
trait BatchStream[+I, S, C]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
BatchStream[I, S, C]

Value members

Abstract methods

def allocateBuffers(target: Device): Resource[IO, C]
def init: S
def nextBatch(device: Device, buffers: C, state: S): IO[(S, Resource[IO, StreamControl[I]])]

May be called from different threads, but always in serial State should be carried over in the state parameter and return type

May be called from different threads, but always in serial State should be carried over in the state parameter and return type

Concrete methods

def concat[I2 >: I, S2](other: BatchStream[I2, S2, C]): BatchStream[I2, (Boolean, Either[S, S2]), C]
def drainIntoSeq(device: Device): Resource[IO, Vector[I]]
def everyNth(n: Int, offset: Int): BatchStream[I, (Long, S), C]

Takes only batches where (i % n == offset), i being the number of batch counted from 0

Takes only batches where (i % n == offset), i being the number of batch counted from 0

def foldLeft[B](zero: B, device: Device, stateZero: S)(f: (B, I) => IO[B]): IO[B]
def map[I2](f: I => Resource[IO, StreamControl[I2]]): BatchStream[I2, S, C]
def repeatOrTake(requiredLength: Long): BatchStream[I, (Long, S), C]
def take(n: Long): BatchStream[I, (Long, S), C]

Returns a new stream with EmptyBatches filtered out

Returns a new stream with EmptyBatches filtered out