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Package docoverride.json

== JSON :toc: left Unlike some other languages, Java does not have first class support for[JSON] so we provide two classes to make handling JSON in your Vert.x applications a bit easier.

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Package docoverride.json Description

== JSON :toc: left Unlike some other languages, Java does not have first class support for[JSON] so we provide two classes to make handling JSON in your Vert.x applications a bit easier. === JSON objects The JsonObject class represents JSON objects. A JSON object is basically just a map which has string keys and values can be of one of the JSON supported types (string, number, boolean). JSON objects also support null values. ==== Creating JSON objects Empty JSON objects can be created with the default constructor. You can create a JSON object from a string JSON representation as follows: [source,java] ---- Examples.example0_1() ---- ==== Putting entries into a JSON object Use the JsonObject.put(java.lang.String, java.lang.Enum) methods to put values into the JSON object. The method invocations can be chained because of the fluent API: [source,java] ---- Examples.example1() ---- ==== Getting values from a JSON object You get values from a JSON object using the getXXX methods, for example: [source,java] ---- Examples.example2(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) ---- ==== Encoding the JSON object to a String You use JsonObject.encode() to encode the object to a String form. === JSON arrays The JsonArray class represents JSON arrays. A JSON array is a sequence of values (string, number, boolean). JSON arrays can also contain null values. ==== Creating JSON arrays Empty JSON arrays can be created with the default constructor. You can create a JSON array from a string JSON representation as follows: [source,java] ---- Examples.example0_2() ---- ==== Adding entries into a JSON array You add entries to a JSON array using the JsonArray.add(java.lang.Enum) methods. [source,java] ---- Examples.example3() ---- ==== Getting values from a JSON array You get values from a JSON array using the getXXX methods, for example: [source,java] ---- Examples.example4(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) ---- ==== Encoding the JSON array to a String You use JsonArray.encode() to encode the array to a String form.
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