
object Bridge extends Bridge[Folder] with HasDefault[Folder] with Factory
trait Factory
trait HasDefault[Folder]
trait Bridge[Folder]
trait Adjunct
trait Writable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = Folder[T]

Value members

Concrete methods

def cellValue[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](obj: Obj[T], key: String)(implicit tx: T): Option[Folder]
override def cellView[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](obj: Obj[T], key: String)(implicit tx: T, context: Context[T]): Var[T, Option[Folder]]
Definition Classes
def contextCellView[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](key: String)(implicit tx: T, context: Context[T]): CellView[T, Option[Folder]]
def readIdentifiedAdjunct(in: DataInput): Adjunct
def tryParseObj[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](obj: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[Folder]

Inherited methods

def write(out: DataOutput): Unit
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final val id: 2001