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absoluteURI() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
absoluteURI() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
AbstractVerticle - Class in io.vertx.core
An abstract base class that you can extend to write your own Verticle classes.
AbstractVerticle() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
ACCEPT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept header name
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept-Charset header name
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept-Encoding header name
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept-Language header name
ACCEPT_PATCH - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept-Patch header name
ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Accept-Ranges header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Allow-Headers header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Allow-Methods header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Expose-Headers header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Max-Age header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Request-Headers header name
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Access-Control-Request-Method header name
acquire(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousLock
Action<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
actualPort() - Method in class
actualPort() - Method in interface
The actual port the server is listening on.
add(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
add(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
add(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
add(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
add(E) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
add(Enum) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add an enum to the JSON array.
add(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a CharSequence to the JSON array.
add(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a String to the JSON array.
add(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add an Integer to the JSON array.
add(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a Long to the JSON array.
add(Double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a Double to the JSON array.
add(Float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a Float to the JSON array.
add(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a Boolean to the JSON array.
add(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a JSON object to the JSON array.
add(JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add another JSON array to the JSON array.
add(byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a binary value to the JSON array.
add(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add an Object to the JSON array.
add(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Adds a new value with the specified name and value.
add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.add(String, String) but accepting CharSequence as parameters
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Adds a new values under the specified name
add(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.add(String, Iterable) but accepting CharSequence as parameters
add(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.AsyncMultiMap
Add a value to the list of values for that key in the map
addAdditionalResource(DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Adds an additional resource record to this message.
addAll(MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
addAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
addAll(MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
addAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
addAll(JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to the end of this JSON array.
addAll(MultiMap) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Adds all the entries from another MultiMap to this one
addAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Adds all the entries from a Map to this
addAndGet(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Add the value to the counter atomically and return the new count
addAndGet(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
addAnswer(DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Adds an answer resource record to this message.
addAuthorityResource(DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Adds an authority resource record to this message.
addCertPath(String) - Method in class
Add a certificate path
addCertValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Add a certificate value
addChild(Deployment) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
addCloseHook(Closeable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
addCrlPath(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
addCrlPath(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
addCrlPath(String) - Method in class
addCrlPath(String) - Method in class
addCrlPath(String) - Method in class
Add a CRL path
addCrlValue(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
addCrlValue(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
addCrlValue(Buffer) - Method in class
addCrlValue(Buffer) - Method in class
addCrlValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Add a CRL value
addEnabledCipherSuite(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
addEnabledCipherSuite(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
addEnabledCipherSuite(String) - Method in class
addEnabledCipherSuite(String) - Method in class
addEnabledCipherSuite(String) - Method in class
Add an enabled cipher suite
addFuture(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>, ChannelFuture) - Method in class
addHandler(Handler<T>, ContextImpl) - Method in class
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Add a message header.
additionalResourceCount() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the number of additional resource records in the DnsMessage.
addNull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Add a null value to the JSON array.
addQuestion(DnsQuestion) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Adds a question to this message.
address() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
address() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
address() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
address() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
The address the message was sent to
address() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
address() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
AddressDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes A and AAAA resource records into IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, respectively.
AddressDecoder(int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.AddressDecoder
Constructs an AddressDecoder, which decodes A and AAAA resource records.
addWorker(EventLoop) - Method in class
afterStartingVertx() - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
Hook for sub classes of Starter after the vertx instance is started.
AGE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Age header name
ALLOW - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Allow header name
answerCount() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the number of answer resource records in the DnsMessage.
appendBuffer(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified Buffer to the end of this Buffer.
appendBuffer(Buffer, int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified Buffer starting at the offset using len to the end of this Buffer.
appendBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendBuffer(Buffer, int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendByte(byte) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified byte to the end of the Buffer.
appendByte(byte) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified byte[] to the end of the Buffer.
appendBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified number of bytes from byte[] to the end of the Buffer, starting at the given offset.
appendBytes(byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendDouble(double) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified double to the end of the Buffer.
appendDouble(double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendFloat(float) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified float to the end of the Buffer.
appendFloat(float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendInt(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified int to the end of the Buffer.
appendInt(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendLong(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified long to the end of the Buffer.
appendLong(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendShort(short) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified short to the end of the Buffer.The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any bytes written.
appendShort(short) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendString(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified String to the end of the Buffer with the encoding as specified by enc.
appendString(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Appends the specified String str to the end of the Buffer with UTF-8 encoding.
appendString(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
appendString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
application/x-www-form-urlencoded header value
Args - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Args(String[]) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.Args
Arguments - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Helper class to perform extended checks on arguments analogous to Objects.requireNonNull(Object, String).
Arguments() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.Arguments
asyncAPIExamples() - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
AsyncFile - Interface in io.vertx.core.file
Represents a file on the file-system which can be read from, or written to asynchronously.
AsyncFileImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
asyncFilePump() - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
asyncFileRead() - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
asyncFileWrite() - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
AsynchronousCounter - Class in io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
AsynchronousCounter(VertxInternal) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
AsynchronousCounter(VertxInternal, AtomicLong) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
AsynchronousLock - Class in io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
AsynchronousLock(Vertx) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousLock
AsynchronousLock() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousLock
AsyncMap<K,V> - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
An asynchronous map.
AsyncMultiMap<K,V> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.cluster
An asynchronous multi-map.
AsyncResult<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core
Encapsulates the result of an asynchronous operation.
AsyncResultHandler<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core
Handler for AsyncResult
authorityResourceCount() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the number of authority resource records in the DnsMessage.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Authorization header name
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class


beforeDeployingVerticle(DeploymentOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
Hook for sub classes of Starter before the verticle is deployed.
beforeLeave() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.ExtendedClusterManager
beforeStartingVertx(VertxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
Hook for sub classes of Starter before the vertx instance is started.
beginHandleMessage(Void, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
beginHandleMessage(H, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when an handler begin to process a message.

The thread model depends on the actual context thats registered the handler.

binaryData() - Method in class
binaryData() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
binaryFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl
binaryFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
Create a binary WebSocket frame.
binaryFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.WebSocketFrameFactory
binaryHandlerID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
binaryHandlerID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
When a Websocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus - the ID of that handler is given by this method.
binaryName() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
block() - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
BlockedThreadChecker - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
BlockingAction(Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl.BlockingAction
blockMulticastGroup(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Block the given address for the given multicast address and notifies the Handler once the operation completes.
blockMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Block the given address for the given multicast address on the given network interface and notifies the Handler once the operation completes.
blockMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
blockMulticastGroup(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
body() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
body() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
The body of the message.
bodyEndHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Provide a handler that will be called just before the last part of the body is written to the wire and the response is ended.
bodyEndHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
bodyHandler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.
bodyHandler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.
bodyHandler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
bodyHandler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
BodyReadStream<T> - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
A body stream that transform a ReadStream<Message<T>> into a ReadStream<T>.
BodyReadStream(ReadStream<Message<T>>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
bodyStream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
bodyStream() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
BooleanMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
BooleanMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
Buffer - Interface in io.vertx.core.buffer
Most data is shuffled around inside Vert.x using buffers.
buffer() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new, empty buffer.
buffer(int) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new buffer given the initial size hint.
buffer(String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new buffer from a string.
buffer(String, String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new buffer from a string and using the specified encoding.
buffer(byte[]) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new buffer from a byte[].
buffer(ByteBuf) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Create a new buffer from a Netty ByteBuf.
buffer(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer(byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
buffer() - Method in class
buffer(int) - Method in class
buffer(int, int) - Method in class
buffer(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
buffer() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
buffer(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
buffer(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
buffer(byte[]) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
buffer(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.BufferFactory
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
BufferExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 09/01/15.
BufferExamples() - Constructor for class examples.BufferExamples
BufferFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
BufferFactoryImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.buffer.impl
BufferFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferFactoryImpl
BufferImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.buffer.impl
BufferMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
BufferMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
ByteArrayMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
ByteArrayMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
ByteMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
ByteMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
bytesRead(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
bytesRead(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
bytesRead(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
bytesRead(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
bytesRead(S, SocketAddress, long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.NetworkMetrics
Called when bytes have been read
bytesWritten(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
bytesWritten(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
bytesWritten(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
bytesWritten(Void, SocketAddress, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
bytesWritten(S, SocketAddress, long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.NetworkMetrics
Called when bytes have been written


CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Cache-Control header name
cancel() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
Cancels the timeout.
cancelTimer(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
cancelTimer(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Cancels the timer with the specified id.
CaseInsensitiveHeaders - Class in io.vertx.core.http
This multi-map implementation has case insensitive keys, and can be used to hold some HTTP headers prior to making an HTTP request.
CaseInsensitiveHeaders() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
caseInsensitiveMultiMap() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Create a multi-map implementation with case insensitive keys, for instance it can be used to hold some HTTP headers.
cause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.AsyncResult
A Throwable describing failure.
channel() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
channel - Variable in class
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.cgbystrom.FlashPolicyHandler
channelRead(C, ContextImpl, ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelRead(C, ContextImpl, ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelRead(NetSocketImpl, ContextImpl, ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
CharMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
CharMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
charset() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
checkClosed() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
checkContext() - Method in class
checkCorrectThread() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
checkCorrectThread() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext
checkCorrectThread() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
Checker - Class in io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
Checker() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.Checker
chmod(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.
chmod(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chmodBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
chmodBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chmodInternal(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chmodInternal(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.
chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chmodRecursiveBlocking(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
chmodRecursiveBlocking(String, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
ChoosableIterable<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.cluster
An extension of Iterable which allows keeps track of an iterator internally to allow the next element to be chosen
choose() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ChoosableIterable
Return the next element T in a round robin fashion.
chooseHandler(EventLoop) - Method in class
chown(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Change the ownership on the file represented by path to user and {code group}, asynchronously.
chown(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chownBlocking(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
chownBlocking(String, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chownInternal(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
chownInternal(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
CHUNKED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
chunked header value
CLASS_ANY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
CLASS_CHAOS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
CLASS_CSNET - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
CLASS_HESIOD - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
CLASS_IN - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Default class for DNS entries.
CLASS_NONE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
clear() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
clear() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
clear() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
clear() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Remove all entries from the JSON array
clear() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Remove all the entries in this JSON object
clear() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Removes all
clear(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Clear all entries in the map
clear() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Clear all entries in the map
ClientOptionsBase - Class in
Base class for Client options
ClientOptionsBase() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
ClientOptionsBase(ClientOptionsBase) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
ClientOptionsBase(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from some JSON
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in interface
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in interface
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Closes the DatagramSocket implementation asynchronous and notifies the handler once done.
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Closes the DatagramSocket.
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Close the event bus and release any resources held
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Close the file.
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Close the file.
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Close the client.
CLOSE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
close header value
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Close the server.
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Like HttpServer.close() but supplying a handler that will be called when the server is actually closed (or has failed).
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Close the underlying TCP connection corresponding to the request.
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionManager
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Close the WebSocket.
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.BlockedThreadChecker
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Closeable
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
close() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
close() - Method in class
Close the connection
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Close the client.
close() - Method in interface
Close the server.
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface
Like NetServer.close() but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete.
close() - Method in interface
Close the NetSocket
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Close and release the map
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.Metrics
Used to close out the metrics, for example when an http server/client has been closed.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Stop the the Vertx instance and release any resources held by it.
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.close() but the completionHandler will be called when the close is complete
Closeable - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
closed - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Set a close handler for the response.
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
closeHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Set a close handler.
closeHandler - Variable in class
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class
closeHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface
Set a handler that will be called when the NetSocket is closed
clusteredVertx(VertxOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Vertx>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxFactoryImpl
clusteredVertx(VertxOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Vertx>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxFactory
clusteredVertx(VertxOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Vertx>>) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Creates a clustered instance using the specified options.
ClusterManager - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.cluster
A cluster provider for Vert.x must implement this interface.
ClusterSerializable - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
code() - Method in exception io.vertx.core.dns.DnsException
The DnsResponseCode which caused this DnsException to be created.
code() - Method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.DnsResponseCode
Returns the error code for this DnsResponseCode.
code() - Method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseCode
Returns the error code for this DnsResponseCode.
codec() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
compareAndSet(long, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Set the counter to the specified value only if the current value is the expectec value.
compareAndSet(long, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
CompilingClassLoader - Class in io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
Classloader for dynamic .java source file compilation and loading.
CompilingClassLoader(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CompilingClassLoader
complete(T) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Set the result.
complete() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Set a null result.
completedFuture() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl
completedFuture(T) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl
completedFuture(Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl
completedFuture(String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl
completedFuture() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.FutureFactory
completedFuture(T) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.FutureFactory
completedFuture(Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.FutureFactory
completedFuture(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.FutureFactory
completionHandler(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
completionHandler(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
Optional method which can be called to indicate when the registration has been propagated across the cluster.
compositeBuffer() - Method in class
compositeBuffer(int) - Method in class
compositeDirectBuffer() - Method in class
compositeDirectBuffer(int) - Method in class
compositeHeapBuffer() - Method in class
compositeHeapBuffer(int) - Method in class
ConcurrentHashSet<E> - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
ConcurrentHashSet(int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
ConcurrentHashSet() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
config() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Get the configuration of the verticle.
config() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
If the context is associated with a Verticle deployment, this returns the configuration that was specified when the verticle was deployed.
config - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
config() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
ConfigurableVerticleExamples - Class in examples
Just for the examples.
ConfigurableVerticleExamples() - Constructor for class examples.ConfigurableVerticleExamples
conn - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioSocketChannel
conn - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
connect(String, int, Handler<ClientConnection>, Handler<Throwable>, ContextImpl, ConnectionLifeCycleListener) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionManager
connect(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<NetSocket>>) - Method in class
connect(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<NetSocket>>) - Method in interface
Open a connection to a server at the specific port and host.
connected(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
connected(Void, WebSocket) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
connected(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
connected(Void, ServerWebSocket) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
connected(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
connected(S, WebSocket) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpClientMetrics
Called when a web socket connects.
connected(S, ServerWebSocket) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpServerMetrics
Called when a server web socket connects.
connected(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.TCPMetrics
Called when a client has connected, which is applicable for TCP connections.
connectHandler(Handler<NetSocket>) - Method in class
connectHandler() - Method in class
connectHandler(Handler<NetSocket>) - Method in interface
Supply a connect handler for this server.
connectHandler() - Method in interface
CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Connection header name
ConnectionBase - Class in
Abstract base class for TCP connections.
ConnectionBase(VertxInternal, Channel, ContextImpl, NetworkMetrics) - Constructor for class
connectionClosed(ClientConnection) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionLifeCycleListener
ConnectionLifeCycleListener - Interface in io.vertx.core.http.impl
ConnectionManager - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
connectionMap - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
connectStream() - Method in class
connectStream() - Method in interface
Return the connect stream for this server.
consumer(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Create a message consumer against the specified address.
consumer(String, Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Create a consumer and register it against the specified address.
consumer(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
consumer(String, Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
contains(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
contains(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
contains(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
contains(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
contains(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Does the JSON array contain the specified value? This method will scan the entire array until it finds a value or reaches the end.
contains(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Checks to see if there is a value with the specified name
contains(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.contains(String) but accepting a CharSequence as a parameter
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
containsKey(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Does the JSON object contain the specified key?
content() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns the data contained in this resource record.
content() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
Returns the non-decoded DNS response packet.
CONTENT_BASE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Base header name
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Encoding header name
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Language header name
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Length header name
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Location header name
CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-MD5 header name
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Rage header name
CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Transfer-Encoding header name
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Type header name
contentIndex() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns the index at which the content of this resource record appears in the original packet.
contentLength() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns the length of the content in this resource record.
contentTransferEncoding() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
contentType() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
context - Variable in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Reference to the context of the verticle
Context - Interface in io.vertx.core
The execution context of a Handler execution.
context - Variable in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl.BlockingAction
context() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxFactoryImpl
context() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxFactory
contextData() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
ContextImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
ContextImpl(VertxInternal, Executor, Executor, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
ContextTask - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
contextThread - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
continuationFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl
continuationFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
Create a continuation frame
continuationFrame(Buffer, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.WebSocketFrameFactory
CONTINUE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
100-continue header value
continueHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
If you send an HTTP request with the header Expect set to the value 100-continue and the server responds with an interim HTTP response with a status code of 100 and a continue handler has been set using this method, then the handler will be called.
continueHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
convert(F) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl.ConvertingHandler
COOKIE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Content-Cookie header name
cookies() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
cookies() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
copy() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of the entire Buffer.
copy() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
copy() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns a deep copy of this resource record.
copy() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
Returns a deep copy of this DNS response.
copy(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.
copy(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
copy() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Make a copy of the JSON array
copy() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Copy the JSON object
copyBeforeReceive() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
copyBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
copyBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.
copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
copyRecursiveBlocking(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
copyRecursiveBlocking(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
CoreExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 08/01/15.
CoreExamples() - Constructor for class examples.CoreExamples
Counter - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
An asynchronous counter that can be used to across the cluster to maintain a consistent count.
create(VertxInternal, KeyCertOptions) - Static method in class
create(VertxInternal, TrustOptions) - Static method in class
createDatagramSocket(DatagramSocketOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createDatagramSocket() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createDatagramSocket(DatagramSocketOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a datagram socket using the specified options
createDatagramSocket() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a datagram socket using default options
createDelegate(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegateFactory
createDelegate(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory
createDelegate(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory
createDelegate(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegateFactory
createDnsClient(int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createDnsClient(int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a DNS client to connect to a DNS server at the specified host and port
createEventLoopContext(String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createEventLoopContext(String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
createFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Creates an empty file with the specified path, asynchronously.
createFile(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Creates an empty file with the specified path and permissions perms, asynchronously.
createFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
createFile(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
createFileBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
createFileBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
createFileBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
createFileBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
createFileInternal(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
createFileInternal(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
createHttpClient(HttpClientOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createHttpClient() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createHttpClient(HttpClientOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using the specified options
createHttpClient() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using default options
createHttpServer(HttpServerOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createHttpServer() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createHttpServer(HttpServerOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create an HTTP/HTTPS server using the specified options
createHttpServer() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create an HTTP/HTTPS server using default options
createMetrics(EventBus) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(HttpServer, SocketAddress, HttpServerOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(HttpClient, HttpClientOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(NetServer, SocketAddress, NetServerOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(NetClient, NetClientOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(DatagramSocket, DatagramSocketOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
createMetrics(EventBus) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the event bus metrics SPI when the event bus is created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

This method should be called only once.

createMetrics(HttpServer, SocketAddress, HttpServerOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the http server metrics SPI when an http server is created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

Note: this method can be called more than one time for the same localAddress when a server is scaled, it is the responsibility of the metrics implementation to eventually merge metrics.

createMetrics(HttpClient, HttpClientOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the http client metrics SPI when an http client has been created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

createMetrics(NetServer, SocketAddress, NetServerOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the net server metrics SPI when a net server is created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

Note: this method can be called more than one time for the same localAddress when a server is scaled, it is the responsibility of the metrics implementation to eventually merge metrics.

createMetrics(NetClient, NetClientOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the net client metrics SPI when a net client is created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

createMetrics(DatagramSocket, DatagramSocketOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Provides the datagram/udp metrics SPI when a datagram socket is created.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

createNetClient(NetClientOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createNetClient() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createNetClient(NetClientOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a TCP/SSL client using the specified options
createNetClient() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a TCP/SSL client using default options
createNetServer(NetServerOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createNetServer() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createNetServer(NetServerOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a TCP/SSL server using the specified options
createNetServer() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Create a TCP/SSL server using default options
createOptimized(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Create an optimized CharSequence which can be used as header name or value.
createSslHandler(VertxInternal, boolean, String, int) - Method in class
createSslHandler(VertxInternal, boolean) - Method in class
createVerticle(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.JavaVerticleFactory
createVerticle(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
createWorkerContext(boolean, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
createWorkerContext(boolean, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
creationTime() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
The date the file was created
creationTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
currentContext() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Gets the current context
CustomJavaFileObject - Class in io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
CustomJavaFileObject(URI, JavaFileObject.Kind, String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject


data() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramPacket
Returns the data of the DatagramPacket
DatagramExamples - Class in examples
DatagramExamples() - Constructor for class examples.DatagramExamples
DatagramPacket - Interface in io.vertx.core.datagram
A received datagram packet (UDP) which contains the data and information about the sender of the data itself.
DatagramSocket - Interface in io.vertx.core.datagram
A datagram socket can be used to send DatagramPacket's to remote datagram servers and receive DatagramPackets .
DatagramSocketImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.datagram.impl
DatagramSocketImpl(VertxInternal, DatagramSocketOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
DatagramSocketMetrics - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The datagram/udp metrics SPI which Vert.x will use to call when each event occurs pertaining to datagram sockets.

The thread model for the datagram socket depends on the actual context thats started the server.

DatagramSocketOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.datagram
Options used to configure a datagram socket.
DatagramSocketOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Default constructor
DatagramSocketOptions(DatagramSocketOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Copy constructor
DatagramSocketOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Constructor to create options from JSON
dataHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
DATE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Date header name
debug(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
debug(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
debug(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
debug(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
debug(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.AddressDecoder
Returns an InetAddress containing a decoded address from either an A or AAAA resource record.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.DomainDecoder
Returns the decoded domain name for a resource record.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.MailExchangerDecoder
Returns a decoded MX (mail exchanger) resource record, stored as an instance of MailExchangerRecord.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoder
Returns a generic type T defined in a class implementing RecordDecoder after decoding a resource record when given a DNS response packet.
decode(int, DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Decodes a resource record and returns the result.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.ServiceDecoder
Returns a decoded SRV (service) resource record, stored as an instance of ServiceRecord.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.StartOfAuthorityDecoder
Returns a decoded SOA (start of authority) resource record, stored as an instance of StartOfAuthorityRecord.
decode(DnsResponse, DnsResource) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.TextDecoder
Returns a decoded TXT (text) resource record, stored as an ArrayList of Strings.
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, DatagramPacket, List<Object>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseDecoder
Decodes a response from a DatagramPacket containing a ByteBuf with a DNS packet.
DecodeException - Exception in io.vertx.core.json
Instances of this Exception are thrown if failed to decode a JSON string, because of invalid JSON.
DecodeException() - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException
DecodeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
decodeFromWire(int, Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageCodec
Called by Vert.x when a message is decoded from the wire.
decodeResponse(ByteBuf, ByteBufAllocator) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseDecoder
Decodes a full DNS response packet.
decodeValue(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.json.Json
decrementAndGet(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Decrement the counter atomically and return the new count
decrementAndGet(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
DEFAULT_ACCEPT_BACKLOG - Static variable in class
The default accept backlog = 1024
DEFAULT_BLOCKED_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of blocked thread check interval = 1000 ms.
DEFAULT_BROADCAST - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of broadcast for the socket = false
DEFAULT_CLIENT_AUTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class
Default value of whether client auth is required (SSL/TLS) = false
DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HOST - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default hostname to use when clustering = "localhost"
DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of cluster ping interval = 20000 ms.
DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_REPLY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of cluster ping reply interval = 20000 ms.
DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PORT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default port to use when clustering = 0 (meaning assign a random port)
DEFAULT_CLUSTERED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of whether Vert.x is clustered = false.
DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Default value of whether compression is supported = false
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
The default value of connect timeout = 60000 ms
DEFAULT_CREATE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_CREATENEW - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
The default value for host name = "localhost"
DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
The default value for port = 80
DEFAULT_DELETEONCLOSE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_DSYNC - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default number of event loop threads to be used = 2 * number of cores on the machine
DEFAULT_HA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
DEFAULT_HA_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of HA enabled = false
DEFAULT_HA_GROUP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of Ha group is "__DEFAULT__"
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class
The default host to listen on = "" (meaning listen on all available interfaces).
DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
Default idle timeout = 0
DEFAULT_INSTANCES - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BLOCKING_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default number of threads in the internal blocking pool (used by some internal operations) = 20
DEFAULT_IPV6 - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of use IP v6 = false
DEFAULT_ISOLATION_GROUP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Default value of whether keep-alive is enabled = true
DEFAULT_LOOPBACK_MODE_DISABLED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of loopback disabled = true
DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_EXECUTE_TIME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of max event loop execute time = 2000000000 ns (2 seconds)
DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
The default maximum number of connections a client will pool = 5
DEFAULT_MAX_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
The default value for maximum websocket frame size = 65536 bytes
DEFAULT_MAX_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Default max websocket framesize = 65536
DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of max worker execute time = 60000000000 ns (60 seconds)
DEFAULT_METRICS_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
The default value of metrics enabled false
DEFAULT_METRICS_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of metrics enabled false
DEFAULT_MULTI_THREADED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
DEFAULT_MULTICAST_NETWORK_INTERFACE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of multicast network interface = null
DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TIME_TO_LIVE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of multicast disabled = -1
DEFAULT_PERMS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_PIPELINING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Default value of whether pipe-lining is enabled = false
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Default port the server will listen on = 80
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
The default port to listen on = 0 (meaning a random ephemeral free port will be chosen)
DEFAULT_QUORUM_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default value of quorum size = 1
DEFAULT_READ - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The default value of TCP receive buffer size
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class
The default value for reconnect attempts = 0
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class
The default value for reconnect interval = 1000 ms
DEFAULT_REUSE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
The default value of reuse address = false
DEFAULT_REUSE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class
The default value of reuse address
DEFAULT_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The default value of TCP send buffer size
DEFAULT_SO_LINGER - Static variable in class
The default value of SO_linger
DEFAULT_SPARSE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_SSL - Static variable in class
SSL enable by default = false
DEFAULT_SYNC - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in class
The default value of TCP keep alive
DEFAULT_TCP_NO_DELAY - Static variable in class
The default value of TCP-no-delay = true (Nagle disabled)
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
The default send timeout.
DEFAULT_TRAFFIC_CLASS - Static variable in class
The default value of traffic class
DEFAULT_TRUNCATEEXISTING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFAULT_TRUST_ALL - Static variable in class
The default value of whether all servers (SSL/TLS) should be trusted = false
DEFAULT_TRY_USE_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Default value of whether the client will attempt to use compression = false
DEFAULT_USE_POOLED_BUFFERS - Static variable in class
The default value of Netty use pooled buffers = false
DEFAULT_VERIFY_HOST - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Default value of whether hostname verification (for SSL/TLS) is enabled = true
DEFAULT_WORKER - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
DEFAULT_WORKER_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
The default number of threads in the worker pool = 20
DEFAULT_WRITE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
DEFLATE_GZIP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
deflate,gzip header value
delete(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.
delete(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
delete(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
delete(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
delete(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
delete(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
delete(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the default host and port.
delete(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
delete(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
delete() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
deleteAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server using an absolute URI
deleteAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP DELETE request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
deleteAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
deleteAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
deleteBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
deleteBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
deleteCacheDir(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FileResolver
deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.
deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
deleteRecursiveBlocking(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
deleteRecursiveBlocking(String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
delimitedMode(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Flip the parser into delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the String delim encoded in latin-1 .
delimitedMode(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Flip the parser into delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the delimiter delim.
delimitedMode(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Flip the parser into delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the String delim encoded in latin-1 .
delimitedMode(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Flip the parser into delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the delimiter delim.
DeliveryOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus
Delivery options are used to configure message delivery.
DeliveryOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Default constructor
DeliveryOptions(DeliveryOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Copy constructor
DeliveryOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Create a delivery options from JSON
deliveryOptions(DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
deliveryOptions(DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
Update the delivery options of this producer.
Deployment - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
DEPLOYMENT_OPTIONS_PROP_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
deploymentID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Get the deployment ID of the verticle deployment
deploymentID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
If the context is associated with a Verticle deployment, this returns the deployment ID of that deployment.
deploymentID - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
deploymentID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
deploymentID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
deploymentIDs() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deploymentIDs() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Return a Set of deployment IDs for the currently deployed deploymentIDs.
DeploymentManager - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
DeploymentManager(VertxInternal) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
DeploymentOptions - Class in io.vertx.core
Options for configuring a verticle deployment.
DeploymentOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Default constructor
DeploymentOptions(DeploymentOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Copy constructor
DeploymentOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Constructor for creating a instance from JSON
deploymentOptions() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
deploymentOptions - Variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
deployments() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
deployVerticle(Verticle) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(Verticle, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
deployVerticle(Verticle) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Deploy a verticle instance that you have created yourself.
deployVerticle(Verticle, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle) but the completionHandler will be notified when the deployment is complete.
deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the deployment.
deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle, Handler) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the deployment.
deployVerticle(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Deploy a verticle instance given a name.
deployVerticle(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(String) but the completionHandler will be notified when the deployment is complete.
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the deployment.
deployVerticle(String, DeploymentOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.deployVerticle(String, Handler) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the deployment.
directBuffer() - Method in class
directBuffer(int) - Method in class
directBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
DISABLE_CP_RESOLVING_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.FileResolver
DISABLE_FILE_CACHING_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.FileResolver
discardHandler(Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
disconnected(Void, SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
disconnected(Void) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
disconnected(Void, SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
disconnected(Void) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
disconnected(Void, SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
disconnected(W) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpClientMetrics
Called when the web socket has disconnected.
disconnected(W) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpServerMetrics
Called when the server web socket has disconnected.
disconnected(S, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.TCPMetrics
Called when a client has disconnected, which is applicable for TCP connections.
dnsClass() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Returns the class for this entry.
DnsClient - Interface in io.vertx.core.dns
Provides a way to asynchronously lookup information from DNS servers.
DnsClientImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl
DnsClientImpl(VertxInternal, int, String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
DnsClientImpl.ConvertingHandler<F,T> - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl
DnsEntry - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
A class representing entries in a DNS packet (questions, and all resource records).
DnsEntry(String, int, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DNSExamples - Class in examples
DNSExamples() - Constructor for class examples.DNSExamples
DnsException - Exception in io.vertx.core.dns
Exception which is used to notify the AsyncResult if the DNS query returns a DnsResponseCode which indicates and error.
DnsException(DnsResponseCode) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.dns.DnsException
DnsHeader - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
The header super-class which includes information shared by DNS query and response packet headers such as the ID, opcode, and type.
DnsHeader(DnsMessage<? extends DnsHeader>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
DnsMessage<H extends DnsHeader> - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
The message super-class which contains core information concerning DNS packets, both outgoing and incoming.
DnsMessage() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
DnsQuery - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
A DNS query packet which is sent to a server to receive a DNS response packet with information answering a DnsQuery's questions.
DnsQuery(int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQuery
Constructs a DNS query.
DnsQueryEncoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
DnsQueryEncoder accepts DnsQuery and encodes to ByteBuf.
DnsQueryEncoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryEncoder
DnsQueryHeader - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
The DNS query header class which is used to represent the 12 byte header in a DnsQuery.
DnsQueryHeader(DnsMessage<? extends DnsQueryHeader>, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryHeader
Constructor for a DNS packet query header.
DnsQuestion - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
The DNS question class which represents a question being sent to a server via a query, or the question being duplicated and sent back in a response.
DnsQuestion(String, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQuestion
Constructs a question with the default class IN (Internet).
DnsQuestion(String, int, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQuestion
Constructs a question with the given class.
DnsResource - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
Represents any resource record (answer, authority, or additional resource records).
DnsResource(String, int, int, long, int, ByteBuf) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Constructs a resource record.
DnsResponse - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
A DNS response packet which is sent to a client after a server receives a query.
DnsResponse(ByteBuf) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
DnsResponseCode - Enum in io.vertx.core.dns
Represents the possible response codes a server may send after receiving a query.
DnsResponseCode - Enum in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
Represents the possible response codes a server may send after receiving a query.
DnsResponseDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
DnsResponseDecoder accepts DatagramPacket and encodes to DnsResponse.
DnsResponseDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseDecoder
DnsResponseHeader - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
The DNS response header class which is used when receiving data from a DNS server.
DnsResponseHeader(DnsMessage<? extends DnsResponseHeader>, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Constructor for a DNS packet response header.
doAcquire(Context, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousLock
docoverride.buffer - package docoverride.buffer
Create a buffer from a byte[] [source,java] ---- Examples.example4() ----
docoverride.dns - package docoverride.dns
=== Error handling As you saw in previous sections the DnsClient allows you to pass in a Handler which will be notified with an AsyncResult once the query was complete.
docoverride.eventbus - package docoverride.eventbus
==== Message Codecs You can send any object you like across the event bus if you define and register a message codec for it.
docoverride.eventbus.headers - package docoverride.eventbus.headers
==== Setting headers on messages Messages sent over the event bus can also contain headers.
docoverride.json - package docoverride.json
== JSON :toc: left Unlike some other languages, Java does not have first class support for[JSON] so we provide two classes to make handling JSON in your Vert.x applications a bit easier.
docoverride.verticles - package docoverride.verticles
=== Writing Verticles Verticle classes must implement the Verticle interface.
docoverride.verticles.configuration - package docoverride.verticles.configuration
=== Passing configuration to a verticle Configuration in the form of JSON can be passed to a verticle at deployment time: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example13(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- This configuration is then available via the Context object or directly using the AbstractVerticle.config() method.
DomainDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes any record that simply returns a domain name, such as NS (name server) and CNAME (canonical name) resource records.
DomainDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.DomainDecoder
doMessageReceived(ServerConnection, ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl.ServerHandler
doMessageReceived(C, ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
doOpen(String, OpenOptions, ContextImpl) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
doOpen(String, OpenOptions, ContextImpl) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
doPause() - Method in class
doReadMessages(List<Object>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioServerSocketChannel
doResume() - Method in class
doSetWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class
DoubleMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
DoubleMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
doUndeploy(ContextImpl, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.PacketWritestream
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
drainHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface
drainHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream
Set a drain handler on the stream.
DummyDatagramMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
DummyEventBusMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
DummyHttpClientMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
DummyHttpServerMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
DummyTCPMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
DummyVertxMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
DummyVertxMetrics() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics.impl
duplicate() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns a duplicate of this resource record.
duplicate() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
Returns a duplicate of this DNS response.


