
case class OpacityClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[AngleBin], condition: Option[AngleCondition], field: Option[Field], legend: Option[Legend], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[CornerRadius])

Rotation angle of point and text marks.

Fill opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's fillOpacity property.

Opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's opacity property.

Size of the mark.

  • For "point", "square" and "circle", – the symbol size, or pixel area of the mark.
  • For "bar" and "tick" – the bar and tick's size.
  • For "text" – the text's font size.
  • Size is unsupported for "line", "area", and "rect". (Use "trail" instead of line with varying size)

Stroke opacity of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default opacity depends on mark config's strokeOpacity property.

Stroke width of the marks.

Default value: If undefined, the default stroke width depends on mark config's strokeWidth property.

A FieldDef with Condition { condition: {value: ...}, field: ..., ... }

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

Inherited from: