
case class RadiusClass(aggregate: Option[Aggregate], bandPosition: Option[Double], bin: Option[DescriptionBin], field: Option[Field], scale: Option[Scale], sort: Option[SortUnion], stack: Option[Stack], timeUnit: Option[TimeUnitUnion], title: Option[LegendTitle], `type`: Option[Type], datum: Option[PrimitiveValue], value: Option[X])

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks.

  • For arc marks, the arc length in radians if theta2 is not specified, otherwise the start arc angle. (A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.)

  • For text marks, polar coordinate angle in radians.

Definition object for a constant value (primitive value or gradient definition) of an encoding channel.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

Inherited from: