
abstract class AssertionM[-A]

An AssertionM[A] is capable of producing assertion results on an A. As a proposition, assertions compose using logical conjunction and disjunction, and can be negated.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Assertion[A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def runM: (=> A) => AssertResultM

Concrete methods

def &&[A1 <: A](that: => AssertionM[A1]): AssertionM[A1]

Returns a new assertion that succeeds only if both assertions succeed.

Returns a new assertion that succeeds only if both assertions succeed.

def ??(string: String): AssertionM[A]

A symbolic alias for label.

A symbolic alias for label.

def canEqual(that: AssertionM[_]): Boolean
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
def label(string: String): AssertionM[A]

Labels this assertion with the specified string.

Labels this assertion with the specified string.

Returns the negation of this assertion.

Returns the negation of this assertion.

override def toString: String

Provides a meaningful string rendering of the assertion.

Provides a meaningful string rendering of the assertion.

Definition Classes
def ||[A1 <: A](that: => AssertionM[A1]): AssertionM[A1]

Returns a new assertion that succeeds if either assertion succeeds.

Returns a new assertion that succeeds if either assertion succeeds.