
abstract class Impl[T <: Txn[T], E <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Elem[~]), Repr <: Modifiable[T, E[T]]] extends Modifiable[T, E[T]] with SingleEventNode[T, Update[T, E[T], Repr]]
trait SingleEventNode[T, Update[T, E[T], Repr]]
trait Modifiable[T, E[T]]
trait Node[T]
trait ListObj[T, E[T]]
trait Obj[T]
trait Mutable[T]
trait Identified[T]
trait Elem[T]
trait Publisher[T, Update[T, E[T], ListObj[T, E[T]]]]
trait Disposable[T]
trait Writable
trait Form[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object changed extends Changed with RootGeneratorEvent[T, Update[T, A, Repr]]

Inherited classlikes

trait Changed extends SingleEvent[T, A]
Inherited from:


type A = E[T]
final protected type C = Cell[T, A]
protected type ListAux[~ <: Txn[~]] = ListObj[~, E[~]]

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def headRef: Var[T, C]
protected def lastRef: Var[T, C]
protected def sizeRef: Var[T, Int]

Concrete methods

final def addHead(elem: A)(implicit tx: T): Unit
final def addLast(elem: A)(implicit tx: T): Unit
final def apply(idx: Int)(implicit tx: T): A
final def clear()(implicit tx: T): Unit
final protected def disposeData()(implicit tx: T): Unit
final protected def foreach(fun: A => Unit)(implicit tx: T): Unit
final def get(idx: Int)(implicit tx: T): Option[A]
final def head(implicit tx: T): A
final def headOption(implicit tx: T): Option[A]
final def indexOf(elem: A)(implicit tx: T): Int
def insert(index: Int, elem: A)(implicit tx: T): Unit
final def isEmpty(implicit tx: T): Boolean
final def iterator(implicit tx: T): Iterator[A]
final def last(implicit tx: T): A
final def lastOption(implicit tx: T): Option[A]
final def nonEmpty(implicit tx: T): Boolean
final def remove(elem: A)(implicit tx: T): Boolean
final def removeAt(index: Int)(implicit tx: T): A
final def removeHead()(implicit tx: T): A
final def removeLast()(implicit tx: T): A
final def size(implicit tx: T): Int
final protected def writeData(out: DataOutput): Unit

Inherited methods

final def attr(implicit tx: T): AttrMap[T]
Inherited from:
final def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from:
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
Identified -> Any
Inherited from:
override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
Identified -> Any
Inherited from:
final def id: Ident[T]
Inherited from:
def modifiableOption: Option[Modifiable[T, E[T]]]
Inherited from:
protected def targets: Targets[T]
Inherited from:
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
Node -> Any
Inherited from:
override def tpe: Type
Definition Classes
Obj -> Elem
Inherited from:
final def write(out: DataOutput): Unit
Inherited from: