
trait TxnMixin[Tx <: Txn[Tx], D1 <: Txn[D1], I1 <: Txn[I1]] extends Txn[Tx] with BasicTxnImpl[Tx, I1] with Modifiable
trait BasicTxnImpl[Tx, I1]
trait Txn[Tx]
trait Txn[Tx]
trait TxnLike
trait Exec[Tx]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait RegularTxnMixin[Tx, D1, I1]
trait RootTxnMixin[Tx, D1, I1]

Type members


override type D = D1
override type I = I1
type T = Tx

Inherited types

type Acc = Access[T]
Inherited from
type Id = Ident[T]
Inherited from
type Var[A] = Var[T, A]
Inherited from

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def flushCaches(meld: MeldInfo[T], newVersion: Boolean, caches: IndexedSeq[Cache[T]]): Unit

Concrete methods

final def addDirtyCache(map: Cache[T]): Unit
final def addDirtyLocalCache(map: Cache[T]): Unit

A local cache is one which is re-created upon application restart. It should probably be called transient instead of local, but we already have stm.LocalVar...

A local cache is one which is re-created upon application restart. It should probably be called transient instead of local, but we already have stm.LocalVar...

If the dirty maps only contain local caches, no new version is created upon flush.

final def addInputVersion(path: Access[T]): Unit
def attrMap(obj: Obj[T]): AttrMap[T]
override def attrMapOption(obj: Obj[T]): Option[AttrMap[T]]
Definition Classes
final override def beforeCommit(fun: T => Unit): Unit
Definition Classes
BasicTxnImpl -> Txn
final protected def fullCache: Durable[T, Int, DurablePersistentMap[T, Int]]
final def getNonTxn[A](id: Id)(format: ConstFormat[A]): A
final def getTxn[A](id: Id)(format: TFormat[T, A]): A
final def info: Modifiable
final protected def meldInfo: MeldInfo[T]
final def newHandle[A](value: A)(format: TFormat[T, A]): Source[T, A]
final def newHandleM[A](value: A)(format: TFormat[T, A]): Source[T, A]
final def newId(): Id
final override def newIdentMap[A]: IdentMap[T, A]
Definition Classes
final def putNonTxn[A](id: Id, value: A)(format: ConstFormat[A]): Unit
final def putTxn[A](id: Id, value: A)(format: TFormat[T, A]): Unit
final override def readId(in: DataInput): Id
Definition Classes
final def readTreeVertexLevel(term: Long): Int
final def removeFromCache(id: Id): Unit
override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def afterCommit(code: => Unit): Unit
Inherited from
def inMemory: I
Inherited from
Inherited from
def isRetroactive: Boolean
Inherited from
def newInMemoryMap[K, V]: RefMap[Tx, K, V]
Inherited from
def newInMemorySet[A]: RefSet[Tx, A]
Inherited from
def newRef[A](init: A): Ref[Tx, A]
Inherited from
def peer: InTxn

Every transaction has a plain Scala-STM transaction as a peer. This comes handy for setting up custom things like TxnLocal, TMap, or calling into the hooks of concurrent.stm.Txn. It is also needed when re-wrapping the transaction of one system into another.

Every transaction has a plain Scala-STM transaction as a peer. This comes handy for setting up custom things like TxnLocal, TMap, or calling into the hooks of concurrent.stm.Txn. It is also needed when re-wrapping the transaction of one system into another.

Inherited from
def system: ConfluentLike[Tx] { type I = I; }
Inherited from

Concrete fields

final var message: String
final val timeStamp: Long



implicit def inMemoryCursor: Cursor[I]

Inherited implicits

implicit def durable: D
Inherited from
implicit def durableBridge: Tx => D
Inherited from
implicit def inMemoryBridge: Tx => I
Inherited from