
sealed abstract class Json

This AST of JSON is made available so that arbitrary JSON may be included as part of a business object, it is not used as an intermediate representation, unlike most other JSON libraries. It is not advised to .map or .emap from these decoders, since a higher performance decoder is often available.

Beware of the potential for DOS attacks, since an attacker can provide much more data than is perhaps needed.

Also beware of converting Num (a BigDecimal) into any other kind of number, since many of the stdlib functions are non-total or are known DOS vectors (e.g. calling .toBigInteger on a "1e214748364" will consume an excessive amount of heap memory). JsonValue / Json / JValue

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Obj
class Arr
class Bool
class Str
class Num
object Null

Value members

Concrete methods

final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
final def foldDown[A](initial: A)(f: (A, Json) => A): A
final def foldDownSome[A](initial: A)(pf: PartialFunction[(A, Json), A]): A
final def foldUp[A](initial: A)(f: (A, Json) => A): A
final def foldUpSome[A](initial: A)(pf: PartialFunction[(A, Json), A]): A
final def get[A <: Json](cursor: JsonCursor[_, A]): Either[String, A]
final override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
final def merge(that: Json): Json
  • merging objects results in a new objects with all pairs of both sides, with the right hand side being used on key conflicts

  • merging arrays results in all of the individual elements being merged

  • scalar values will be replaced by the right hand side

override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
final def transformDown(f: Json => Json): Json
final def transformDownSome(pf: PartialFunction[Json, Json]): Json
final def transformUp(f: Json => Json): Json
final def transformUpSome(pf: PartialFunction[Json, Json]): Json
final def widen: Json