encode(ChannelHandlerContext, DnsQuery, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryEncoder
Encodes a query and writes it to a ByteBuf.
encode(Object) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.json.Json
encode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Encode the JSON array to a string
encode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Encode this JSON object as a string.
EncodeException - Exception in io.vertx.core.json
EncodeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.json.EncodeException
EncodeException() - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.json.EncodeException
encodePrettily(Object) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.json.Json
encodePrettily() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Encode the JSON array prettily as a string
encodePrettily() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Encode this JSON object a a string, with whitespace to make the object easier to read by a human, or other sentient organism.
encodeQuery(DnsQuery, ByteBuf) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryEncoder
Encodes a query and writes it to a ByteBuf.
encodeToWire(Buffer, Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Byte) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Character) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, ReplyException) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, Short) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
encodeToWire(Buffer, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
encodeToWire() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
encodeToWire(Buffer, S) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageCodec
Called by Vert.x when marshalling a message to the wire.
end(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Same as HttpClientRequest.end(Buffer) but writes a String in UTF-8 encoding
end(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Same as HttpClientRequest.end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding
end(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Same as HttpClientRequest.end() but writes some data to the request body before ending.
end() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Ends the request.
end(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Same as HttpServerResponse.end(Buffer) but writes a String in UTF-8 encoding before ending the response.
end(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Same as HttpServerResponse.end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding before ending the response.
end(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Same as HttpServerResponse.end() but writes some data to the response body before ending.
end() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Ends the response.
end(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
end(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
end(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
end() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
end(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
end(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
end(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
end() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
ended() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
ended() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
endHandleMessage(Void, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
endHandleMessage(H, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when an handler finish to process a message.

The thread model depends on the actual context thats registered the handler.

endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
endHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in class
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
Set an end handler.
endHandler(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
endReadAndFlush() - Method in class
entries() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
entries() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
entries() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Returns all entries in the multi-map.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQuestion
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
error(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
error(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
error(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
error(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
error(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
escapeJava(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Escapes the characters in a String using Java String rules.
escapeJava(Writer, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Escapes the characters in a String using Java String rules to a Writer.
escapeJavaScript(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Escapes the characters in a String using JavaScript String rules.
escapeJavaScript(Writer, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Escapes the characters in a String using JavaScript String rules to a Writer.
ETAG - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Etag header name
EventBus - Interface in io.vertx.core.eventbus
A Vert.x event-bus is a light-weight distributed messaging system which allows different parts of your application, or different applications and services to communicate with each in a loosely coupled way.
eventBus() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
eventBus() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Get the event bus object.
EventBusExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 09/01/15.
EventBusExamples() - Constructor for class examples.EventBusExamples
EventBusImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
This class is thread-safe
EventBusImpl(VertxInternal) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
EventBusImpl(VertxInternal, long, long, ClusterManager, HAManager, AsyncMultiMap<String, ServerID>, ServerID, EventBusImpl.EventBusNetServer) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
EventBusImpl.EventBusNetServer - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration<T> - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
EventBusMetrics<H> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The event bus metrics SPI which Vert.x will use to call when each event occurs.
EventBusNetServer(NetServer) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.EventBusNetServer
eventLoop() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
EventLoopContext - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
EventLoopContext(VertxInternal, Executor, Executor, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext
example0_1() - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example0_2() - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example0_5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example1() - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example1() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example1() - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example1() - Method in class examples.RecordParserExamples
example1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example10(EventBus, MessageCodec) - Method in class docoverride.eventbus.Examples
example10(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example10(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example10(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example10(NetSocket) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example11(EventBus, MessageCodec) - Method in class docoverride.eventbus.Examples
example11(Vertx, String) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example11(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example11(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example11(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example12(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example12(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example12() - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example12(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example12(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example13(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example13(SrvRecord) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example13(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example13(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example14(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example14(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example14(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example14(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example15(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example15(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example15(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example15(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example16(Vertx) - Method in class docoverride.dns.Examples
example16(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example16(HttpServerRequest, Buffer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example16(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example17(Vertx, long) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example17(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example17(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example18(String, Exception) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example18(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example18(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example19(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example19(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example2(JsonObject) - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example2() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example2() - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example2() - Method in class examples.RecordParserExamples
example2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example20(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example20(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example21(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example21(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example22(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example22(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example23(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example23(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example24(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example24(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example25(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example25(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example26(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example26(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example27(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example27(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example28(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example28(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example29(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example29(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example3() - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example3() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example3(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example3(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example3(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example3(MessageConsumer<String>) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example3(FileSystem) - Method in class examples.FileSystemExamples
example3(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example3(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example3(AsyncMap<String, String>) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example30(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example30(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example31(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example31(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example32(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example32(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example33(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example33(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example34(Vertx, String) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example34(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example35(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example35(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example36(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example36(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example37(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example37(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example38(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example38(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example39(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example39(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example4() - Method in class docoverride.buffer.Examples
example4(JsonArray) - Method in class docoverride.json.Examples
example4(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example4(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example4(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example4(MessageConsumer<String>) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example4(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example4(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example4(AsyncMap<String, String>) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example40(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example40(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example41(HttpClientRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example41(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example42(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example42(Vertx, JksOptions) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example43(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example43(Vertx, JksOptions) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example44(HttpClientRequest, AsyncFile) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example44(Vertx, JksOptions) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example45(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example46(HttpClientResponse) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example47(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example48(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example49(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example5() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example5(EventBus) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example5(Vertx, SharedData) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example50(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example51(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example52(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example53(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example54(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example55(WebSocket) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example56(WebSocket, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example56_1(WebSocket) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example57(WebSocket) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example5_1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example6(NetSocket) - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example6(HttpServer) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example6(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example6(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example6(EventBus) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example6(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example6(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example6(SharedData) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example7() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example7(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example7(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DatagramExamples
example7(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example7(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example7(Vertx) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example7(SharedData) - Method in class examples.SharedDataExamples
example7_1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example7_1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example8() - Method in class examples.BufferExamples
example8(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example8(Vertx) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example8(EventBus) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example8(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example8(NetSocket) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example9(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
example9(MxRecord) - Method in class examples.DNSExamples
example9(EventBus) - Method in class examples.EventBusExamples
example9(HttpServerRequest) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
example9(NetServer) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
example9_1(NetSocket) - Method in class examples.NetExamples
examples - package examples
Examples - Class in docoverride.buffer
Examples() - Constructor for class docoverride.buffer.Examples
Examples - Class in docoverride.dns
Examples() - Constructor for class docoverride.dns.Examples
Examples - Class in docoverride.eventbus
Examples() - Constructor for class docoverride.eventbus.Examples
Examples - Class in docoverride.json
Created by tim on 09/01/15.
Examples() - Constructor for class docoverride.json.Examples
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.PacketWritestream
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
exceptionHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream
exceptionHandler - Variable in class
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in class
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
Set an exception handler on the read stream.
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.StreamBase
Set an exception handler.
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream
Set an exception handler on the write stream.
exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
exceptionOccurred(Void, SocketAddress, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
exceptionOccurred(Void, SocketAddress, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
exceptionOccurred(Void, SocketAddress, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
exceptionOccurred(Void, SocketAddress, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
exceptionOccurred(S, SocketAddress, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.NetworkMetrics
Called when exceptions occur for a specific connection.
executeAsync(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
executeAsync(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext
executeAsync(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.MultiThreadedWorkerContext
executeAsync(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
executeBlocking(Action<T>, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
executeBlocking(Handler<Future<T>>, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
executeBlocking(Handler<Future<T>>, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
executeBlocking(Handler<Future<T>>, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
executeBlocking(Handler<Future<T>>, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Safely execute some blocking code.
executeBlocking(Handler<Future<T>>, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.executeBlocking(Handler, boolean, Handler) called with ordered = true.
executeBlockingInternal(Action<T>, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
executeBlockingInternal(Action<T>, Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
executeFromIO(ContextTask) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
executeFromIO(ContextTask) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
exists(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Determines whether the file as specified by the path path exists, asynchronously.
exists(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
existsBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
existsBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
EXPECT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Expect header name
EXPIRES - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Expires header name
expireTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns time before information stored in secondary name servers becomes non authoritative.
ExtendedClusterManager - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl


factory - Static variable in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
factory - Static variable in interface io.vertx.core.Future
factory - Static variable in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
factory - Static variable in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
factory - Static variable in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
fail(int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
fail(int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
Signal to the sender that processing of this message failed.
fail(Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Set the failure.
fail(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Set the failure.
failDuringFailover(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
failDuringFailover(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
failDuringFailover(boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
failed() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.AsyncResult
Did it fail?
failedFuture(Throwable) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Create a failed future with the specified failure cause.
failedFuture(String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Create a failed future with the specified failure message.
FailoverCompleteHandler - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
failoverCompleteHandler(FailoverCompleteHandler) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
failoverCompleteHandler(FailoverCompleteHandler) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
failureCode() - Method in exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
Get the failure code for the message
failureType() - Method in exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
Get the failure type for the message
fatal(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
fatal(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
fatal(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
fatal(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
fatal(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
fieldNames() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Return the set of field names in the JSON objects
filename() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
FileProps - Interface in io.vertx.core.file
Represents properties of a file on the file system.
FilePropsImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
FilePropsImpl(BasicFileAttributes) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
FileResolver - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Sometimes the file resources of an application are bundled into jars, or are somewhere on the classpath but not available on the file system, e.g.
FileResolver(Vertx) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.FileResolver
FileSystem - Interface in io.vertx.core.file
Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files on the file system.
fileSystem() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
fileSystem() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Get the filesystem object.
FileSystemExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 09/01/15.
FileSystemExamples() - Constructor for class examples.FileSystemExamples
FileSystemException - Exception in io.vertx.core.file
Exception thrown by the FileSystem class
FileSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemException
FileSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemException
FileSystemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemException
FileSystemImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
This class is thread-safe
FileSystemImpl(VertxInternal) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
FileSystemImpl.BlockingAction<T> - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
FileSystemProps - Interface in io.vertx.core.file
Represents properties of the file system.
FileSystemPropsImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
FileSystemPropsImpl(long, long, long) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemPropsImpl
finalize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
finalize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
finalize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
finalize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
finalize() - Method in class
finalize() - Method in class
find(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.PackageHelper
findClass(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CompilingClassLoader
fixedSizeMode(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Flip the parser into fixed size mode, where the record size is specified by size in bytes.
fixedSizeMode(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Flip the parser into fixed size mode, where the record size is specified by size in bytes.
FlashPolicyHandler - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl.cgbystrom
A Flash policy file handler Will detect connection attempts made by Adobe Flash clients and return a policy file response After the policy has been sent, it will instantly close the connection.
FlashPolicyHandler() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.cgbystrom.FlashPolicyHandler
FloatMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
FloatMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
flush() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Flush any writes made to this file to underlying persistent storage.
flush(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Same as AsyncFile.flush() but the handler will be called when the flush is complete or if an error occurs
flush() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
flush(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
forceDirectAllocator(ChannelHandlerContext) - Static method in class
Create a new ChannelHandlerContext which wraps the given one anf force the usage of direct buffers.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.VertxLoggerFormatter
formAttributes() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Returns a map of all form attributes in the request.
formAttributes() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
frameHandler(Handler<WebSocketFrame>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
frameHandler(Handler<WebSocketFrame>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
frameHandler - Variable in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
frameHandler(Handler<WebSocketFrame>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
frameHandler(Handler<WebSocketFrame>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
frameHandler(Handler<WebSocketFrame>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Set a frame handler on the connection.
FrameType - Enum in io.vertx.core.http.impl
List of all frame types.
FROM - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
From header name
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure
fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Initialise the fields of this instance from the specified JSON
fsProps(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileSystemProps>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Returns properties of the file-system being used by the specified path, asynchronously.
fsProps(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileSystemProps>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
fsPropsBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
fsPropsBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
Future<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core
Represents the result of an action that may, or may not, have occurred yet.
future() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Create a future that hasn't completed yet
future() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl
future() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.FutureFactory
FutureFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
FutureFactoryImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
FutureFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.FutureFactoryImpl


