
@implicitNotFound("\nDon\'t know how to visualize ${A} into table.\nPlease ensure available implicits for all fields or provide your own instance of ShowAsTable")
trait ShowAsTable[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Field[A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def headers: List[String]
Implicitly added by showIterable
def headers: List[String]
Implicitly added by showMap
def headers: List[String]
Implicitly added by showOption
def headers: List[String]
def write(value: A, into: ShowTable)(implicit ctx: ShowAsTableContext): Unit
Implicitly added by showIterable
def write(value: A, into: ShowTable)(implicit ctx: ShowAsTableContext): Unit
Implicitly added by showMap
def write(value: A, into: ShowTable)(implicit ctx: ShowAsTableContext): Unit
Implicitly added by showOption
def write(value: A, into: ShowTable)(implicit ctx: ShowAsTableContext): Unit