
package vcd

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Change(wire: Wire, value: BigInt) extends Product with Serializable

    A Record of a change to a wire.

    A Record of a change to a wire.


    wire that was changed


    the value this wire now has


    hashCode and equals are overridden so that sets of Change can only hold one value for a specific wire

  2. case class Scope(name: String, parent: Option[Scope] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class VCD(date: String, version: String, comment: String, timeScale: String, scope: String, ignoreUnderscoredNames: Boolean) extends LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

    Accumulates changes to wires in a running circuit.

    Accumulates changes to wires in a running circuit. If a wire is changed that it doesn't know about it will add it to the list. Only actual changed values will be seen in final output. This version only supports a single top level scope because right now that is what the firrtl-engine supports. It probably is not too too hard to add, all wires are initialized to 'x' in this version.


    date file was created


    this software version, but I suppose this could be a DUT version


    could be a comment


    seems to be more text (I like to work in picoseconds)


    Not really used here except as the name of the top level module

  4. trait VcdCli extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait VcdOption extends Unserializable
  6. class VcdOptions extends AnyRef
  7. case class VcdRenameStartScopeAnnotation(name: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with Product with Serializable

    Changes the name of the start scope during VCD parsing, can be used to change the name of the top

  8. case class VcdSourceNameAnnotation(name: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with Product with Serializable

    Gives the name of a VCD source file

  9. class VcdStage extends Stage
  10. case class VcdStartScopeAnnotation(name: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with Product with Serializable

    Gives the name of the scope to start at when parsing a VCD input file Default is top level scope

  11. case class VcdTargetNameAnnotation(name: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with Product with Serializable

    Gives the name of a VCD target file, when using the VCD#main to read and write files.

  12. case class VcdVarPrefixScopeAnnotation(name: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a variable prefix to match for renaming or scoping reasons

  13. case class Wire(name: String, id: String, width: Int, path: Array[String] = Array.empty) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object VCD extends StageMain with LazyLogging with Serializable

    This effective stage main exercises vcd reading and optionally writing and depending up filtering options can pull out only those change values that are specific to a particular module

  2. object VCDDiff extends StageMain
  3. object VcdDumpHumanReadableAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation with VcdOption with HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable

    Turns on pretty printing of VCD

  4. object VcdRenameStartScopeAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable
  5. object VcdSourceNameAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable
  6. object VcdStartScopeAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable
  7. object VcdTargetNameAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable
  8. object VcdVarPrefixScopeAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Product with Serializable
