert the node into a JsValue

def validate[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[A]
def validateOpt[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[Option[A]]

If this result contains JsNull or is undefined, returns JsSuccess(None). Otherwise returns the result of validating as an A and wrapping the result in a Some.

If this result contains JsNull or is undefined, returns JsSuccess(None). Otherwise returns the result of validating as an A and wrapping the result in a Some.

Inherited methods

def as[T](implicit fjs: Reads[T]): T

Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.

Tries to convert the node into a T, throwing an exception if it can't. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined.

Inherited from
def asOpt[T](implicit fjs: Reads[T]): Option[T]

Tries to convert the node into a T. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined. Any error is mapped to None

Tries to convert the node into a T. An implicit Reads[T] must be defined. Any error is mapped to None


Some[T] if it succeeds, None if it fails.

Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Implicitly added by jsLookupResultToJsLookup
Inherited from
def transform[A <: JsValue](rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[A]

Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]

Transforms this node into a JsResult using provided Json transformer Reads[JsValue]

Inherited from