
Type members


sealed trait CompareOperation
trait FailWith[E, +P] extends FailWithMessage[E, P] with FailWithCompare[E, P] with FailWithInvalid[E, P] with FailWithEmpty[E, P] with FailWithNonEmpty[E, P] with FailWithMinSize[E, P] with FailWithMaxSize[E, P] with FailWithOneOf[E, P]

Aggregates all possible FailWith* typeclasses shorthand if you need all of them. If are free to implemented only those you will use. Best practise will be to but implicit instance of this into companion object of your error.

Aggregates all possible FailWith* typeclasses shorthand if you need all of them. If are free to implemented only those you will use. Best practise will be to but implicit instance of this into companion object of your error.

object FailWith
trait FailWithBuilder[E, +P] extends FailWith[E, P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithCompare[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithCompare[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithEmpty[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithEmpty[E, +P]
class FailWithFieldError[E, +P](FW: FailWith[E, P]) extends FailWith[FieldError[E], P]

Wrap existing error into FieldError given FailWith instance for type E

Wrap existing error into FieldError given FailWith instance for type E

@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithInvalid[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithInvalid[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithMaxSize[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithMaxSize[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithMessage[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithMessage[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithMinSize[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithMinSize[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithNonEmpty[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithNonEmpty[E, +P]
@implicitNotFound("To use this operation you need to have FailWithOneOf[${E}] in scope")
trait FailWithOneOf[E, +P]

FailWithValidationMessage wrapped with jap.fields.error.FieldError in

FailWithValidationMessage wrapped with jap.fields.error.FieldError in

String FailWith instance where errors are human-readable error messages

String FailWith instance where errors are human-readable error messages

FailWithValidationType wrapper with jap.fields.error.FieldError in

FailWithValidationType wrapper with jap.fields.error.FieldError in

String FailWith instance where errors are just error types that occured

String FailWith instance where errors are just error types that occured