
trait Locator[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Double) T]

The Locator class provides a mapping from a key to the first location of that key within a corresponding org.saddle.Index containing at least one of that key.

As it provides a representative for a subset of keys in the index, in the language of category theory, this mapping is a ''section'':

Given an array x of type T, which represents a mapping

       {i} => {T}

for i in [0, x.length), Locator provides the associated section

       {T} => {i}

where s(t) = min(i) for any i such that f(i) = t.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def contains(key: T): Boolean

Whether the instance contains the key

Whether the instance contains the key

Value parameters:

The key to query

def count(key: T): Int

Return the number of times the key was entered into the map

Return the number of times the key was entered into the map

Value parameters:

The key to query

def counts: Array[Int]

Returns counts associated with the keys in the same order as keys()

Returns counts associated with the keys in the same order as keys()

def get(key: T): Int

Should return the first offset corresponding to the provided key, or -1 if none was found.

Should return the first offset corresponding to the provided key, or -1 if none was found.

Value parameters:

The key to query

def inc(key: T): Int

Increment the count for a key

Increment the count for a key

Value parameters:

The key whose count should increment

def keys: Array[T]

Return the keys contained in the map in original insertion order

Return the keys contained in the map in original insertion order

def put(key: T, value: Int): Unit

Put a new key into the map along with an associated integer value.

Put a new key into the map along with an associated integer value.

Value parameters:

Key to put into map


Value to associate with key

def size: Int

Number of entries in the Locator map

Number of entries in the Locator map