Interface ConfigIncludeContext

public interface ConfigIncludeContext

Context provided to a ConfigIncluder; this interface is only useful inside a ConfigIncluder implementation, and is not intended for apps to implement.

Do not implement this interface; it should only be implemented by the config library. Arbitrary implementations will not work because the library internals assume a specific concrete implementation. Also, this interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party implementations will break.

Method Summary
 ConfigParseOptions parseOptions()
          Parse options to use (if you use another method to get a ConfigParseable then use ConfigParseable.options() instead though).
 ConfigParseable relativeTo(java.lang.String filename)
          Tries to find a name relative to whatever is doing the including, for example in the same directory as the file doing the including.

Method Detail


ConfigParseable relativeTo(java.lang.String filename)
Tries to find a name relative to whatever is doing the including, for example in the same directory as the file doing the including. Returns null if it can't meaningfully create a relative name. The returned parseable may not exist; this function is not required to do any IO, just compute what the name would be. The passed-in filename has to be a complete name (with extension), not just a basename. (Include statements in config files are allowed to give just a basename.)

filename - the name to make relative to the resource doing the including
parseable item relative to the resource doing the including, or null


ConfigParseOptions parseOptions()
Parse options to use (if you use another method to get a ConfigParseable then use ConfigParseable.options() instead though).

the parse options