
final case class LogLevel(ordinal: Int, label: String, syslog: Int) extends ZIOAspect[Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any]

LogLevel represents the log level associated with an individual logging operation. Log levels are used both to describe the granularity (or importance) of individual log statements, as well as to enable tuning verbosity of log output.

Value parameters:

A label associated with the log level.


The priority of the log message. Larger values indicate higher priority.


The syslog severity level of the log level. LogLevel values are ZIO aspects, and therefore can be used with aspect syntax.

myEffect @@ LogLevel.Info
trait Product
trait Equals
trait ZIOAspect[Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def <(that: LogLevel): Boolean
def <=(that: LogLevel): Boolean
def >(that: LogLevel): Boolean
def >=(that: LogLevel): Boolean
def apply[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Inherited methods

def >>>[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1](that: ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]): ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]
Inherited from:
def @@[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1](that: ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]): ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]

Returns a new aspect that represents the sequential composition of this aspect with the specified one.

Returns a new aspect that represents the sequential composition of this aspect with the specified one.

Inherited from:
def andThen[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1](that: ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]): ZIOAspect[LowerR1, UpperR1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerA1, UpperA1]
Inherited from:
def flip: ZIOAspect[LowerR, UpperR, LowerA, UpperA, LowerE, UpperE]

Returns a new aspect that flips the behavior it applies to error and success channels. If the old aspect affected success values in some way, then the new aspect will affect error values in the same way.

Returns a new aspect that flips the behavior it applies to error and success channels. If the old aspect affected success values in some way, then the new aspect will affect error values in the same way.

Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: