
trait DataSourceReader[Source <: AutoCloseable, Decoder[_], Config[_]] extends Serializable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait DataSourceJavaIOReader[Decoder, Config]
trait DataSourceJavaInputStreamReader[Decoder, Config]

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def readImpl[A : Decoder](source: Source)(implicit evidence$1: Decoder[A], config: Config[A]): Iterable[A]

Implement reading logic here. NOTE - no need to close the reader, it's handled in public methods

Implement reading logic here. NOTE - no need to close the reader, it's handled in public methods

Concrete methods

def read[A : Decoder](source: => Source)(implicit evidence$2: Decoder[A], config: Config[A]): Iterable[A]