
trait MapRef[F[_], K, V] extends K => Ref[F, V]

This is a total map from K to Ref[F, V]. This allows us to use the Ref API backed by a ConcurrentHashMap or similar.

trait K => Ref[F, V]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(k: K): Ref[F, V]

Access the reference for this Key

Access the reference for this Key

Concrete methods

def getAndSetKeyValue(k: K, v: V): F[Option[V]]
Implicitly added by mapRefOptionSyntax
def modifyKeyValueIfSet[B](k: K, f: V => (V, B)): F[Option[B]]
Implicitly added by mapRefOptionSyntax
def setKeyValue(k: K, v: V): F[Unit]
Implicitly added by mapRefOptionSyntax
def unsetKey(k: K): F[Unit]
Implicitly added by mapRefOptionSyntax
def updateKeyValueIfSet(k: K, f: V => V): F[Unit]
Implicitly added by mapRefOptionSyntax

Inherited methods

def andThen[A](g: Ref[F, V] => A): K => A
Inherited from:
def compose[A](g: A => K): A => Ref[F, V]
Inherited from:
override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
Function1 -> Any
Inherited from: