
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case
class AttributeKey(name: String) extends Key

A scalar value found in the attribute map.

A scalar value found in the attribute map.

trait Complete[T <: Txn[T]] extends State[T]
trait Context[T <: Txn[T]]
trait IO[T <: Txn[T]]
trait Incomplete[T <: Txn[T]] extends State[T]
object Input
trait Input[V <: Value]
trait Key

A pure marker trait to rule out some type errors.

A pure marker trait to rule out some type errors.

final case
class MissingIn(input: Key) extends ControlThrowable

An exception thrown when during incremental build an input is required for which the underlying source cannot yet be determined.

An exception thrown when during incremental build an input is required for which the underlying source cannot yet be determined.

This can be a case class because it is used only within the same transaction, and thereby the timed argument does not become stale.

trait Requester[T <: Txn[T]] extends IO[T]
class ScanIn(numChannels: Int, fixed: Boolean)
trait State[T <: Txn[T]] extends IO[T]
object Unit extends Value
trait Value

A pure marker trait to rule out some type errors.

A pure marker trait to rule out some type errors.


type Unit = Unit

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](context: Context[T], proc: Proc[T])(implicit tx: T): State[T]

'''Note''': The resulting object is mutable, therefore must not be shared across threads and also must be created and consumed within the same transaction. That is to say, to be transactionally safe, it may only be stored in a TxnLocal, but not a full STM ref.

'''Note''': The resulting object is mutable, therefore must not be shared across threads and also must be created and consumed within the same transaction. That is to say, to be transactionally safe, it may only be stored in a TxnLocal, but not a full STM ref.

def init[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](proc: Proc[T])(implicit tx: T): Incomplete[T]