get(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Get some data from the context.
get(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
get(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
get(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
get(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
get(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
get(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the default host and port.
get(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
GET - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
GET header value
get(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
get(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
get(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
get(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
get(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Returns the value of with the specified name.
get(K, Handler<AsyncResult<V>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Get a value from the map, asynchronously.
get(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Get the current value of the counter
get(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
get(K) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Get a value from the map
get(K, Handler<AsyncResult<ChoosableIterable<V>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.AsyncMultiMap
Get a list of values from the map for the key
getAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server using an absolute URI
getAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP GET request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
getAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getAcceptBacklog() - Method in class
getAccessLevel() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getAdditionalResources() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Returns a list of all the additional resource records in this message.
getAll(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
getAll(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
getAll(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Returns the values with the specified name
getAll(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.getAll(String) but accepting a CharSequence as a parameter
getAndAdd(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Add the value to the counter atomically and return the value before the add
getAndAdd(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
getAndIncrement(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Increment the counter atomically and return the value before the increment.
getAndIncrement(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
getAnswers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Returns a list of all the answer resource records in this message.
getAsyncMap(String, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncMap<K, V>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Return an async map for the given name
getAsyncMultiMap(String, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncMultiMap<K, V>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Return an async multi-map for the given name
getAuthorityResources() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Returns a list of all the authority resource records in this message.
getBinary(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the byte[] at position pos in the array.
getBinary(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the binary value with the specified key.
getBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getBinary(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getBinaryData() - Method in class
getBinaryData() - Method in interface
Returns the content of this frame as-is, with no UTF-8 decoding.
getBlockedThreadCheckInterval() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of blocked thread check period, in ms.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Boolean at position pos in the array,
getBoolean(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the Boolean value with the specified key
getBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getBoolean(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getBuffer(int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a Buffer starting at position start and ending at position end - 1
getBuffer(int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getByte(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the byte at position pos in the Buffer.
getByte(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getByteBuf() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the Buffer as a Netty ByteBuf.
getByteBuf() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getBytes() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of the entire Buffer as a byte[]
getBytes(int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a byte[] starting at position start and ending at position end - 1
getBytes() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getBytes(int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getCertPath() - Method in class
Get the path to the certificate file
getCertPaths() - Method in class
getCertValue() - Method in class
Get the certificate as a buffer
getCertValues() - Method in class
getCharContent(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getClassBytes(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CompilingClassLoader
getClassName() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.JavaSourceContext
getClientAuth() - Method in class
getClusterHost() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the host name to be used for clustering.
getClusterManager() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getClusterManager() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getClusterManager() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the cluster manager to be used when clustering.
getClusterPingInterval() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of cluster ping interval, in ms.
getClusterPingReplyInterval() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.
getClusterPort() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the port to be used for clustering
getClusterWideMap(String, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncMap<K, V>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
getClusterWideMap(String, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncMap<K, V>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.SharedData
Get the cluster wide map with the specified name.
getCodecName() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Get the codec name.
getCompiledClass(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.MemoryFileManager
getConfig() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Get the JSON configuration that will be passed to the verticle(s) when deployed.
getConnection(int, String, Handler<ClientConnection>, Handler<Throwable>, ContextImpl) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionManager
getConnection(Channel) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
getConnection(Channel) - Method in class
getConnection(Channel) - Method in class
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
Get the current context
getContext() - Method in class
getContext(C) - Method in class
getCounter(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Counter>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
getCounter(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Counter>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.SharedData
Get a cluster wide counter.
getCounter(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Counter>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
getCrlPaths() - Method in class
getCrlValues() - Method in class
Get the CRL values
getDefaultHost() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Get the default host name to be used by this client in requests if none is provided when making the request.
getDefaultPort() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Get the default port to be used by this client in requests if none is provided when making the request.
getDeployment() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
getDeployment(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
getDeployment(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getDeployment(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getDouble(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the double at position pos in the Buffer.
getDouble(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getDouble(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Double at position pos in the array,
getDouble(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the Double value with the specified key
getDouble(String, Double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getDouble(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getEnabledCipherSuites() - Method in class
getEventLoopGroup() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getEventLoopGroup() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getEventLoopPoolSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the number of event loop threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
getExecutor() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.OrderedExecutorFactory
Get an executor that always executes tasks in order.
getExtraClasspath() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Get any extra classpath to be used when deploying the verticle.
getFactory() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Returns the active RecordDecoderFactory, which is the same as the default factory if it has not been changed by the user.
getFileSystem() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getFloat(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the float at position pos in the Buffer.
getFloat(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getFloat(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Float at position pos in the array,
getFloat(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the Float value with the specified key
getFloat(String, Float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getFloat(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getFormAttribute(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Return the first form attribute value with the specified name
getFormAttribute(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
getHAGroup() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the HA group to be used when HA is enabled.
getHeader() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Returns the header belonging to this message.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
Return the first header value with the specified name
getHeader(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Return the first header value with the specified name
getHeader(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
getHeader(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
getHeaders() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Get the message headers
getHost() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the 2 byte unsigned identifier number used for the DnsMessage.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class
getInstanceCount() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
getInstanceCount() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
getInstances() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Get the number of instances that should be deployed.
getInt(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the int at position pos in the Buffer.
getInt(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getInt(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.Args
getInteger(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Integer at position pos in the array,
getInteger(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the Integer value with the specified key
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getInteger(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getInternalBlockingPoolSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of internal blocking pool size.
getIsolatedClasses() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Get the list of isolated class names, the names can be a Java class fully qualified name such as 'com.mycompany.myproject.engine.MyClass' or a wildcard matching such as `com.mycompany.myproject.*`.
getIsolationGroup() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Get the isolation group that will be used when deploying the verticle(s)
getJavaFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location, String, JavaFileObject.Kind, FileObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.MemoryFileManager
getJsonArray(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the JsonArray at position pos in the array.
getJsonArray(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the JsonArray value with the specified key
getJsonArray(String, JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getJsonArray(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getJsonObject(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the JsonObject at position pos in the array.
getJsonObject(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the JsonObject value with the specified key
getJsonObject(String, JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getJsonObject(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getKeyCertOptions() - Method in class
getKeyMgrs(VertxInternal) - Method in class
getKeyPath() - Method in class
Get the path to the key file
getKeyValue() - Method in class
Get the key as a buffer
getKind() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getLastModified() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getList() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the unerlying List
getLocalMap(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
Return a Map with the specific name.
getLocalMap(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.SharedData
Return a LocalMap with the specific name.
getLock(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
getLock(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.SharedData
Get a cluster wide lock with the specified name.
getLockWithTimeout(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
getLockWithTimeout(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.SharedData
Like SharedData.getLock(String, Handler) but specifying a timeout.
getLockWithTimeout(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
getLogger(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
getLong(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the long at position pos in the Buffer.
getLong(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getLong(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Long at position pos in the array,
getLong(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the Long value with the specified key
getLong(String, Long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getLong(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getMap() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the underlying Map.
getMaxBufferedMessages() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
getMaxBufferedMessages() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
getMaxEventLoopExecuteTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of max event loop execute time, in ns.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Get the maximum pool size for connections
getMaxWebsocketFrameSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Get the maximum websocket framesize to use
getMaxWebsocketFrameSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
getMaxWorkerExecuteTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the value of max worker execute time, in ns.
getMetrics() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
getMetrics() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
getMetrics() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getMetrics() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
getMetrics() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.MetricsProvider
Returns the metrics implementation.
getMetricsOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
getMimeTypeForExtension(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.MimeMapping
getMulticastNetworkInterface() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Get the multicast network interface address
getMulticastTimeToLive() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
getName(ByteBuf, int) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseDecoder
Retrieves a domain name given a buffer containing a DNS packet without advancing the readerIndex for the buffer.
getName() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getNestingKind() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
getNodeID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getNodeID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getNodeID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Return the unique node ID for this node
getNodes() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Return a list of node IDs corresponding to the nodes in the cluster
getNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP GET request to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
getNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP GET request to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
getNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP GET request to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
getNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
getOpcode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the 4 bit opcode used for the DnsMessage.
getOrCreateContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getOrCreateContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getOrCreateContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Gets the current context, or creates one if there isn't one
getParam(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Return the first param value with the specified name
getParam(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
Get the password
getPath() - Method in class
Get the path to the ksy store
getPath() - Method in class
Get the path
getPeerCertificateChain() - Method in class
getPerms() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Get the permissions string to be used if creating a file
getPort() - Method in class
getQuestions() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Returns a list of all the questions in this message.
getQuorumSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the quorum size to be used when HA is enabled.
getReadAdditionalResources() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the number of additional resource records to read for this DNS response packet.
getReadAnswers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the number of answers to read for this DNS response packet.
getReadAuthorityResources() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the number of authority resource records to read for this DNS response packet.
getReadQuestions() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the number of questions to read for this DNS response packet.
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class
Return the TCP receive buffer size, in bytes
getReconnectAttempts() - Method in class
getReconnectInterval() - Method in class
getResource(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.IsolatingClassLoader
getResources(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.IsolatingClassLoader
getResponseCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the 4 bit return code.
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class
Return the TCP send buffer size, in bytes.
getSendTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Get the send timeout.
getShort(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the short at position pos in the Buffer.
getShort(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getSoLinger() - Method in class
getSoLinger() - Method in class
getSourceRoot() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.JavaSourceContext
getStatusCode() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
getStatusCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
getStatusMessage() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
getStatusMessage() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
getString(int, int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a String starting at position start and ending at position end - 1 interpreted as a String in the specified encoding
getString(int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a String starting at position start and ending at position end - 1 interpreted as a String in UTF-8 encoding
getString(int, int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getString(int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
getString(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the String at position pos in the array,
getString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the string value with the specified key
getString(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getString(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getSyncMap(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Return a synchronous map for the given name
getTcpReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class
getTcpSendBufferSize() - Method in class
getTrafficClass() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
getTrafficClass() - Method in class
getTrafficClass() - Method in class
getTrailer(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
Return the first trailer value with the specified name
getTrailer(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
getTrustMgrs(VertxInternal) - Method in class
getTrustOptions() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the type of DnsMessage.
getType() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryHeader
Returns the DnsMessage type.
getType() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the DnsMessage type.
getValue(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the Object value at position pos in the array.
getValue(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the value with the specified key, as an Object
getValue(String, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Like JsonObject.getValue(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
getValue() - Method in class
Get the key store as a buffer
getValue() - Method in class
Get the store as a buffer
getVersion() - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
getVerticles() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
getVertx() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Get the Vert.x instance
getVertx() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Verticle
Get a reference to the Vert.x instance that deployed this verticle
getWarningExceptionTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the threshold value above this, the blocked warning contains a stack trace.
getWebsocketSubProtocols() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
getWorkerPool() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
getWorkerPool() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
getWorkerPoolSize() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Get the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
getZ() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns the 3 bit reserved field 'Z'.


HAManager - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Handles HA We compute failover and whether there is a quorum synchronously as we receive nodeAdded and nodeRemoved events from the cluster manager.
HAManager(VertxInternal, ServerID, DeploymentManager, ClusterManager, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
handle(AsyncResult<List<F>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl.ConvertingHandler
handle(Message<T>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
handle(E) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Handler
Something has happened, so handle it.
handle(String, JsonObject, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.FailoverCompleteHandler
handle(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
This method is called to provide the parser with data.
handle(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
This method is called to provide the parser with data.
handle(Void) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VoidHandler
handle() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VoidHandler
Handle the event.
handleClosed() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
handleClosed() - Method in class
handleClosed() - Method in class
handleException(Throwable) - Method in class
handleInterestedOpsChanged() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
handleInterestedOpsChanged() - Method in class
handleInterestedOpsChanged() - Method in class
handler(Handler<DatagramPacket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
handler(Handler<DatagramPacket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
handler(Handler<T>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
handler(Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
handler(Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
Handler<E> - Interface in io.vertx.core
A generic event handler.
handler(Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
handler(Handler<HttpServerRequest>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream
handler(Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
handler(Handler<ServerWebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
handler(Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream
handler - Variable in class
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class
handler(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface
handler(Handler<NetSocket>) - Method in interface
handler(Handler<T>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
Set a data handler.
handler(Handler<Long>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
HandlerHolder<T> - Class in
HandlerManager<T> - Class in
HandlerManager(VertxEventLoopGroup) - Constructor for class
handlerRegistered(String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
handlerRegistered(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when a handler is registered on the event bus.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

HandlerRegistration(String, boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
handlerUnregistered(Void) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
handlerUnregistered(H) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when a handler has been unregistered from the event bus.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

hasHandlers() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQuestion
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
hasNull(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Is there a null value at position pos?
head(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
head(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
head(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
head(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
head(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the default host and port.
head(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
head(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
head(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
head(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
head(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
head(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
head(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server using an absolute URI
headAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP HEAD request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
headAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headers(EventBus) - Method in class docoverride.eventbus.Examples
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
Multi-map of message headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
headers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
headers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
HeadersAdaptor - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
HeadersAdaptor(HttpHeaders) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
headersEndHandler(Handler<Future>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Provide a handler that will be called just before the headers are written to the wire.
headersEndHandler(Handler<Future>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
headNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
headNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
headNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
headNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
headWritten() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
headWritten() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
heapBuffer() - Method in class
heapBuffer(int) - Method in class
heapBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
HOST - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Host header name
host - Variable in class
host() - Method in class
host() - Method in interface
HttpClient - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
An asynchronous HTTP client.
HttpClientImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is thread-safe
HttpClientImpl(VertxInternal, HttpClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
HttpClientMetrics<R,W,S> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The http client metrics SPI that Vert.x will use to call when http client events occur.

