
implicit class ScalaDataTable(table: DataTable)

DataTable extension class providing methods to read a DataTable as Scala types.

Note: we do not filter out null values because users might rely on the keyset in their implementation.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def asScalaList[T](implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Seq[Option[T]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

See also asScalaRawList[T] if you don't need Options (for instance if you are using a DataTableType).

Type parameters:

cell type


list of values

def asScalaList: Seq[Option[String]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.


list of values

def asScalaLists[T](implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Seq[Seq[Option[T]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

See also asScalaRawLists[T] if you don't need Options (for instance if you are using a DataTableType).

Type parameters:

cell type



def asScalaLists: Seq[Seq[Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.



def asScalaMap[K, V](implicit evK: ClassTag[K], evV: ClassTag[V]): Map[K, Option[V]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map where key are the first column values. Equivalent of .asMap[K,V](classOf[K],classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map where key are the first column values. Equivalent of .asMap[K,V](classOf[K],classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Type parameters:

key type


value type


key-value map

def asScalaMaps[K, V](implicit evK: ClassTag[K], evV: ClassTag[V]): Seq[Map[K, Option[V]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps[K,V](classOf[K], classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps[K,V](classOf[K], classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

See also asScalaRawMaps[T] if you don't need Options (for instance if you are using a DataTableType).

Type parameters:

key type


value type


sequence of rows

def asScalaMaps: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps() but returned as Scala collection types without null values.


sequence of rows

def asScalaRawList[T](implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Seq[T]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a simple list of values. Equivalent of .asList[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types.

See also asScalaList[T].

Type parameters:

cell/row type


list of values

def asScalaRawLists[T](implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Seq[Seq[T]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a matrix. Equivalent of .asLists[T](classOf[T]) but returned as Scala collection types.

See also asScalaLists[T]

Type parameters:

cell type



def asScalaRawMaps[K, V](implicit evK: ClassTag[K], evV: ClassTag[V]): Seq[Map[K, V]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps[K,V](classOf[K], classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a sequence of rows, each row being a key-value map where key is the column name. Equivalent of .asMaps[K,V](classOf[K], classOf[V]) but returned as Scala collection types.

See also asScalaMaps[T].

Type parameters:

key type


value type


sequence of rows

def asScalaRowColumnMap[K](implicit evK: ClassTag[K]): Map[K, Map[String, Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a full table: a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being itself a key-value map where key is the column name.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a full table: a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being itself a key-value map where key is the column name.

Type parameters:

key type


map of rows

def asScalaRowColumnMap: Map[String, Map[String, Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a full table: a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being itself a key-value map where key is the column name.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a full table: a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being itself a key-value map where key is the column name.


map of rows

def asScalaRowMap[K](implicit evK: ClassTag[K]): Map[K, Seq[Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being a list of values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being a list of values.

Type parameters:

key type


map of rows

def asScalaRowMap: Map[String, Seq[Option[String]]]

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being a list of values.

Provides a view of the DataTable as a key-value map of row where keys are the first column values and each row being a list of values.


map of rows