
trait Transport[T <: Txn[T]] extends Disposable[T] with Observable[T, Update[T]]

New reduced definition of a t_(P) transport mechanism.

trait Observable[T, Update[T]]
trait Disposable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def addObject(obj: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit
def contextOption(implicit tx: T): Option[AuralContext[T]]
def getView(obj: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[AuralObj[T]]
def getViewById(id: Ident[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[AuralObj[T]]
def isPlaying(implicit tx: T): Boolean
def play()(implicit tx: T): Unit
def position(implicit tx: T): Long
def removeObject(obj: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit
def seek(position: Long)(implicit tx: T): Unit
def stop()(implicit tx: T): Unit
def views(implicit tx: T): Set[AuralObj[T]]

Inherited methods

def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from
def react(fun: T => Update[T] => Unit)(implicit tx: T): Disposable[T]

Registers a live observer with this observable. The method is called with the observing function which receives the observable's update message of type A, and the method generates an opaque Disposable instance, which may be used to remove the observer eventually (through the dispose method).

Registers a live observer with this observable. The method is called with the observing function which receives the observable's update message of type A, and the method generates an opaque Disposable instance, which may be used to remove the observer eventually (through the dispose method).

Inherited from


