
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Graph(nodeFeatures: STen, edgeFeatures: STen, edgeI: STen, edgeJ: STen)

Value members

Concrete methods

def singleLargeGraph(graph: Graph, targetPerNode: STen): BatchStream[(Graph, STen), Boolean, Unit]

Forms full batches of one big graph. Target is on node level

Forms full batches of one big graph. Target is on node level

Returns a pair of node features, edge list

def smallGraphStream(minibatchSize: Int, graphNodesAndEdges: Array[Graph], targetPerGraph: STen, rng: Option[Random], transferBufferSize: Long): BatchStream[(Graph, STen), Int, (BufferPair, BufferPair)]

Forms minibatches from multiple small graphs. Assumes target is graph level.

Forms minibatches from multiple small graphs. Assumes target is graph level.

Returns a triple of node features, edge list, graph indices