
sealed trait ChunkIterator[+A]

A ChunkIterator is a specialized iterator that supports efficient iteration over chunks. Unlike a normal iterator, the caller is responsible for providing an index with each call to hasNextAt and nextAt. By contract this should be 0 initially and incremented by 1 each time nextAt is called. This allows the caller to maintain the current index in local memory rather than the iterator having to do it on the heap for array backed chunks.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean

Checks if the chunk iterator has another element.

Checks if the chunk iterator has another element.

def length: Int

The length of the iterator.

The length of the iterator.

def nextAt(index: Int): A

Gets the next element from the chunk iterator.

Gets the next element from the chunk iterator.

def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A]

Returns a new iterator that is a slice of this iterator.

Returns a new iterator that is a slice of this iterator.

Concrete methods

final def ++[A1 >: A](that: ChunkIterator[A1]): ChunkIterator[A1]

Concatenates this chunk iterator with the specified chunk iterator.

Concatenates this chunk iterator with the specified chunk iterator.