Class PravegaSourceBuilder<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PravegaSourceBuilder<T>
    extends AbstractStreamingReaderBuilder<T,​PravegaSourceBuilder<T>>
    The @builder class for PravegaSource to make it easier for the users to construct a PravegaSource.

    The following example shows the minimum setup to create a PravegaSource that reads the Integer values from a Pravega Stream.

     PravegaSource<Integer> pravegaSource = PravegaSource.<Integer>builder()
                         .withDeserializationSchema(new IntegerDeserializationSchema())

    The stream name, Pravega client configuration, the readerGroup name and the event deserialization schema are required fields that must be set.

    Check the Java docs of each individual methods to learn more about the settings to build a PravegaSource.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form