
case class Mapped[Elem, A, B](inner: ContextMatcher[Elem, A], op: String)(f: A => Option[B]) extends ContextMatcher[Elem, B]

Matcher implementation for the map, flatMap, and filter operations.

Type parameters:

The type of the matched context.


The transformed context type

Value parameters:

The transform operation


The transformed mapper


The name of the operation, used by toString

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait ContextMatcher[Elem, B]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def applyChained[T](stack: IndexedSeq[Elem], offset: Int, avail: Int, next: ContextMatcher[Elem, T]): Option[(B, T)]
override def filter(p: B => Boolean): ContextMatcher[Elem, B]
Definition Classes
override def flatMap[B2](g: B => Option[B2]): ContextMatcher[Elem, B2]
Definition Classes
override def map[B2](g: B => B2): ContextMatcher[Elem, B2]
Definition Classes
override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def \[A1 >: B, B, R](next: ContextMatcher[Elem, B])(implicit reduce: Aux[A1, B, R]): ContextMatcher[Elem, R]

Create a new matcher by forming a chain with this matcher at the front, and the next matcher at the back. In other words, a matcher for a context within another context.

Create a new matcher by forming a chain with this matcher at the front, and the next matcher at the back. In other words, a matcher for a context within another context.

Type parameters:

To satisfy covariance on A


The next matcher's context type


The "reduced" content type, derived from the tuple type (A, B) based on the reduce rule.

Value parameters:

A matcher which will be used to match the "inner" context


The TypeReduce rule to help omit Unit from the resulting context type


A matcher which delegates to this matcher first, then the next matcher for the remaining stack.

Inherited from:
def apply(stack: IndexedSeq[Elem], offset: Int, avail: Int): Option[B]

The main context match method.

The main context match method.

Inspects the elements in the XML "tag stack", which is essentially a List[StartElement], but for performance reasons is represented as an array with an "offset" index and a number of available elements from that offset. If the elements correspond to a context value of A, the implementation must then pass the remaining elements of the stack to the next matcher, i.e. by calling next(stack, offset + numConsumed, avail - numConsumed).

The difference between this method and applyChained is the lack of the next parameter; in this method, the current matcher is assumed to be the end of the chain.

Value parameters:

The number of elements available in the stack starting from the offset.


The index of the first element to be considered by the matching logic. From this method's point of view, the "first" element in the stack is actually at stack(offset)


A reference to the complete XML "tag stack". Note that the responsibility of this method is limited to a slice of this value, as defined by offset and avail.


An option containing the successfully-matched context, or None.

Inherited from:
def or[A2 >: B](that: ContextMatcher[Elem, A2]): ContextMatcher[Elem, A2]

Create a new ContextMatcher which will fall back to a second matcher in the event that this matcher fails to match a context.

Create a new ContextMatcher which will fall back to a second matcher in the event that this matcher fails to match a context.

Type parameters:

The resulting context type (common supertype between this matcher and that)

Value parameters:

The matcher which will be used as the fallback


A matcher that falls back to another matcher in case of failure

Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def |[A2 >: B](that: ContextMatcher[Elem, A2]): ContextMatcher[Elem, A2]

Operator version of or

Operator version of or

Inherited from: