
abstract class NodeImpl[+S <: Shape](val name: String, val layer: Layer, val shape: S)(implicit val allocator: Allocator) extends GraphStageLogic with Node
trait Node
class GraphStageLogic
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Deprecated classlikes

@deprecated("Should move to using Handlers", since = "2.35.1")
abstract class InHandlerImpl[A](in: In[A]) extends InHandler
[Since version 2.35.1]

Inherited classlikes

class SubSinkInlet[T]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

final def async(body: => Unit): Unit
def completeAsync(): Future[Unit]
final def failAsync(ex: Exception): Unit
final def grabIn[A](in: Inlet[A]): A

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def isInAvailable[A](inlet: Inlet[A]): Boolean

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def isInClosed[A](inlet: Inlet[A]): Boolean

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def isOutAvailable[A](outlet: Outlet[A]): Boolean

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def isOutClosed[A](outlet: Outlet[A]): Boolean

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

protected def launch(): Unit
final def launchAsync(): Future[Unit]
final protected def notifyFail(ex: Throwable): Unit
final def pushOut[A](out: Outlet[A], elem: A): Unit

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def setInHandler[A](in: Inlet[A], handler: InHandler): Unit

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

final def setOutHandler[A](out: Outlet[A], handler: OutHandler): Unit

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

override def toString: String
Definition Classes
GraphStageLogic -> Any
final def tryPullIn[A](in: Inlet[A]): Unit

Workaround for Dotty

Workaround for Dotty

Inherited methods

final def cancelStage(cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
final def completeStage(): Unit
Inherited from:
final def failStage(ex: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
final def getAsyncCallback[T](handler: T => Unit): AsyncCallback[T]
Inherited from:
final def isAvailable[T](out: Outlet[T]): Boolean
Inherited from:
final override def postStop(): Unit

Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final override def preStart(): Unit

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final def stageActor: StageActor
Inherited from:
protected def stopped(): Unit

Subclasses can override this

Subclasses can override this

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final protected val name: String
final override val shape: S



final implicit override val allocator: Allocator
final implicit override val control: Control