
final class IterableFieldOps[P, I <: (Iterable), F[_], V[_], E](field: Field[I[P]]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def any(check: Field[P] => Rule[F, V, E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Applies check to each collection element, any should succeed

Applies check to each collection element, any should succeed

def anyWithIndex(check: (Field[P], Int) => Rule[F, V, E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Applies check to each collection element, any should succeed

Applies check to each collection element, any should succeed

def each(check: Field[P] => Rule[F, V, E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Applies check to each collection element

Applies check to each collection element

def eachWithIndex(check: (Field[P], Int) => Rule[F, V, E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Applies check to each collection element

Applies check to each collection element

def isDistinct(fail: Field[P] => V[E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Verifies that collection has distinct elements and fails duplicated items using fail

Verifies that collection has distinct elements and fails duplicated items using fail

def isDistinctBy[K](by: P => K, fail: Field[P] => V[E])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Verifies that collection has distinct elements using by property and fails duplicated items using fail

Verifies that collection has distinct elements using by property and fails duplicated items using fail

def isEmpty(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V], FW: FailWithEmpty[E, I[P]]): Rule[F, V, E]

Checks that collection is empty

Checks that collection is empty

def maxSize(max: => Int)(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V], FW: FailWithMaxSize[E, I[P]]): Rule[F, V, E]

Checks that collection maximum size is max

Checks that collection maximum size is max

def minSize(min: => Int)(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V], FW: FailWithMinSize[E, I[P]]): Rule[F, V, E]

Checks that collection minimum size is min

Checks that collection minimum size is min

def nonEmpty(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V], FW: FailWithNonEmpty[E, I[P]]): Rule[F, V, E]

Checks that collection is not empty

Checks that collection is not empty