Interface ConfigIncluderClasspath

public interface ConfigIncluderClasspath

Implement this in addition to ConfigIncluder if you want to support inclusion of files with the include classpath("resource") syntax. If you do not implement this but do implement ConfigIncluder, attempts to load classpath resources will use the default includer.

Method Summary
 ConfigObject includeResources(ConfigIncludeContext context, java.lang.String what)
          Parses another item to be included.

Method Detail


ConfigObject includeResources(ConfigIncludeContext context,
                              java.lang.String what)
Parses another item to be included. The returned object typically would not have substitutions resolved. You can throw a ConfigException here to abort parsing, or return an empty object, but may not return null.

context - some info about the include context
what - the include statement's argument
a non-null ConfigObject