
trait QueueSink[F[_], A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait DequeueSink[F, A]
trait Dequeue[F, A]
class Queue[F, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def offer(a: A): F[Unit]

Enqueues the given element at the back of the queue, possibly fiber blocking until sufficient capacity becomes available.

Enqueues the given element at the back of the queue, possibly fiber blocking until sufficient capacity becomes available.

Value parameters:

the element to be put at the back of the queue

def tryOffer(a: A): F[Boolean]

Attempts to enqueue the given element at the back of the queue without semantically blocking.

Attempts to enqueue the given element at the back of the queue without semantically blocking.

Value parameters:

the element to be put at the back of the queue


an effect that describes whether the enqueuing of the given element succeeded without blocking

Concrete methods

def tryOfferN(list: List[A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[List[A]]

Attempts to enqueue the given elements at the back of the queue without semantically blocking. If an item in the list cannot be enqueued, the remaining elements will be returned. This is a convenience method that recursively runs tryOffer and does not offer any additional performance benefits.

Attempts to enqueue the given elements at the back of the queue without semantically blocking. If an item in the list cannot be enqueued, the remaining elements will be returned. This is a convenience method that recursively runs tryOffer and does not offer any additional performance benefits.

Value parameters:

the elements to be put at the back of the queue


an effect that contains the remaining valus that could not be offered.