
object Spec
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class ExecCase[+Spec](exec: ExecutionStrategy, spec: Spec) extends SpecCase[Any, Nothing, Nothing, Spec]
final case class LabeledCase[+Spec](label: String, spec: Spec) extends SpecCase[Any, Nothing, Nothing, Spec]
final case class ManagedCase[-R, +E, +Spec](managed: ZManaged[R, E, Spec]) extends SpecCase[R, E, Nothing, Spec]
final case class MultipleCase[+Spec](specs: Chunk[Spec]) extends SpecCase[Any, Nothing, Nothing, Spec]
final class ProvideSomeLayer[R0 <: Has[_], -R, +E, +T](self: Spec[R, E, T]) extends AnyVal
final class ProvideSomeLayerShared[R0 <: Has[_], -R, +E, +T](self: Spec[R, E, T]) extends AnyVal
sealed abstract class SpecCase[-R, +E, +T, +A]
final case class TestCase[-R, +E, +T](test: ZIO[R, E, T], annotations: TestAnnotationMap) extends SpecCase[R, E, T, Nothing]
final class UpdateService[-R, +E, +T, M](self: Spec[R, E, T]) extends AnyVal

Inherited types

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

final def exec[R, E, T](exec: ExecutionStrategy, spec: Spec[R, E, T]): Spec[R, E, T]
final def labeled[R, E, T](label: String, spec: Spec[R, E, T]): Spec[R, E, T]
final def managed[R, E, T](managed: ZManaged[R, E, Spec[R, E, T]]): Spec[R, E, T]
final def multiple[R, E, T](specs: Chunk[Spec[R, E, T]]): Spec[R, E, T]
final def test[R, E, T](test: ZIO[R, E, T], annotations: TestAnnotationMap): Spec[R, E, T]

Concrete fields

val empty: Spec[Any, Nothing, Nothing]