
  • package root

    This is the documentation for Chisel.

    This is the documentation for Chisel.

    Package structure

    The chisel3 package presents the public API of Chisel. It contains the concrete core types UInt, SInt, Bool, FixedPoint, Clock, and Reg, the abstract types Bits, Aggregate, and Data, and the aggregate types Bundle and Vec.

    The Chisel package is a compatibility layer that attempts to provide chisel2 compatibility in chisel3.

    Utility objects and methods are found in the util package.

    The testers package defines the basic interface for chisel testers.

    Definition Classes
  • package chisel3

    This package contains the main chisel3 API.

    This package contains the main chisel3 API.

    Definition Classes
  • package aop
    Definition Classes
  • package connectable
    Definition Classes
  • package docs
    Definition Classes
  • package experimental

    Package for experimental features, which may have their API changed, be removed, etc.

    Package for experimental features, which may have their API changed, be removed, etc.

    Because its contents won't necessarily have the same level of stability and support as non-experimental, you must explicitly import this package to use its contents.

    Definition Classes
  • package reflect
    Definition Classes
  • package stage
    Definition Classes
  • package std
    Definition Classes
  • BarrelShifter
  • package testers

    The testers package provides the basic interface for chisel testers.

    The testers package provides the basic interface for chisel testers.

    Definition Classes
  • package util

    The util package provides extensions to core chisel for common hardware components and utility functions

    The util package provides extensions to core chisel for common hardware components and utility functions

    Definition Classes

package std

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. object BarrelShifter

    A Barrel Shifter implementation for Vec type.

    A Barrel Shifter implementation for Vec type.

    1. val input = 0xAABBCCDD.U(32.W)
      val bytes = VecInit(input.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
      val shamt = 1.U(2.W)
      val output = BarrelShifter.leftRotate(bytes, shamt).asUInt // big endian
      // output = 0xDDAABBCC.U(32.W)
      // The depth of Mux is 2, whereas originally
      // the depth of Mux is log(32) = 5
      val output = BarrelShifter.leftRotate(bytes, shamt, 2).asUInt // depth is 1 now