The thread model for the http server metrics depends on the actual context thats started the server.

HttpClientOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.http
Options describing how an HttpClient will make connections.
HttpClientOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Default constructor
HttpClientOptions(HttpClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Copy constructor
HttpClientOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Constructor to create an options from JSON
HttpClientRequest - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a client-side HTTP request.
HttpClientRequestImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
HttpClientResponse - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a client-side HTTP response.
HttpClientResponseImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
HTTPExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 09/01/15.
HTTPExamples() - Constructor for class examples.HTTPExamples
HttpHeaders - Class in io.vertx.core.http
Contains often used Header names.
HttpMethod - Enum in io.vertx.core.http
Represents an HTTP method
HttpServer - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
An HTTP and WebSockets server.
HttpServerFileUpload - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents an file upload from an HTML FORM.
HttpServerImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is thread-safe
HttpServerImpl(VertxInternal, HttpServerOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
HttpServerImpl.ServerHandler - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
HttpServerMetrics<R,W,S> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The http server metrics SPI that Vert.x will use to call when each http server event occurs.

The thread model for the http server metrics depends on the actual context thats started the server.

HttpServerOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.http
Represents options used by an HttpServer instance
HttpServerOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Default constructor
HttpServerOptions(HttpServerOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Copy constructor
HttpServerOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Create an options from JSON
HttpServerRequest - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a server-side HTTP request.
HttpServerRequestImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
HttpServerRequestStream - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
A ReadStream of HttpServerRequest, used for notifying http request to a HttpServer.
HttpServerResponse - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a server-side HTTP response.
HttpServerResponseImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
HttpVersion - Enum in io.vertx.core.http
Represents the version of the HTTP protocol.


IDENTITY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
identity header value
IF_MATCH - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
If-Match header name
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
If-Modified-Since header name
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
If-None-Match header name
incrementAndGet(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Counter
Increment the counter atomically and return the new count
incrementAndGet(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousCounter
inferBinaryName(JavaFileManager.Location, JavaFileObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.MemoryFileManager
info(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
info(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
info(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
info(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
info(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
init(Vertx, Context) - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Initialise the verticle.
init(Vertx) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
init(Vertx, Context) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Verticle
Initialise the verticle with the Vert.x instance and the context.
initialise() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
INSTANCE - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class
InternetProtocolFamily - Enum in io.vertx.core.datagram.impl
Internet Protocol (IP) families used by DatagramSocket.
IntMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
IntMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
io.vertx.core - package io.vertx.core
= Vert.x Core Manual :toc: left At the heart of Vert.x is a set of Java APIs that we call *Vert.x Core*[Repository].
io.vertx.core.buffer - package io.vertx.core.buffer
== Buffers :toc: left Most data is shuffled around inside Vert.x using buffers.
io.vertx.core.buffer.impl - package io.vertx.core.buffer.impl
io.vertx.core.datagram - package io.vertx.core.datagram
== Datagram sockets (UDP) Using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) with Vert.x is a piece of cake.
io.vertx.core.datagram.impl - package io.vertx.core.datagram.impl
io.vertx.core.dns - package io.vertx.core.dns
== DNS client Often you will find yourself in situations where you need to obtain DNS informations in an asynchronous fashion.
io.vertx.core.dns.impl - package io.vertx.core.dns.impl
io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty - package io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty
io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder - package io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Handles the decoding of DNS response packets.
io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record - package io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record
Some DNS response packets contain numerous pieces of data that cannot be decoded into a single object such as a String.
io.vertx.core.eventbus - package io.vertx.core.eventbus
== The Event Bus :toc: left The event bus is the *nervous system* of Vert.x.
io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl - package io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs - package io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
io.vertx.core.file - package io.vertx.core.file
== Using the file system with Vert.x The Vert.x FileSystem object provides many operations for manipulating the file system.
io.vertx.core.file.impl - package io.vertx.core.file.impl
io.vertx.core.http - package io.vertx.core.http
== Writing HTTP servers and clients Vert.x allows you to easily write non blocking HTTP clients and servers.
io.vertx.core.http.impl - package io.vertx.core.http.impl
io.vertx.core.http.impl.cgbystrom - package io.vertx.core.http.impl.cgbystrom - package
io.vertx.core.impl - package io.vertx.core.impl
io.vertx.core.impl.verticle - package io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
io.vertx.core.json - package io.vertx.core.json
io.vertx.core.logging - package io.vertx.core.logging
io.vertx.core.metrics - package io.vertx.core.metrics
io.vertx.core.metrics.impl - package io.vertx.core.metrics.impl - package
== Writing TCP servers and clients Vert.x allows you to easily write non blocking TCP clients and servers. - package
io.vertx.core.parsetools - package io.vertx.core.parsetools
== Record Parser The record parser allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed size records.
io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl - package io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl
io.vertx.core.shareddata - package io.vertx.core.shareddata
== Using Shared Data with Vert.x Shared data contains functionality that allows you to safely share data between different parts of your application, or different applications in the same Vert.x instance or across a cluster of Vert.x instances.
io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl - package io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
io.vertx.core.spi - package io.vertx.core.spi
io.vertx.core.spi.cluster - package io.vertx.core.spi.cluster
io.vertx.core.spi.logging - package io.vertx.core.spi.logging
io.vertx.core.spi.metrics - package io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
io.vertx.core.streams - package io.vertx.core.streams
== Streams There are several objects in Vert.x that allow items to be read from and written.
io.vertx.core.streams.impl - package io.vertx.core.streams.impl
ioBuffer() - Method in class
ioBuffer(int) - Method in class
ioBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
isActive() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Is the cluster manager active?
isAuthoritativeAnswer() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns true if responding server is authoritative for the domain name in the query message.
isBinary() - Method in class
isBinary() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
isBroadcast() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
isChild() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
isChunked() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
isChunked() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
isChunked() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
isChunked() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
isClientAuthRequired() - Method in class
isClustered() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
isClustered() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Is this Vert.x instance clustered?
isClustered() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Is the Vert.x instance clustered?
isComplete() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Has the future completed?
isCompressionSupported() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
isContinuation() - Method in class
isContinuation() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
isCreate() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Should the file be created if it does not already exist?
isCreateNew() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Should the file be created if and the open fail if it already exists?
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
isDeleteOnClose() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Should the file be deleted when it's closed, or the JVM is shutdown.
isDirectBufferPooled() - Method in class
isDirectory() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
Is the file a directory?
isDirectory() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
isDSync() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
If true then every write to the file's content will be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
isEmpty() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
isEmpty() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
isEmpty() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Are there zero items in this JSON array?
isEmpty() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Is this object entry?
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Return true if empty
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ChoosableIterable
Is it empty?
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyTCPMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
Will metrics be enabled on the Vert.x instance?
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.Metrics
Whether the metrics are enabled.
isEnded() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Has the request ended? I.e.
isEnded() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
isEventLoopContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current context an event loop context?
isEventLoopContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isEventLoopContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext
isEventLoopContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
isExpectMultipart() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
isExpectMultipart() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
isFinal() - Method in class
isFinal() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
isHa() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Will the verticle(s) be deployed as HA (highly available) ?
isHAEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Will HA be enabled on the Vert.x instance?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
isIpV6() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
isKeepAlive() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Is keep alive enabled on the client?
isKilled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
isKilled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
isKilled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
isLoopbackModeDisabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.metrics.Measured
Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class
isMultiThreaded() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Should the verticle(s) be deployed as a multi-threaded worker verticle?
isMultiThreadedWorkerContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current context a multi-threaded worker context?
isMultiThreadedWorkerContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isMultiThreadedWorkerContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext
isMultiThreadedWorkerContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.MultiThreadedWorkerContext
isMultiThreadedWorkerContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
isNameCompatible(String, JavaFileObject.Kind) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
isNotWritable() - Method in class
IsolatingClassLoader - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
IsolatingClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.IsolatingClassLoader
isOnEventLoopThread() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current thread an event thread?
isOnEventLoopThread() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isOnVertxThread() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current thread a Vert.x thread? That's either a worker thread or an event loop thread
isOnVertxThread() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isOnWorkerThread() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current thread a worker thread?
isOnWorkerThread() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isOther() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
Is the file some other type? (I.e.
isOther() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
isPipelining() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Is pipe-lining enabled on the client
isRead() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Is the file to opened for reading?
isRecursionAvailable() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns true if DNS server can handle recursive queries.
isRecursionDesired() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns true if a query is to be pursued recursively.
isRegistered() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
isRegistered() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
isRegularFile() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
Is the file a regular file?
isRegularFile() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
isReuseAddress() - Method in class
isReuseAddress() - Method in class
isShutdown() - Method in class
isShuttingDown() - Method in class
isSizeAvailable() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
isSparse() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether a hint should be provided that the file to created is sparse
isSsl() - Method in class
isSSL() - Method in class
isSsl() - Method in interface
isSsl() - Method in class
isSymbolicLink() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
Is the file a symbolic link?
isSymbolicLink() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
isSync() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
If true then every write to the file's content and metadata will be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.
isTcpKeepAlive() - Method in class
isTcpKeepAlive() - Method in class
isTcpNoDelay() - Method in class
isTcpNoDelay() - Method in class
isTerminated() - Method in class
isText() - Method in class
isText() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
isTruncated() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Returns true if response has been truncated, usually if it is over 512 bytes.
isTruncateExisting() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
If the file exists and is opened for writing should the file be truncated to zero length on open?
isTrustAll() - Method in class
isTryUseCompression() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Is compression enabled on the client?
isUsePooledBuffers() - Method in class
isVerifyHost() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Is hostname verification (for SSL/TLS) enabled?
isWindows() - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.Utils
isWorker() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Should the verticle(s) be deployed as a worker verticle?
isWorkerContext() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Is the current context a worker context?
isWorkerContext() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
isWrite() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Is the file to opened for writing?
iterator() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
iterator() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
iterator() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
iterator() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get an Iterator over the values in the JSON array
iterator() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get an Iterator of the entries in the JSON object.
iterator() - Method in class


JavaSourceContext - Class in io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
Resolves package name and source path based on a single Java source file.
JavaSourceContext(File) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.JavaSourceContext
JavaVerticleFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
JavaVerticleFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.JavaVerticleFactory
JksOptions - Class in
Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on Java Keystore files.
JksOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
JksOptions(JksOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
JksOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
join(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Join the cluster
Json - Class in io.vertx.core.json
Json() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.Json
JsonArray - Class in io.vertx.core.json
A representation of a JSON array in Java.
JsonArray(String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Create an instance from a String of JSON
JsonArray() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Create an empty instance
JsonArray(List) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Create an instance from a List.
JsonArrayMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
JsonArrayMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
JsonObject - Class in io.vertx.core.json
A representation of a JSON object in Java.
JsonObject(String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Create an instance from a string of JSON
JsonObject() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Create a new, empty instance
JsonObject(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Create an instance from a Map.
JsonObjectMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
JsonObjectMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
JULLogDelegate - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
A LogDelegate which delegates to java.util.logging
JULLogDelegateFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
A LogDelegateFactory which creates JULLogDelegate instances.
JULLogDelegateFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegateFactory


KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
keep-alive header value
KeyCertOptions - Interface in
Key/cert configuration options.
keySet() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
KeyStoreHelper - Class in
KeyStoreHelper(String) - Constructor for class


LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Last-Modified header name
lastAccessTime() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
The date the file was last accessed
lastAccessTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
lastModifiedTime() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
The date the file was last modified
lastModifiedTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
latin1StringToBytes(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Helper method to convert a latin-1 String to an array of bytes for use as a delimiter Please do not use this for non latin-1 characters
leave(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Leave the cluster
length() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns the length of the buffer, measured in bytes.
length() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.Utils
link(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create a hard link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.
link(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
linkBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
linkBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
list(JavaFileManager.Location, String, Set<JavaFileObject.Kind>, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.MemoryFileManager
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Start listening on the given port and host.
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
listen() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Tell the server to start listening.
listen(int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Tell the server to start listening.
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Like HttpServer.listen(int, String) but supplying a handler that will be called when the server is actually listening (or has failed).
listen(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Like HttpServer.listen(int, String) but the server will listen on host "" and port specified here ignoring any value in the HttpServerOptions that was used when creating the server.
listen(int, Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Like HttpServer.listen(int) but supplying a handler that will be called when the server is actually listening (or has failed).
listen(Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Like HttpServer.listen() but supplying a handler that will be called when the server is actually listening (or has failed).
listen() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(int, Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
listen(int, String) - Method in class
listen(int) - Method in class
listen(int, Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in class
listen() - Method in class
listen(Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in class
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in class
listen() - Method in interface
Start listening on the port and host as configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.
listen(Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in interface
Like NetServer.listen() but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
listen(int, String) - Method in interface
Start listening on the specified port and host, ignoring post and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.
listen(int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in interface
Like NetServer.listen(int, String) but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
listen(int) - Method in interface
Start listening on the specified port and host "", ignoring post and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.
listen(int, Handler<AsyncResult<NetServer>>) - Method in interface
Like NetServer.listen(int) but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
listening(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyDatagramMetrics
listening(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.DatagramSocketMetrics
Called when a socket is listening.
listenMulticastGroup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Joins a multicast group and listens for packets send to it.
listenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Joins a multicast group and listens for packets send to it on the given network interface.
listenMulticastGroup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
listenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.IsolatingClassLoader
loadFactory(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.ServiceHelper
loadStore(VertxInternal, String) - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Return the SocketAddress to which this DatagramSocket is bound.
localAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
localAddress() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
localAddress() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
localAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface
localConsumer(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.consumer(String) but the address won't be propagated across the cluster.
localConsumer(String, Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.consumer(String, Handler) but the address won't be propagated across the cluster.
localConsumer(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
localConsumer(String, Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
LocalMap<K,V> - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
Local maps can be used to share data safely in a single Vert.x instance.
LOCATION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Location header name
Lock - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
An asynchronous exclusive lock which can be obtained from any node in the cluster.
Log4jLogDelegate - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
A LogDelegate which delegates to Apache Log4j
Log4jLogDelegateFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
A LogDelegateFactory which creates Log4jLogDelegate instances.
Log4jLogDelegateFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory
LogDelegate - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.logging
I represent operations that are delegated to underlying logging frameworks.
LogDelegateFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.logging
I am responsible for creating LogDelegate instances.
Logger - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
This class allows us to isolate all our logging dependencies in one place.
Logger(LogDelegate) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
LOGGER_DELEGATE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
LoggerFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
LoggerFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
LongMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
LongMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
lookup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.
lookup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
lookup4(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for the given name.
lookup4(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
lookup6(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.
lookup6(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
lprops(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Obtain properties for the link represented by path, asynchronously.
lprops(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
lpropsBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
lpropsBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl


MailExchangerDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes MX (mail exchanger) resource records.
MailExchangerDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.MailExchangerDecoder
MailExchangerRecord - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record
Represents an MX (mail exchanger) record, which contains a mail server responsible for accepting e-mail and a preference value for prioritizing mail servers if multiple servers exist.
MailExchangerRecord(int, String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.MailExchangerRecord
Constructs an MX (mail exchanger) record.
main(String[]) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
map - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.Args
mapper - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.json.Json
Measured - Interface in io.vertx.core.metrics
MemoryFileManager - Class in io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
Java in-memory file manager used by CompilingClassLoader to handle compiled classes
MemoryFileManager(ClassLoader, JavaFileManager) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.MemoryFileManager
mergeIn(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Merge in another JSON object.
Message<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.eventbus
Represents a message that is received from the event bus in a handler.
MessageCodec<S,R> - Interface in io.vertx.core.eventbus
A message codec allows a custom message type to be marshalled across the event bus.
MessageConsumer<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.eventbus
An event bus consumer object representing a stream of message to an EventBus address that can be read from.
MessageImpl<U,V> - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
MessageImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
MessageImpl(ServerID, String, String, MultiMap, U, MessageCodec<U, V>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
MessageProducer<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.eventbus
Represents a stream of message that can be written to.
MessageProducerImpl<T> - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl
MessageProducerImpl(EventBus, String, boolean, DeliveryOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
messageRead(String, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
messageRead(String, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
A message has been received from the network.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

messageReceived(String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
messageReceived(String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when a message is received.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

messageSent(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
messageSent(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called when a message has been sent or published.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

messageWritten(String, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
messageWritten(String, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
A message has been sent over the network.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

method() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
The HTTP method for the request.
method() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
method() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
method() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
metric() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
metric() - Method in class
metric() - Method in class
metrics - Variable in class
Metrics - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The metrics interface is implemented by metrics providers that wants to provide monitoring of Vert.x core.
metrics(Vertx, VertxOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxMetricsFactory
Create a new VertxMetrics object.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

METRICS_OPTIONS_PROP_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
MetricsOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.metrics
Vert.x metrics base configuration, this class can be extended by provider implementations to configure those specific implementations.
MetricsOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
Default constructor
MetricsOptions(MetricsOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
Copy constructor
MetricsOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
Create an instance from a JsonObject
MetricsProvider - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
Metrics provider is the base SPI used by metrics implementations to retrieve a Metrics object.

It is meant to be implemented by Measured implementations but not exposed directly.

metricsSPI() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
metricsSPI() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
MimeMapping - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
We do our own mapping since support for mime mapping in Java is platform dependent and doesn't seem to work very well
MimeMapping() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.MimeMapping
minimumTtl() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns the minimum TTL for records in the zone (if the record has a higher TTL, that value should be used as the TTL).
mkdir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.
mkdir(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.
mkdir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdir(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
mkdirBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
mkdirBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirInternal(String, String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirInternal(String, String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
mkdirs(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create the directory represented by path and any non existent parents, asynchronously.
mkdirs(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create the directory represented by path and any non existent parents, asynchronously.
mkdirs(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirs(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirsBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
mkdirsBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
mkdirsBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
mkdirsBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
move(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.
move(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
moveBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
moveBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
MultiMap - Interface in io.vertx.core
This class represents a MultiMap of String keys to a List of String values.
MultiThreadedWorkerContext - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
MultiThreadedWorkerContext(VertxInternal, Executor, Executor, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.MultiThreadedWorkerContext
MxRecord - Interface in io.vertx.core.dns
Represent a Mail-Exchange-Record (MX) which was resolved for a domain.


name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.MailExchangerRecord
Returns the mail exchanger (an e-mail address) in the format, which represents [email protected].
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the name for the server being queried.
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Returns the name of this entry (the domain).
name() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.MxRecord
The name of the MX record
name() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the name for the server being queried.
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
name() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
name() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageCodec
The codec name.
name() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
names() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
names() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
names() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Gets a immutable Set of all names
NetClient - Interface in
A TCP client.
NetClientImpl - Class in
This class is thread-safe
NetClientImpl(VertxInternal, NetClientOptions) - Constructor for class
NetClientImpl(VertxInternal, NetClientOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class
NetClientOptions - Class in
Options for configuring a NetClient.
NetClientOptions() - Constructor for class
The default constructor
NetClientOptions(NetClientOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
NetClientOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
NetExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 19/01/15.
NetExamples() - Constructor for class examples.NetExamples
NetServer - Interface in
Represents a TCP server
NetServerImpl - Class in
This class is thread-safe
NetServerImpl(VertxInternal, NetServerOptions) - Constructor for class
NetServerOptions - Class in
Options for configuring a NetServer.
NetServerOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
NetServerOptions(NetServerOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
NetServerOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create some options from JSON
netSocket() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request.
netSocket() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request.
netSocket() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
netSocket() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
NetSocket - Interface in
Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP connection on either the client or the server side.
NetSocketImpl - Class in
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with.
NetSocketImpl(VertxInternal, Channel, ContextImpl, SSLHelper, boolean, TCPMetrics, Object) - Constructor for class
NetSocketStream - Interface in
A ReadStream of NetSocket, used for notifying socket connections to a NetServer.
nettyEventLoopGroup() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
nettyEventLoopGroup() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Return the Netty EventLoopGroup used by Vert.x
NetworkMetrics<S> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
An SPI used internally by Vert.x to gather metrics on a net socket which serves as a base class for TCP or UDP.

NetworkOptions - Class in
NetworkOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
NetworkOptions(NetworkOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
NetworkOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Constructor from JSON
newChannel() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioServerChannelFactory
newChannel() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioSocketChannelFactory
newDelimited(String, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the String delim endcoded in latin-1 .
newDelimited(Buffer, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the buffer delim.
newDelimited(String, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the String delim endcoded in latin-1 .
newDelimited(Buffer, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented by the Buffer delim.
newFixed(int, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in fixed size mode, and where the record size is specified by the size parameter.
newFixed(int, Handler<Buffer>) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in fixed size mode, and where the record size is specified by the size parameter.
newOptions() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxMetricsFactory
Create an empty metrics options.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxThreadFactory
next() - Method in class
nodeAdded(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.NodeListener
A node has been added
nodeLeft(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.NodeListener
A node has left
nodeListener(NodeListener) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
Set a listener that will be called when a node joins or leaves the cluster.
NodeListener - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.cluster
A NodeListener is called when nodes join or leave the cluster
NoStackTraceThrowable - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
NoStackTraceThrowable(String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable
NullMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
NullMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
numberPumped() - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpImpl
Return the total number of elements pumped by this pump.
numberPumped() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Return the total number of items pumped by this pump.


OPCODE_IQUERY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
OPCODE_QUERY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Message is for a standard query.
open(String, OpenOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncFile>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.
open(String, OpenOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncFile>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
openBlocking(String, OpenOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
openBlocking(String, OpenOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
openInputStream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
OpenOptions - Class in io.vertx.core.file
Describes how an AsyncFile should be opened.
OpenOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Default constructor
OpenOptions(OpenOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Copy constructor
OpenOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Constructor to create options from JSON
openOutputStream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
openReader(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
openWriter() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
options(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
options(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
options(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
options(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
options(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the default host and port.
options(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
options(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
options - Variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
optionsAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server using an absolute URI
optionsAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP OPTIONS request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
optionsAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
optionsAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
optionsNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP OPTIONS request to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
optionsNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP OPTIONS request to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
optionsNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Sends an HTTP OPTIONS request to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
optionsNow(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
optionsNow(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
optionsNow(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
order() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
OrderedExecutorFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
A factory for producing executors that run all tasks in order, which delegate to a single common executor instance.
OrderedExecutorFactory(Executor) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.OrderedExecutorFactory
Construct a new instance delegating to the given parent executor.
orderedInternalPoolExec - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Origin header name
originalIndex() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
Returns the original index at which the DNS response packet starts for the ByteBuf stored in this ByteBufHolder.
owner() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
owner - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
owner() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl


PackageHelper - Class in io.vertx.core.impl.verticle
PackageHelper(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.PackageHelper
PacketWritestream - Interface in io.vertx.core.datagram
A WriteStream for sending packets to a SocketAddress.
params() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
params() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
PartialPooledByteBufAllocator - Class in
A ByteBufAllocator which is partial pooled.
path() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
path() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
path() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
path() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
pause() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream
pause() - Method in class
pause() - Method in interface
pause() - Method in interface
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
Pause the ReadSupport.
pause() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
peerCertificateChain() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
peerCertificateChain() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
peerCertificateChain() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
peerCertificateChain() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
peerCertificateChain() - Method in class
peerCertificateChain() - Method in interface
PemKeyCertOptions - Class in
Key store options configuring a private key and its certificate based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files.
PemKeyCertOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
PemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
PemKeyCertOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
PemTrustOptions - Class in
Certificate Authority options configuring certificates based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files.
PemTrustOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
PemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
PemTrustOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
perform() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Action
periodicStream(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
periodicStream(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Returns a periodic timer as a read stream.
PfxOptions - Class in
Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on PKCS#12 files.
PfxOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
PfxOptions(PfxOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
PfxOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
PingMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
PingMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
port() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the port the service is running on.
port() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the port the service is running on.
port - Variable in class
port() - Method in class
port() - Method in interface
post(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
post(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
post(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
post(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
post(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the default host and port.
post(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
post(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
post(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
post(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
post(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
post(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
post(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
postAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server using an absolute URI
postAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP POST request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
postAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
postAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
prefix() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.JavaVerticleFactory
prefix() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
prettyMapper - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.json.Json
primaryNameServer() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns the primary name server.
priority() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.MailExchangerRecord
Returns the priority of the mail exchanger, lower is more preferred.
priority() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the priority for this service record.
priority() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.MxRecord
The priority of the MX record.
priority() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the priority for this service record.
PROCESS_ARGS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
processArgs() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Get the arguments used when deploying the Vert.x process.
processArgs() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
The process args
processArgs() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
props(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Obtain properties for the file represented by path, asynchronously.
props(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
propsBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
propsBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
protocol() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the protocol for the service being queried (i.e.
protocol() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the protocol for the service being queried (i.e.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Proxy-Authenticate header name
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Proxy-Authorization header name
publish(String, Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Publish a message.
publish(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.publish(String, Object) but specifying options that can be used to configure the delivery.
publish(String, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
publish(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
publisher(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Create a message publisher against the specified address.
publisher(String, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.publisher(String) but specifying delivery options that will be used for configuring the delivery of the message.
publisher(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
publisher(String, DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.PumpFactory
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.PumpFactory
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpFactoryImpl
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpFactoryImpl
Pump - Interface in io.vertx.core.streams
Pumps data from a ReadStream to a WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream
pump(ReadStream<T>, WriteStream<T>, int) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream and writeQueueMaxSize
pump1(Vertx) - Method in class examples.StreamsExamples
pump2(Vertx) - Method in class examples.StreamsExamples
pump3(Vertx) - Method in class examples.StreamsExamples
pump4(Vertx) - Method in class examples.StreamsExamples
pump5(Vertx) - Method in class examples.StreamsExamples
PumpFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
PumpFactoryImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.streams.impl
PumpFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpFactoryImpl
PumpImpl<T> - Class in io.vertx.core.streams.impl
Pumps data from a ReadStream to a WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.
put(String, Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Put some data in the context.
put(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
put(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
put(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
put(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
put(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the default host and port.
put(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
put(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
put(String, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
put(String, Enum) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put an Enum into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put an CharSequence into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a String into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put an Integer into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a Long into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a Double into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a Float into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a Boolean into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put another JSON object into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a JSON array into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a byte[] into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(String, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put an Object into the JSON object with the specified key.
put(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Put a value in the map, asynchronously.
put(K, V, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
put(K, V) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Put an entry in the map
putAbs(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server using an absolute URI
putAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP PUT request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
putAbs(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
putAbs(String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
putHeader(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Put an HTTP header
putHeader(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
putHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Put an HTTP header with multiple values
putHeader(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
putHeader(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Put an HTTP header
putHeader(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
putHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Like HttpServerResponse.putHeader(String, String) but providing multiple values via a String Iterable
putHeader(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Like HttpServerResponse.putHeader(String, Iterable) but with CharSequence Iterable
putHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
putHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
putHeader(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
putHeader(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
putHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putHeader(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putHeader(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putIfAbsent(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<V>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Put the entry only if there is no entry with the key already present.
putIfAbsent(K, V, long, Handler<AsyncResult<V>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Put the entry only if there is no existing entry for that key
putNull(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Put a null value into the JSON object with the specified key.
putTrailer(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Put an HTTP trailer
putTrailer(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
putTrailer(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Like HttpServerResponse.putTrailer(String, String) but providing multiple values via a String Iterable
putTrailer(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Like HttpServerResponse.putTrailer(String, Iterable) but with CharSequence Iterable
putTrailer(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putTrailer(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putTrailer(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
putTrailer(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl


query() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
query() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
query() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
query() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
questionCount() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Returns the number of questions in the DnsMessage.
queueForWrite(Object) - Method in class


