
trait Txn[T <: Txn[T]] extends Txn[T]
trait Txn[T]
trait TxnLike
trait Exec[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Txn
trait TxnMixin[Tx, D1, I1]
trait RegularTxnMixin[Tx, D1, I1]
trait RootTxnMixin[Tx, D1, I1]

Type members


type Acc = Access[T]
type D <: Txn[D]
type I <: Txn[I]
type Id = Ident[T]
type Var[A] = Var[T, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def isRetroactive: Boolean
override def newHandle[A](value: A)(format: TFormat[T, A]): Source[T, A]

The returned source is confluent.

The returned source is confluent.

Definition Classes
def newHandleM[A](value: A)(format: TFormat[T, A]): Source[T, A]

The confluent handle is enhanced with the meld method.

The confluent handle is enhanced with the meld method.

def system: ConfluentLike[T] { type I = I; }

Inherited methods

def afterCommit(code: => Unit): Unit

Registers a thunk to be executed after the transaction successfully committed.

Registers a thunk to be executed after the transaction successfully committed.

Inherited from
def attrMap(obj: Obj[T]): AttrMap[T]
Inherited from
def attrMapOption(obj: Obj[T]): Option[AttrMap[T]]
Inherited from
def beforeCommit(fun: T => Unit): Unit
Inherited from
def inMemory: I
Inherited from
def newId(): Id
Inherited from
def newIdentMap[A]: IdentMap[T, A]

Creates a new in-memory transactional map for storing and retrieving values based on a mutable's identifier as key. If a system is confluently persistent, the get operation will find the most recent key that matches the search key. Objects are not serialized but kept live in memory.

Creates a new in-memory transactional map for storing and retrieving values based on a mutable's identifier as key. If a system is confluently persistent, the get operation will find the most recent key that matches the search key. Objects are not serialized but kept live in memory.

Id maps can be used by observing views to look up associated view meta data even though they may be presented with a more recent access path of the model peer (e.g. when a recent event is fired and observed).

Type Params

the value type in the map

Inherited from
def newInMemoryMap[A, B]: RefMap[T, A, B]
Inherited from
def newInMemorySet[A]: RefSet[T, A]
Inherited from
def newRef[A](init: A): Ref[T, A]
Inherited from
def peer: InTxn

Every transaction has a plain Scala-STM transaction as a peer. This comes handy for setting up custom things like TxnLocal, TMap, or calling into the hooks of concurrent.stm.Txn. It is also needed when re-wrapping the transaction of one system into another.

Every transaction has a plain Scala-STM transaction as a peer. This comes handy for setting up custom things like TxnLocal, TMap, or calling into the hooks of concurrent.stm.Txn. It is also needed when re-wrapping the transaction of one system into another.

Inherited from
def readId(in: DataInput): Id
Inherited from



implicit def durable: D
implicit def durableBridge: T => D

Inherited implicits

implicit def inMemoryBridge: T => I
Inherited from
implicit def inMemoryCursor: Cursor[I]
Inherited from