Class AbstractStreamingReaderBuilder<T,​B extends AbstractStreamingReaderBuilder>

    • Field Detail

      • uid

        public java.lang.String uid
      • readerGroupScope

        public java.lang.String readerGroupScope
      • readerGroupName

        public java.lang.String readerGroupName
      • readerGroupRefreshTime

        public org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time readerGroupRefreshTime
      • checkpointInitiateTimeout

        public org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time checkpointInitiateTimeout
      • eventReadTimeout

        public org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time eventReadTimeout
      • maxOutstandingCheckpointRequest

        public int maxOutstandingCheckpointRequest
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStreamingReaderBuilder

        protected AbstractStreamingReaderBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • uid

        public B uid​(java.lang.String uid)
        Configures the source uid to identify the checkpoint state of this source.

        The default value is generated based on other inputs.

        uid - the uid to use.
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withReaderGroupScope

        public B withReaderGroupScope​(java.lang.String scope)
        Configures the reader group scope for synchronization purposes.

        The default value is taken from the PravegaConfig defaultScope property.

        scope - the scope name.
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withReaderGroupName

        public B withReaderGroupName​(java.lang.String readerGroupName)
        Configures the reader group name.
        readerGroupName - the reader group name.
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withReaderGroupRefreshTime

        public B withReaderGroupRefreshTime​(org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time groupRefreshTime)
        Sets the group refresh time, with a default of 1 second.
        groupRefreshTime - The group refresh time
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withCheckpointInitiateTimeout

        public B withCheckpointInitiateTimeout​(org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time checkpointInitiateTimeout)
        Sets the timeout for initiating a checkpoint in Pravega.
        checkpointInitiateTimeout - The timeout
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withEventReadTimeout

        public B withEventReadTimeout​(org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time eventReadTimeout)
        Sets the timeout for the call to read events from Pravega. After the timeout expires (without an event being returned), another call will be made.
        eventReadTimeout - The timeout
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • withMaxOutstandingCheckpointRequest

        public B withMaxOutstandingCheckpointRequest​(int maxOutstandingCheckpointRequest)
        Configures the maximum outstanding checkpoint requests to Pravega (default=3). Upon requesting more checkpoints than the specified maximum, (say a checkpoint request times out on the ReaderCheckpointHook but Pravega is still working on it), this configurations allows Pravega to limit any further checkpoint request being made to the ReaderGroup. This configuration is particularly relevant when multiple checkpoint requests need to be honored (e.g., frequent savepoint requests being triggered concurrently).
        maxOutstandingCheckpointRequest - maximum outstanding checkpoint request.
        A builder to configure and create a streaming reader.
      • getDeserializationSchema

        protected abstract org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.DeserializationSchema<T> getDeserializationSchema()
      • getAssignerWithTimeWindows

        protected abstract org.apache.flink.util.SerializedValue<AssignerWithTimeWindows<T>> getAssignerWithTimeWindows()
      • buildSourceFunction

        protected FlinkPravegaReader<T> buildSourceFunction()
        Builds a FlinkPravegaReader based on the configuration. Be sure to call initialize() before returning the reader to user code.
        an uninitiailized reader as a source function.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the configuration is invalid.
      • generateUid

        public java.lang.String generateUid()
        Generate a UID for the source, to distinguish the state associated with the checkpoint hook. A good generated UID will: 1. be stable across savepoints for the same inputs 2. disambiguate one source from another (e.g. in a program that uses numerous instances of FlinkPravegaReader) 3. allow for reconfiguration of the stream cuts and timeouts
        A generated reader group ID.