Interface ConfigParseable

public interface ConfigParseable

An opaque handle to something that can be parsed, obtained from ConfigIncludeContext.

Do not implement this interface; it should only be implemented by the config library. Arbitrary implementations will not work because the library internals assume a specific concrete implementation. Also, this interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party implementations will break.

Method Summary
 ConfigParseOptions options()
          Get the initial options, which can be modified then passed to parse().
 ConfigOrigin origin()
          Returns a ConfigOrigin describing the origin of the parseable item.
 ConfigObject parse(ConfigParseOptions options)
          Parse whatever it is.

Method Detail


ConfigObject parse(ConfigParseOptions options)
Parse whatever it is. The options should come from options() but you could tweak them if you like.

options - parse options, should be based on the ones from options()


ConfigOrigin origin()
Returns a ConfigOrigin describing the origin of the parseable item.


ConfigParseOptions options()
Get the initial options, which can be modified then passed to parse(). These options will have the right description, includer, and other parameters already set up.