
sealed trait Signal

Value used by Transformer.Handler to indicate to its upstream producer whether or not the handler wants to continue receiving values.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Continue.type
object Stop.type

Value members

Abstract methods

def isStop: Boolean

Concrete methods

def &&(that: Signal): Signal

Returns Signal.Stop if both this and that are the "stop" signal

Returns Signal.Stop if both this and that are the "stop" signal

def ||(that: => Signal): Signal

Returns Signal.Stop if at least one of this or that are the "stop" signal. Uses call-by-name semantics on that, to support short-circuiting evaluation in case this is known to be a Stop. E.g.

Returns Signal.Stop if at least one of this or that are the "stop" signal. Uses call-by-name semantics on that, to support short-circuiting evaluation in case this is known to be a Stop. E.g.

  out.push(1) || out.push(2)

Where if the out.push(1) call returns Stop, the out.push(2) expression will not be run.