
trait ScalaDsl

Base trait for a scala step definition implementation.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

final class DataTableTypeBody(replaceWithEmptyString: Seq[String])
final class HookBody(hookType: ScopedHookType, tagExpression: String, order: Int, frame: StackTraceElement)
Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
final class ParameterTypeBody(name: String, regex: String)
final class StaticHookBody(hookType: StaticHookType, order: Int, frame: StackTraceElement)
Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
final class Step(name: String)
Inherited from:
StepDsl (hidden)
final class StepBody(name: String, regex: String)
Inherited from:
StepDsl (hidden)

Value members

Inherited methods

def After(tagExpression: String, order: Int): HookBody

Defines and after hook.

Defines and after hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first


a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def After(order: Int): HookBody

Defines and after hook.

Defines and after hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def After(tagExpression: String): HookBody

Defines and after hook.

Defines and after hook.

Value parameters:

a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines and after hook.

Defines and after hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def AfterAll(order: Int): StaticHookBody

Defines a after all hook.

Defines a after all hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines a after all hook.

Defines a after all hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def AfterStep(tagExpression: String, order: Int): HookBody

Defines and after step hook.

Defines and after step hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first


a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def AfterStep(order: Int): HookBody

Defines and after step hook.

Defines and after step hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def AfterStep(tagExpression: String): HookBody

Defines and after step hook.

Defines and after step hook.

Value parameters:

a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines and after step hook.

Defines and after step hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def Before(tagExpression: String, order: Int): HookBody

Defines an before hook.

Defines an before hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first


a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def Before(order: Int): HookBody

Defines an before hook.

Defines an before hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def Before(tagExpression: String): HookBody

Defines an before hook.

Defines an before hook.

Value parameters:

a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines an before hook.

Defines an before hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def BeforeAll(order: Int): StaticHookBody

Defines a before all hook.

Defines a before all hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines a before all hook.

Defines a before all hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def BeforeStep(tagExpression: String, order: Int): HookBody

Defines an before step hook.

Defines an before step hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first


a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def BeforeStep(order: Int): HookBody

Defines an before step hook.

Defines an before step hook.

Value parameters:

the order in which this hook should run. Higher numbers are run first

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def BeforeStep(tagExpression: String): HookBody

Defines an before step hook.

Defines an before step hook.

Value parameters:

a tag expression, if the expression applies to the current scenario this hook will be executed

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)

Defines an before step hook.

Defines an before step hook.

Inherited from:
HookDsl (hidden)
def DataTableType(replaceWithEmptyString: String): DataTableTypeBody

Register a data table type with a replacement.

Register a data table type with a replacement.

A data table can only represent absent and non-empty strings. By replacing a known value (for example [empty]) a data table can also represent empty strings.

Value parameters:

a string that will be replaced with an empty string.

Inherited from:
DataTableTypeDsl (hidden)

Register a data table type.

Register a data table type.

Inherited from:
DataTableTypeDsl (hidden)
def DefaultDataTableCellTransformer(replaceWithEmptyString: String)(body: DefaultDataTableCellTransformerBody): Unit

Register default data table cell transformer with a replacement.

Register default data table cell transformer with a replacement.

A data table can only represent absent and non-empty strings. By replacing a known value (for example [empty]) a data table can also represent empty strings. *

Value parameters:

converts String argument to an instance of the Type argument


a string that will be replaced with an empty string.

Inherited from:
DefaultTransformerDsl (hidden)

Register default data table cell transformer.

Register default data table cell transformer.

Value parameters:

converts String argument to an instance of the Type argument

Inherited from:
DefaultTransformerDsl (hidden)
def DefaultDataTableEntryTransformer(replaceWithEmptyString: String)(body: DefaultDataTableEntryTransformerBody): Unit

Register default data table cell transformer with a replacement.

Register default data table cell transformer with a replacement.

A data table can only represent absent and non-empty strings. By replacing a known value (for example [empty]) a data table can also represent empty strings.

Value parameters:

converts Map[String,String] argument to an instance of the Type argument


a string that will be replaced with an empty string.

Inherited from:
DefaultTransformerDsl (hidden)

Register default data table entry transformer.

Register default data table entry transformer.

Value parameters:

converts Map[String,String] argument to an instance of the Type argument

Inherited from:
DefaultTransformerDsl (hidden)

Register default parameter type transformer.

Register default parameter type transformer.

Value parameters:

converts String argument to an instance of the Type argument

Inherited from:
DefaultTransformerDsl (hidden)
def DocStringType[T](contentType: String)(body: () => T)(implicit ev: Stepable[T]): Unit

Register doc string type.

Register doc string type.

Type parameters:

type to convert to

Value parameters:

a function that creates an instance of T from the doc string


Name of the content type.

Inherited from:
DocStringTypeDsl (hidden)
def ParameterType(name: String, regex: String): ParameterTypeBody

Register parameter type.

Register parameter type.

Value parameters:

used as the type name in typed expressions


expression to match

See also:
Inherited from:
ParameterTypeDsl (hidden)

Inherited fields

Inherited from:
BaseScalaDsl (hidden)
Inherited from:
BaseScalaDsl (hidden)
Inherited from:
BaseScalaDsl (hidden)
val NO_REPLACEMENT: Seq[String]
Inherited from:
BaseScalaDsl (hidden)