read(Buffer, int, long, int, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Reads length bytes of data from the file at position position in the file, asynchronously.
read(Buffer, int, long, int, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
readDir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.
readDir(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.
readDir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readDir(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readDirBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
readDirBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
readDirBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readDirBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Reads the entire file as represented by the path path as a Buffer, asynchronously.
readFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readFileBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
readFileBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readFromBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
readFromBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
readFromBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
readFromBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.ClusterSerializable
readFromWire(NetSocket, Buffer, Map<String, MessageCodec>, MessageCodec[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
readName(ByteBuf) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseDecoder
Retrieves a domain name given a buffer containing a DNS packet.
ReadStream<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.streams
Represents a stream of items that can be read from.
readSymlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by link points to, asynchronously.
readSymlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
readSymlinkBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
readSymlinkBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
RecordDecoder<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Used for decoding resource records.
RecordDecoderFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Handles the decoding of resource records.
RecordDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Creates a new RecordDecoderFactory only using the default decoders.
RecordDecoderFactory(Map<Integer, RecordDecoder<?>>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Creates a new RecordDecoderFactory using the default decoders and custom decoders (custom decoders override defaults).
RecordDecoderFactory(boolean, Map<Integer, RecordDecoder<?>>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Creates a RecordDecoderFactory using either custom resource record decoders, default decoders, or both.
RecordParser - Interface in io.vertx.core.parsetools
A helper class which allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed size records.
RecordParserExamples - Class in examples
Example using the record parser.
RecordParserExamples() - Constructor for class examples.RecordParserExamples
RecordParserImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl
refCnt() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
refCnt() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
refCnt() - Method in class
REFERER - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Referer header name
refreshTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns time between refreshes for secondary name servers.
register(Channel) - Method in class
register(Channel, ChannelPromise) - Method in class
registerCodec(MessageCodec) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Register a message codec.
registerCodec(MessageCodec) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
registerDefaultCodec(Class<T>, MessageCodec<T, ?>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Register a default message codec.
registerDefaultCodec(Class<T>, MessageCodec<T, ?>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
registerThread(VertxThread) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.BlockedThreadChecker
registerVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
registerVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
registerVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Register a VerticleFactory that can be used for deploying Verticles based on an identifier.
reject() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
reject() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
Reject the WebSocket.
release() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
release(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
release() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
release(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
release() - Method in class
release(int) - Method in class
release() - Method in class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.AsynchronousLock
release() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.Lock
Release the lock.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
remoteAddress() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
remoteAddress() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in interface
remove(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Remove some data from the context.
remove(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
remove(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
remove(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
remove(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
remove(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Remove the specified value from the JSON array.
remove(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Remove the value at the specified position in the JSON array.
remove(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Remove an entry from this object.
remove(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Removes the value with the given name
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.remove(String) but accepting CharSequence as parameters
remove(K, Handler<AsyncResult<V>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Remove a value from the map, asynchronously.
remove(K) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Remove an entry from the map
remove(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.AsyncMultiMap
Remove a value from the list of values for that key in the map.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
removeAllForValue(V, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.AsyncMultiMap
Remove all the specified values from all keys in the map
removeCloseHook(Closeable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
removeConnection(Channel) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
removeConnection(Channel) - Method in class
removeConnection(Channel) - Method in class
removeFromHA(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
removeHandler(Handler<T>, ContextImpl) - Method in class
removeIfPresent(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Remove a value from the map, only if entry already exists with same value.
removeIfPresent(K, V) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Remove the entry only if there is an entry with the specified key and value
removeLogger(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory
removePrefix(String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
removeWorker(EventLoop) - Method in class
replace(K, V, Handler<AsyncResult<V>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to some value
replace(K, V) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Replace the entry only if there is an existing entry with the key
replaceIfPresent(K, V, V, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to a specific value
replaceIfPresent(K, V, V) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Replace the entry only if there is an existing entry with the specified key and value
reply(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
reply(Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
reply(Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
reply(Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
reply(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
Reply to this message.
reply(Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
The same as reply(R message) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e.
reply(Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
Link Message.reply(Object) but allows you to specify delivery options for the reply.
reply(Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
The same as reply(R message, DeliveryOptions) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e.
replyAddress() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
replyAddress() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message
The reply address.
ReplyException - Exception in io.vertx.core.eventbus
Represents the failure of a message send.
ReplyException(ReplyFailure, int, String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
Create a ReplyException
ReplyException(ReplyFailure, String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
Create a ReplyException
ReplyException(ReplyFailure) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
Create a ReplyException
ReplyExceptionMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
ReplyExceptionMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
ReplyFailure - Enum in io.vertx.core.eventbus
Represents the type of reply failure
replyFailure(String, ReplyFailure) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyEventBusMetrics
replyFailure(String, ReplyFailure) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.EventBusMetrics
Called whenever there is a reply failure on the event bus.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

reportBytesRead(long) - Method in class
reportBytesWritten(long) - Method in class
request(HttpMethod, int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the specified host and port.
request(HttpMethod, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the specified host and default port.
request(HttpMethod, int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the specified host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
request(HttpMethod, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the specified host and default port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
request(HttpMethod, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the default host and port.
request(HttpMethod, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server at the default host and port, specifying a response handler to receive the response
request(HttpMethod, int, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
request(HttpMethod, String, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
request(HttpMethod, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
request(HttpMethod, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
request(HttpMethod, int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
request(HttpMethod, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
requestAbs(HttpMethod, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server using an absolute URI
requestAbs(HttpMethod, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create an HTTP request to send to the server using an absolute URI, specifying a response handler to receive the response
requestAbs(HttpMethod, String, Handler<HttpClientResponse>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
requestAbs(HttpMethod, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
requestBegin(Void, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, HttpClientRequest) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
requestBegin(Void, HttpServerRequest) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
requestBegin(S, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, HttpClientRequest) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpClientMetrics
Called when an http client request begins
requestBegin(S, HttpServerRequest) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpServerMetrics
Called when an http server request begins
requestEnded(ClientConnection) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionLifeCycleListener
requestHandler(Handler<HttpServerRequest>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Set the request handler for the server to requestHandler.
requestHandler() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
requestHandler(Handler<HttpServerRequest>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
requestHandler() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
requestStream() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Return the request stream for the server.
requestStream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
require(boolean, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.Arguments
Checks that the specified condition is fulfilled and throws a customized IllegalArgumentException if it is false.
requireInRange(int, int, int, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.Arguments
Checks that the specified number is within the specified minimum and maximum range (inclusively) and throws a customized IllegalArgumentException if not.
requiresResolve() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
resolve(String, DeploymentOptions, ClassLoader, Future<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory
resolveA(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for the given name.
resolveA(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveAAAA(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for the given name.
resolveAAAA(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveCNAME(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the CNAME record for the given name.
resolveCNAME(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveFile(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.FileResolver
resolveFile(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
resolveFile(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
resolveMainClassName() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CompilingClassLoader
resolveMX(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<MxRecord>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the MX records for the given name.
resolveMX(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<MxRecord>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveNS(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the NS records for the given name.
resolveNS(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolvePTR(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the PTR record for the given name.
resolvePTR(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveSRV(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<SrvRecord>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the SRV records for the given name.
resolveSRV(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<SrvRecord>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
resolveTXT(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to resolve the TXT records for the given name.
resolveTXT(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
response() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
response() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
responseEnd(Void, HttpClientResponse) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpClientMetrics
responseEnd(Void, HttpServerResponse) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics.DummyHttpServerMetrics
responseEnd(R, HttpClientResponse) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpClientMetrics
Called when an http client response has ended
responseEnd(R, HttpServerResponse) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.HttpServerMetrics
Called when an http server response has ended.
responseEnded(ClientConnection) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.impl.ConnectionLifeCycleListener
responsiblePerson() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns the responsible person's e-mail.
result() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.AsyncResult
The result of the operation.
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.BodyReadStream
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
resume() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream
resume() - Method in class
resume() - Method in interface
resume() - Method in interface
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
Resume reading.
resume() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.TimeoutStream
retain() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
retain(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
retain() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
retain(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse
retain() - Method in class
retain(int) - Method in class
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
retrieveContext(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
retrieveContextType(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Retry-After header name
retryTime() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns time between retries for failed refresh attempts.
reverseLookup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.DnsClient
Try to do a reverse lookup of an IP address.
reverseLookup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.DnsClientImpl
run() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl.BlockingAction
Run the blocking action using a thread from the worker pool.
run() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.ContextTask
run(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
run(String[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
run(Args, String[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
runCloseHooks(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
runCommandLine(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
runInContext(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
runInContextWithData(Vertx) - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
runOnContext(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Context
Run the specified action asynchronously on the same context, some time after the current execution has completed.
runOnContext(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
runOnContext(Handler<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
runOnContext(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Puts the handler on the event queue for the current context so it will be run asynchronously ASAP after all preceeding events have been handled.


