
trait SingleOut[A]
trait Lazy[A]
trait GE[A]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class ARCWindow
class ArithmSeq[A, L]
class BinaryOp[A, B, C]
class Biquad
class Bleach
class BufferDisk[A]
class BufferMemory[A]
class Clip[A]
class CombN
class Concat[A]
class ConstQ
class DC[A]
class DCT_II
class DEnvGen[L]
class DebugThrough[A]
class DelayN[A]
class Differentiate[A]
class Distinct[A]
class Done[A]
class Drop[A, L]
class DropRight[A, L]
class DropWhile[A]
class Elastic[A]
class Empty[A]
class ExpExp
class ExpLin
class Real2FFT
class Real2IFFT
class Real1FFT
class Real1IFFT
class FilterSeq[A]
class Fold[A]
class Fourier[L]
class Frames[A]
class Gate[A]
class GenWindow[L]
class GeomSeq[A, L]
class GimpSlur
class HPF
class Hash[A]
class From2D
class Histogram[A]
class Impulse
class Indices[A]
class LFSaw
class LPF
class Latch[A]
class Length[A]
class Limiter
class LinExp
class LinLin
class Line[L]
class Loudness
class Masking2D
class MatchLen[A, B]
class MelFilter
class Metro[A]
class NumChannels[A]
class OnePole
class OverlapAdd[A]
class Pearson
class PenImage
class PriorityQueue[A, B]
class ReduceWindow[A]
class RepeatWindow[A, L]
class Resample
class ResizeWindow[A]
class ReverseWindow[A]
class RotateWindow[A]
class RunningMax[A]
class RunningMin[A]
class RunningSum[A]
class ScanImage
class SinOsc
class Slices[A, L]
class Sliding[A]
class SortWindow[A, B]
class Take[A, L]
class TakeRight[A, L]
class TakeWhile[A]
class Timer
class Trig[A]
class TrigHold[L]
class UnaryOp[A, B]
class Viterbi
class WindowApply[A]
class Wrap[A]
class Zip[A]
class ZipWindow[A]
class ZipWindowN[A]

Value members

Inherited methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def makeUGens(implicit b: Builder): UGenInLike[A]

Abstract method which must be implemented by creating the actual UGens during expansion. This method is at most called once during graph expansion

Abstract method which must be implemented by creating the actual UGens during expansion. This method is at most called once during graph expansion


the expanded object (depending on the type parameter U)

Inherited from:
final def name: String
Inherited from:
def productArity: Int
Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String
Inherited from: