
This is the element transformation API, as function API instead of OO API. That is, this is the function API corresponding to trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.TransformableElemApi.

This is the element transformation API, as function API instead of OO API. That is, this is the function API corresponding to trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.TransformableElemApi.

See trait TransformableElemApi for more info about element transformations in yaidom, and their properties.

This functional API is more widely applicable than trait TransformableElemApi. First, it can be implemented for arbitrary element types, even non-yaidom ones. Second, implementations can easily carry state that is shared by update functions, such as a Saxon Processor in the case of a Saxon implementation of this API.

When using this API for elements that carry context such as "ancestry state", be careful when writing transformation functions that are passed to the functions of this API. For example, if the element type is BackingElemApi or a sub-type, such sensitive state includes the base URI, document URI, the Path relative to the root element, and most important of all, the root element itself. It is up to the user of the API to keep such state consistent during transformations, and to be careful when depending on state that is volatile during transformations.

Also note for BackingElemApi elements, if a transformation function alters "ancestry state" such as (base and document) URIs, paths etc., these altered values may be ignored, depending on the API calls made.

==ElemTransformationApi more formally==

'''In order to get started using the API, this more formal section can safely be skipped. On the other hand, this section may provide a deeper understanding of the API.'''

Some provable properties hold about this ElemTransformationApi API in terms of the more low level ElemUpdateApi API.

Let's first try to define the methods of ElemTransformationApi in terms of the ElemUpdateApi API. Below their equivalence will be proven. We define the following, assuming type ElemType to be a yaidom "indexed element" type:

def addPathParameter[A](f: ElemType => A): ((ElemType, Path) => A) = {
 { (elm, path) => f(elm) } // Unused path

def addPathEntryParameter[A](f: ElemType => A): ((ElemType, Path.Entry) => A) = {
 { (elm, pathEntry) => f(elm) } // Unused path entry

def findAllChildPathEntries(elem: ElemType): Set[Path.Entry] = {

def findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(elem: ElemType): Set[Path] = {

def findAllRelativeElemPaths(elem: ElemType): Set[Path] = {

// The transformation functions, defined in terms of the ElemUpdateApi

def transformChildElems2(elem: ElemType, f: ElemType => ElemType): ElemType = {
 updateChildElems(elem, findAllChildPathEntries(elem))(addPathEntryParameter(f))

def transformElemsOrSelf2(elem: ElemType, f: ElemType => ElemType): ElemType = {
 updateElemsOrSelf(elem, findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(elem))(addPathParameter(f))

def transformElems2(elem: ElemType, f: ElemType => ElemType): ElemType = {
 updateElems(elem, findAllRelativeElemPaths(elem))(addPathParameter(f))

===1. Property about transformChildElems in terms of transformChildElems2===

The following property must hold, for all elements and (pure) element transformation functions:

transformChildElems(elem, f) == transformChildElems2(elem, f)

No proof is provided, but this property must obviously hold, since transformChildElems replaces child element nodes by applying the given function, and leaves the other child nodes alone, and method transformChildElems2 does the same. The latter function does it via child path entries (translated to child node indexes), iterating over child nodes in reverse order (in order not to invalidate the next processed path entry), but the net effect is the same.

===2. Property about transformElemsOrSelf in terms of transformElemsOrSelf2===

The following property holds, for all elements and (pure) element transformation functions:

transformElemsOrSelf(elem, f) == transformElemsOrSelf2(elem, f)

Below follows a proof of this property by structural induction.

Base case

If elem has no child elements, then the LHS can be rewritten as follows:

transformElemsOrSelf(elem, f)
f(transformChildElems(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf(e, f))) // definition of transformElemsOrSelf
f(elem) // there are no child element nodes, so transformChildElems is an identity function in this case
updateElemsOrSelf(elem, Set(Path.Empty))(addPathParameter(f)) // only updates elem
transformElemsOrSelf2(elem, f) // definition of transformElemsOrSelf2, and absence of descendant paths

which is the RHS.

Inductive step

If elem does have child elements, the LHS can be rewritten as:

transformElemsOrSelf(elem, f)
f(transformChildElems(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf(e, f))) // definition of transformElemsOrSelf
f(transformChildElems(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf2(e, f))) // induction hypothesis
f(transformChildElems2(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf2(e, f))) // property above
f(transformChildElems2(elem, e => updateElemsOrSelf(e, findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(e))(addPathParameter(f))))
 // definition of transformElemsOrSelf2

f(updateChildElems(elem, findAllChildPathEntries(elem))(addPathEntryParameter(
 e => updateElemsOrSelf(e, findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(e))(addPathParameter(f))))
) // definition of transformChildElems2

f(updateElems(elem, findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(elem))(addPathParameter(f)))
 // property about updateElems, and knowing that the added path and path entry parameters do nothing here

updateElemsOrSelf(elem, findAllRelativeElemOrSelfPaths(elem))(addPathParameter(f))
 // (indirect) definition of updateElemsOrSelf
transformElemsOrSelf2(elem, f) // definition of transformElemsOrSelf2

which is the RHS.

This completes the proof. For the other ElemTransformationApi methods, analogous provable properties hold.


Chris de Vreeze

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type NodeType

Value members

Abstract methods

Returns the same element, except that child elements have been replaced by applying the given function. Non-element child nodes occur in the result element unaltered.

Returns the same element, except that child elements have been replaced by applying the given function. Non-element child nodes occur in the result element unaltered.

Returns the same element, except that child elements have been replaced by applying the given function. Non-element child nodes occur in the result element unaltered.

Returns the same element, except that child elements have been replaced by applying the given function. Non-element child nodes occur in the result element unaltered.

Transforms the element by applying the given function to all its descendant elements, in a bottom-up manner.

Transforms the element by applying the given function to all its descendant elements, in a bottom-up manner.

That is, returns the equivalent of:

transformChildElems(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf(e, f))

Transforms the element by applying the given function to all its descendant-or-self elements, in a bottom-up manner.

Transforms the element by applying the given function to all its descendant-or-self elements, in a bottom-up manner.

That is, returns the equivalent of:

f(transformChildElems(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelf(e, f)))

In other words, returns the equivalent of:

f(transformElems(elem, f))
def transformElemsOrSelfToNodeSeq(elem: ElemType, f: ElemType => IndexedSeq[NodeType]): IndexedSeq[NodeType]

Transforms each descendant element to a node sequence by applying the given function to all its descendant-or-self elements, in a bottom-up manner.

Transforms each descendant element to a node sequence by applying the given function to all its descendant-or-self elements, in a bottom-up manner.

That is, returns the equivalent of:

f(transformChildElemsToNodeSeq(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelfToNodeSeq(e, f)))

In other words, returns the equivalent of:

f(transformElemsToNodeSeq(elem, f))

Transforms each descendant element to a node sequence by applying the given function to all its descendant elements, in a bottom-up manner. The function is not applied to this element itself.

Transforms each descendant element to a node sequence by applying the given function to all its descendant elements, in a bottom-up manner. The function is not applied to this element itself.

That is, returns the equivalent of:

transformChildElemsToNodeSeq(elem, e => transformElemsOrSelfToNodeSeq(e, f))

It is equivalent to the following expression:

transformElemsOrSelf(elem, { e => transformChildElemsToNodeSeq(e, f) })