
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait JsonDecoder[A]
trait JsonCodec[A]

Value members

Concrete methods

final def decodeJsonStream[R <: Blocking](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, Char]): ZIO[R, Throwable, A]

Attempts to decode a stream of characters into a single value of type A, but may fail with a human-readable exception if the stream does not encode a value of this type.

Attempts to decode a stream of characters into a single value of type A, but may fail with a human-readable exception if the stream does not encode a value of this type.

Note: This method may not consume the full string.

See also
final def decodeJsonStreamInput[R <: Blocking](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, Byte], charset: Charset): ZIO[R, Throwable, A]

Attempts to decode a stream of bytes using the user supplied Charset into a single value of type A, but may fail with a human-readable exception if the stream does not encode a value of this type.

Attempts to decode a stream of bytes using the user supplied Charset into a single value of type A, but may fail with a human-readable exception if the stream does not encode a value of this type.

Note: This method may not consume the full string.

See also

decodeJsonStream For a Char stream variant

final def decodeJsonTransducer(delimiter: JsonStreamDelimiter): ZTransducer[Blocking, Throwable, Char, A]