
API and implementation trait for elements that can be navigated using paths.

API and implementation trait for elements that can be navigated using paths.

More precisely, this trait has only the following abstract methods: findChildElemByPathEntry and findAllChildElemsWithPathEntries.

The purely abstract API offered by this trait is eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.IsNavigableApi. See the documentation of that trait for more information.

All methods are overridable. Hence element implementations mixing in this partial implementation trait can change the implementation without breaking its API, caused by otherwise needed removal of this mixin. Arguably this trait should not exist as part of the public API, because implementation details should not be part of the public API. Such implementation details may be subtle, such as the (runtime) boundary on the ThisElem type member.


Chris de Vreeze

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Elem
class JsDomElem
class Elem
class Elem
class Elem

Type members


Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

def findElemOrSelfByPath(path: Path): Option[ThisElem]
def findReverseAncestryOrSelfByPath(path: Path): Option[IndexedSeq[ThisElem]]

Inherited methods

This element itself.

This element itself.

Inherited from