
object CsvParser

Csv parsing utilities

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def parseFile[@specialized(Int, Double, Long, Float) T](file: File, cols: Seq[Int], fieldSeparator: Char, quoteChar: Char, recordSeparator: String, bufferSize: Int, maxLines: Long, charsetDecoder: CharsetDecoder)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): Either[String, Frame[Int, Int, T]]
def parseFileWithHeader[@specialized(Int, Double, Long, Float) T](file: File, cols: Seq[Int], fieldSeparator: Char, quoteChar: Char, recordSeparator: String, bufferSize: Int, maxLines: Long, charsetDecoder: CharsetDecoder)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): Either[String, Frame[Int, String, T]]
def parseFromIterator[@specialized(Int, Double, Long, Float) T](source: Iterator[CharBuffer], cols: Seq[Int], fieldSeparator: Char, quoteChar: Char, recordSeparator: String, maxLines: Long, header: Boolean)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): Either[String, (Frame[Int, Int, T], Option[Index[String]])]

Parse CSV files according to RFC 4180

Parse CSV files according to RFC 4180

Value parameters:

The column offsets to parse (if empty, parse everything)


The separator; default is comma


indicates whether the first line should be set aside


The maximum number of records that will be read from the file. Includes header.


Within matching quotes, treat separChar as normal char; default is double-quote


Record separator (line ending)


The csv data source to operate on

def parseSource[@specialized(Int, Double, Long, Float) T](source: Source, cols: Seq[Int], fieldSeparator: Char, quoteChar: Char, recordSeparator: String, bufferSize: Int, maxLines: Long)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): Either[String, Frame[Int, Int, T]]
def parseSourceWithHeader[@specialized(Int, Double, Long, Float) T](source: Source, cols: Seq[Int], fieldSeparator: Char, quoteChar: Char, recordSeparator: String, bufferSize: Int, maxLines: Long)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): Either[String, Frame[Int, String, T]]

Concrete fields

val asciiSilentCharsetDecoder: CharsetDecoder