safeBuffer(ByteBuf, ByteBufAllocator) - Static method in class
safeObject(Object, ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
safeObject(Object, ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class
safeObject(Object, ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class
send(Buffer, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Write the given Buffer to the SocketAddress.
send(String, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Write the given String to the SocketAddress using UTF8 encoding.
send(String, String, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Write the given String to the SocketAddress using the given encoding.
send(Buffer, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
send(String, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
send(String, String, int, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
send(String, Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Sends a message.
send(String, Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<T>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.send(String, Object) but specifying a replyHandler that will be called if the recipient subsequently replies to the message.
send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.send(String, Object) but specifying options that can be used to configure the delivery.
send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<T>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) but specifying a replyHandler that will be called if the recipient subsequently replies to the message.
send(String, Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
send(String, Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<T>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<T>>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
send() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
sender() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramPacket
Returns the SocketAddress of the sender that sent this DatagramPacket.
sender(int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Returns a PacketWritestream able to send Buffer to the SocketAddress.
sender(int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
sender(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Create a message sender against the specified address.
sender(String, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Like EventBus.sender(String) but specifying delivery options that will be used for configuring the delivery of the message.
sender(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
sender(String, DeliveryOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
sendFile(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Ask the OS to stream a file as specified by filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection, bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system.
sendFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Like HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String) but providing a handler which will be notified once the file has been completely written to the wire.
sendFile(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
sendFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
sendFile(RandomAccessFile, long) - Method in class
sendFile(String) - Method in class
sendFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class
sendFile(String) - Method in interface
Tell the operating system to stream a file as specified by filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection, bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system.
sendFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface
Same as NetSocket.sendFile(String) but also takes a handler that will be called when the send has completed or a failure has occurred
sendHead() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Forces the head of the request to be written before HttpClientRequest.end() is called on the request or any data is written to it.
sendHead() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
serial() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Returns the zone's serial number, usually in format YYYYMMDDnn.
SERVER - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Server header name
ServerHandler() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl.ServerHandler
ServerID - Class in
ServerID(int, String) - Constructor for class
ServerID() - Constructor for class
ServerOptionsBase - Class in
ServerOptionsBase() - Constructor for class
serversharing(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
serversharingclient(Vertx) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
ServerWebSocket - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a server side WebSocket.
ServerWebSocketImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop.
ServerWebSocketImpl(VertxInternal, String, String, String, MultiMap, ConnectionBase, boolean, Runnable, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
ServerWebSocketStream - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
A ReadStream of ServerWebSocket, used for notifying web socket connections to a HttpServer.
service() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the service's name (i.e.
service() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the service's name (i.e.
ServiceDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes SRV (service) resource records.
ServiceDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.ServiceDecoder
ServiceHelper - Class in io.vertx.core
A helper class for loading factories from the classpath and from the vert.x OSGi bundle.
ServiceHelper() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.ServiceHelper
ServiceRecord - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record
Represents an SRV (service) record, which contains the location, or hostname and port, of servers for specified services.
ServiceRecord(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Constructs an SRV (service) record.
set(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
set(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
set(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
set(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
set(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
set(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
set(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Sets a value under the specified name.
set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.set(String, String) but accepting CharSequence as parameters
set(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Sets values for the specified name.
set(CharSequence, Iterable<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Like MultiMap.set(String, Iterable) but accepting CharSequence as parameters
SET_COOKIE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Set-Cookie header name
setAcceptBacklog(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setAcceptBacklog(int) - Method in class
Set the accept back log
setAll(MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
setAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
setAll(MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
setAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
setAll(MultiMap) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Cleans this instance.
setAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Cleans and set all values of the given instance
setAuthoritativeAnswer(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Set to true if responding server is authoritative for the domain name in the query message.
setBinaryData(ByteBuf) - Method in class
setBinaryData(ByteBuf) - Method in interface
Sets the type and the content of this frame.
setBlockedThreadCheckInterval(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Sets the value of blocked thread check period, in ms.
setBroadcast(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Set if the socket can receive broadcast packets
setBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the Buffer b.
setBuffer(int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the Buffer b on the given offset and len.
setBuffer(int, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setBuffer(int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setBus(EventBusImpl) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the byte at position pos in the Buffer to the value b.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the ByteBuffer b.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the byte[] b.
setBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the given number of bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the byte[] b.
setBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setCertPath(String) - Method in class
Set the path to the certificate
setCertValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Set the certificate as a buffer
setChunked(boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
If chunked is true then the request will be set into HTTP chunked mode
setChunked(boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
If chunked is true, this response will use HTTP chunked encoding, and each call to write to the body will correspond to a new HTTP chunk sent on the wire.
setChunked(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
setChunked(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
setClientAuthRequired(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setClientAuthRequired(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether client auth is required
setClustered(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set whether or not the Vert.x instance will be clustered.
setClusterHost(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the hostname to be used for clustering.
setClusterManager(ClusterManager) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Programmatically set the cluster manager to be used when clustering.
setClusterPingInterval(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the value of cluster ping interval, in ms.
setClusterPingReplyInterval(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.
setClusterPort(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the port to be used for clustering.
setCodecName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Set the codec name.
setCompressionSupported(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Set whether the server supports compression
setConfig(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set the JSON configuration that will be passed to the verticle(s) when it's deployed
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class
Set the connect timeout
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class
setContext(ContextImpl) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
setCreate(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file should be created if it does not already exist.
setCreateNew(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file should be created and fail if it does exist already.
setDefaultHost(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set the default host name to be used by this client in requests if none is provided when making the request.
setDefaultPort(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set the default port to be used by this client in requests if none is provided when making the request.
setDeleteOnClose(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file should be deleted when it's closed, or the JVM is shutdown.
setDeployment(Deployment) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the double at position pos in the Buffer to the value d.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setDSync(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether every write to the file's content ill be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
Set whether metrics will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.
setEventLoopPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the number of event loop threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
setExpectMultipart(boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Call this with true if you are expecting a multi-part body to be submitted in the request.
setExpectMultipart(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
setExtraClasspath(List<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set any extra classpath to be used when deploying the verticle.
setFactory(RecordDecoderFactory) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.RecordDecoderFactory
Sets the active RecordDecoderFactory to be used for decoding resource records.
setFailoverCompleteHandler(FailoverCompleteHandler) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
setFloat(int, float) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the float at position pos in the Buffer to the value f.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setHa(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set whether the verticle(s) will be deployed as HA.
setHAEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set whether HA will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.
setHAGroup(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the HA group to be used when HA is enabled.
setHandler(Handler<NetSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.EventBusNetServer
setHandler(Handler<AsyncResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Set a handler for the result.
setHeader(H) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsMessage
Sets this message's DnsHeader.
setHeaders(MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Set message headers from a multi-map.
setHost(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setHost(String) - Method in class
Set the host
setId(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Sets the id for this DnsMessage.
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class
Set the idle timeout, in seconds.
setInstances(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set the number of instances that should be deployed.
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the int at position pos in the Buffer to the value i.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setInternalBlockingPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the value of internal blocking pool size
setIpV6(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Set if IP v6 should be used
setIsolatedClasses(List<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set the isolated class names.
setIsolationGroup(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set the isolation group that will be used when deploying the verticle(s)
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set whether keep alive is enabled on the client
setKeyPath(String) - Method in class
Set the path to the key file
setKeyStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setKeyStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setKeyStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
setKeyStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
setKeyStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
Set the key/cert options in jks format, aka Java keystore.
setKeyValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Set the key a a buffer
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the long at position pos in the Buffer to the value l.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setLoopbackModeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Set if loopback mode is disabled
setMaxBufferedMessages(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
setMaxBufferedMessages(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
Set the number of messages this registration will buffer when this stream is paused.
setMaxEventLoopExecuteTime(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Sets the value of max event loop execute time, in ns.
setMaxPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set the maximum pool size for connections
setMaxWebsocketFrameSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set the max websocket frame size
setMaxWebsocketFrameSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Set the maximum websocket frames size
setMaxWorkerExecuteTime(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Sets the value of max worker execute time, in ns.
setMetric(Object) - Method in class
setMetricsOptions(MetricsOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the metrics options
setMulticastNetworkInterface(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Set the multicast network interface address
setMulticastTimeToLive(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
Set the multicast ttl value
setMultiThreaded(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a multi-threaded worker verticle
setOpcode(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Sets the opcode for this DnsMessage.
setOutput(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.parsetools.impl.RecordParserImpl
setOutput(Handler<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser
setPassword(String) - Method in class
Set the password for the key store
setPassword(String) - Method in class
Set the password
setPath(String) - Method in class
Set the path to the key store
setPath(String) - Method in class
Set the path
setPemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setPemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setPemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Method in class
setPemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Method in class
setPemKeyCertOptions(PemKeyCertOptions) - Method in class
Set the key/cert store options in pem format.
setPemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setPemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setPemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Method in class
setPemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Method in class
setPemTrustOptions(PemTrustOptions) - Method in class
Set the trust options in pem format
setPeriodic(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
setPeriodic(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Set a periodic timer to fire every delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with the id of the timer.
setPerms(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set the permissions string
setPfxKeyCertOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setPfxKeyCertOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setPfxKeyCertOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
setPfxKeyCertOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
setPfxKeyCertOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
Set the key/cert options in pfx format.
setPfxTrustOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setPfxTrustOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setPfxTrustOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
setPfxTrustOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
setPfxTrustOptions(PfxOptions) - Method in class
Set the trust options in pfx format
setPipelining(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set whether pipe-lining is enabled on the client
setPort(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setPort(int) - Method in class
Set the port
setQuorumSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the quorum size to be used when HA is enabled.
setRead(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file is to be opened for reading
setReadAdditionalResources(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the number of additional resources to be read after this header has been decoded.
setReadAnswers(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the number of answers that should be read after this header has been decoded.
setReadAuthorityResources(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the number of authority resources to be read after this header has been decoded.
setReadPos(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Sets the position from which data will be read from when using the file as a ReadStream.
setReadPos(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
setReadQuestions(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the number of questions that should be read after this header has been decoded.
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Set the TCP receive buffer size
setReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in class
Set the value of reconnect attempts
setReconnectInterval(long) - Method in class
Set the reconnect interval
setRecursionAvailable(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Set to true if DNS server can handle recursive queries.
setRecursionDesired(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Sets whether a name server is directed to pursue a query recursively or not.
setRemoveSubsHandler(FailoverCompleteHandler) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
setReplyAddress(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageImpl
setResponseCode(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the response code for this message.
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
Set the value of reuse address
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Set the TCP send buffer size
setSendTimeout(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions
Set the send timeout.
setShort(int, short) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the short at position pos in the Buffer to the value s.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setSoLinger(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setSoLinger(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setSoLinger(int) - Method in class
setSoLinger(int) - Method in class
setSoLinger(int) - Method in class
Set whether SO_linger keep alive is enabled
setSparse(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether a hint should be provided that the file to created is sparse
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled
setStatusCode(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Set the status code.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Set the status message
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
setString(int, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in UTF-8.
setString(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in encoding enc.
setString(int, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setString(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
setSync(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether every write to the file's content and meta-data will be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.
setTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class
setTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class
setTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether TCP keep alive is enabled
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether TCP no delay is enabled
setTextData(String) - Method in class
setTextData(String) - Method in interface
Set the type of the content of this frame and populate it with the given content
setTimeout(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Set's the amount of time after which if a response is not received TimeoutException will be sent to the exception handler of this request.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
setTimer(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
setTimer(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Set a one-shot timer to fire after delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with the id of the timer.
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocketOptions
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class
Set the value of traffic class
setTruncated(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Set to true if response has been truncated (usually happens for responses over 512 bytes).
setTruncateExisting(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file should be truncated to zero length on opening if it exists and is opened for write
setTrustAll(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setTrustAll(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether all server certificates should be trusted
setTrustAll(boolean) - Method in class
setTrustStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setTrustStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setTrustStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
setTrustStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
setTrustStoreOptions(JksOptions) - Method in class
Set the trust options in jks format, aka Java trustore
setTryUseCompression(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set whether compression is enabled
setType(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Sets the DnsMessage type.
setType(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsQueryHeader
Sets the DnsHeader type.
setType(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the DnsHeader type.
setUsePooledBuffers(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
setUsePooledBuffers(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
setUsePooledBuffers(boolean) - Method in class
setUsePooledBuffers(boolean) - Method in class
setUsePooledBuffers(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether Netty pooled buffers are enabled
setValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Set the key store as a buffer
setValue(Buffer) - Method in class
Set the store as a buffer
setVerifyHost(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions
Set whether hostname verification is enabled
setVertx(Vertx) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager
setWarningExceptionTime(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the threshold value above this, the blocked warning contains a stack trace.
setWebsocketSubProtocol(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions
Set the websocket subprotocols supported by the server.
setWorker(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a worker verticle
setWorkerPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
setWrite(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions
Set whether the file is to be opened for writing
setWritePos(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Sets the position from which data will be written when using the file as a WriteStream.
setWritePos(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.PacketWritestream
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpImpl
Set the write queue max size to maxSize
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Set the write queue max size to maxSize
setWriteQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream
Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.
setZ(int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseHeader
Sets the field Z.
Shareable - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
A marker interface which allows you to put arbitrary objects into a LocalMap.
sharedData() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
SharedData - Interface in io.vertx.core.shareddata
Shared data allows you to share data safely between different parts of your application in a safe way.
sharedData() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Get the shared data object.
SharedDataExamples - Class in examples
Created by tim on 19/01/15.
SharedDataExamples() - Constructor for class examples.SharedDataExamples
SharedDataImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl
SharedDataImpl(VertxInternal, ClusterManager) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.SharedDataImpl
sharedHttpServers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
sharedHttpServers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
sharedNetServers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
sharedNetServers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
ShortMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
ShortMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdownGracefully(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
simulateKill() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
simulateKill() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
simulateKill() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal
size() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileProps
The size of the file, in bytes
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FilePropsImpl
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
size() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
The size of the upload may not be available until it is all read.
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HeadersAdaptor
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get the number of values in this JSON array
size() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get the number of entries in the JSON object
size() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.MultiMap
Return the number of keys.
size(Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap
Provide the number of entries in the map
size() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
Get the size of the map
SLF4JLogDelegate - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
SLF4JLogDelegateFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
SLF4JLogDelegateFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory
slice() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a slice of this buffer.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a slice of this buffer.
slice() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
slice(int, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
SocketAddress - Interface in
The address of a socket
SocketAddressImpl - Class in
SocketAddressImpl(int, String) - Constructor for class
SocketDefaults - Class in
SrvRecord - Interface in io.vertx.core.dns
Represent a Service-Record (SRV) which was resolved for a domain.
SSLHelper - Class in
This is a pretty sucky class - could do with a refactoring
SSLHelper(HttpClientOptions, KeyStoreHelper, KeyStoreHelper) - Constructor for class
SSLHelper(HttpServerOptions, KeyStoreHelper, KeyStoreHelper) - Constructor for class
SSLHelper(NetClientOptions, KeyStoreHelper, KeyStoreHelper) - Constructor for class
SSLHelper(NetServerOptions, KeyStoreHelper, KeyStoreHelper) - Constructor for class
SSLHelper.ClientAuth - Enum in
start() - Method in class examples.ConfigurableVerticleExamples
start(Future<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Start the verticle.
start() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
If your verticle does a simple, synchronous start-up then override this method and put your start-up code in there.
start() - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpImpl
Start the Pump.
start() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Start the Pump.
start(Future<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Verticle
Start the verticle instance.
Starter - Class in io.vertx.core
A main() class that can be used to deploy verticles.
Starter() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.Starter
StartOfAuthorityDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes SOA (start of authority) resource records.
StartOfAuthorityDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.StartOfAuthorityDecoder
StartOfAuthorityRecord - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record
Represents an SOA (start of authority) record, which defines global parameters for a zone (domain).
StartOfAuthorityRecord(String, String, long, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.StartOfAuthorityRecord
Constructs an SOA (start of authority) record.
startRead() - Method in class
statusCode() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
statusCode() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
statusCodeHandling(HttpClient) - Method in class examples.HTTPExamples
statusMessage() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
statusMessage() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
stop(Future<Void>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Stop the verticle.
stop() - Method in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
If your verticle has simple synchronous clean-up tasks to complete then override this method and put your clean-up code in there.
stop() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.HAManager
stop() - Method in class io.vertx.core.streams.impl.PumpImpl
Stop the Pump.
stop() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.Pump
Stop the Pump.
stop(Future<Void>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Verticle
Stop the verticle instance.
stream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
Get a Stream over the entries in the JSON array
stream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
Get a stream of the entries in the JSON object.
StreamBase - Interface in io.vertx.core.streams
Base interface for a stream.
StreamsExamples - Class in examples
StreamsExamples() - Constructor for class examples.StreamsExamples
streamToFileSystem(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload
Stream the content of this upload to the given file on storage.
StringEscapeUtils - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Adapted from Apache Commons code
StringEscapeUtils() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
StringEscapeUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming.
StringMessageCodec - Class in io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs
StringMessageCodec() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
succeeded() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.AsyncResult
Did it succeed?
succeededFuture() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Create a succeeded future with a null result
succeededFuture(T) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Future
Created a succeeded future with the specified result.
supportsFileRegion() - Method in class
symlink(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Create a symbolic link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.
symlink(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
symlinkBlocking(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
symlinkBlocking(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
systemAndEnvProperties() - Method in class examples.CoreExamples
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
systemCodecID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageCodec
Used to identify system codecs.


target() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the name of the host for the service.
target() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the name of the host for the service.
TCPMetrics<S> - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
An SPI used internally by Vert.x to gather metrics on a net socket which serves as a base class for things like HttpServer and HttpClient, all of which serve TCP connections.

The thread model for the tcp metrics depends on the actual context thats created the client/server.

TCPSSLOptions - Class in
Base class.
TCPSSLOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
TCPSSLOptions(TCPSSLOptions) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor
TCPSSLOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create options from JSON
terminationFuture() - Method in class
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
text/html header value
textData() - Method in class
textData() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
TextDecoder - Class in io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder
Decodes TXT (text) resource records.
TextDecoder() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.TextDecoder
textFrame(String, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl
textFrame(String, boolean) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketFrame
Create a text WebSocket frame.
textFrame(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.WebSocketFrameFactory
textHandlerID() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
textHandlerID() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
When a Websocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the eventbus, the ID of that handler is given by textHandlerID.
TimeoutStream - Interface in io.vertx.core
A timeout stream is triggered by a timer, the Handler will be call when the timer is fired, it can be once or several times depending on the nature of the timer related to this stream.
timerCreated(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
timerCreated(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Called when a timer is created No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.
timerEnded(long, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
timerEnded(long, boolean) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Called when a timer has ended (setTimer) or has been cancelled.

No specific thread and context can be expected when this method is called.

timerStream(long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
timerStream(long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Returns a one-shot timer as a read stream.
timeToLive() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource
Returns the time to live after reading for this resource record.
toArray() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ConcurrentHashSet
toInt() - Method in enum io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions
Convert this to JSON
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions
toString(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
Returns a String representation of the Buffer with the encoding specified by enc
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
toString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
toString() - Method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.DnsResponseCode
Returns a formatted error message for this DnsResponseCode.
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
toString() - Method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseCode
Returns a formatted error message for this DnsResponseCode.
toString() - Method in exception io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.CaseInsensitiveHeaders
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
toString() - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
totalSpace() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemProps
totalSpace() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemPropsImpl
toUri() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.verticle.CustomJavaFileObject
trace(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
trace(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
trace(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
trace(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
trace(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
trailers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
trailers() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
trailers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientResponseImpl
trailers() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Transfer-Encoding header name
transform(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BooleanMessageCodec
transform(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.BufferMessageCodec
transform(byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteArrayMessageCodec
transform(Byte) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ByteMessageCodec
transform(Character) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.CharMessageCodec
transform(Double) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.DoubleMessageCodec
transform(Float) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.FloatMessageCodec
transform(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.IntMessageCodec
transform(JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonArrayMessageCodec
transform(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.JsonObjectMessageCodec
transform(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.LongMessageCodec
transform(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.NullMessageCodec
transform(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.PingMessageCodec
transform(ReplyException) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ReplyExceptionMessageCodec
transform(Short) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.ShortMessageCodec
transform(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.codecs.StringMessageCodec
transform(S) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageCodec
If a message is sent locally across the event bus, this method is called to transform the message from the sent type S to the received type R
truncate(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Truncate the file represented by path to length len in bytes, asynchronously.
truncate(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
truncateBlocking(String, long) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
truncateBlocking(String, long) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
TrustOptions - Interface in
Certification authority configuration options.
type() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Returns the type of resource record to be received.
type() - Method in class
type() - Method in interface
TYPE_A - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Address record RFC 1035 Returns a 32-bit IPv4 address, most commonly used to map hostnames to an IP address of the host, but also used for DNSBLs, storing subnet masks in RFC 1101, etc.
TYPE_AAAA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
IPv6 address record RFC 3596 Returns a 128-bit IPv6 address, most commonly used to map hostnames to an IP address of the host.
TYPE_AFSDB - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
AFS database record RFC 1183 Location of database servers of an AFS cell.
TYPE_ANY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
All cached records RFC 1035 Returns all records of all types known to the name server.
TYPE_APL - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Address Prefix List record RFC 3123 Specify lists of address ranges, e.g.
TYPE_AXFR - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Authoritative Zone Transfer record RFC 1035 Transfer entire zone file from the master name server to secondary name servers.
TYPE_CAA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Certification Authority Authorization record RFC 6844 CA pinning, constraining acceptable CAs for a host/domain.
TYPE_CERT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Certificate record RFC 4398 Stores PKIX, SPKI, PGP, etc.
TYPE_CNAME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Canonical name record RFC 1035 Alias of one name to another: the DNS lookup will continue by retrying the lookup with the new name.
TYPE_DHCID - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DHCP identifier record RFC 4701 Used in conjunction with the FQDN option to DHCP.
TYPE_DLV - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DNSSEC Lookaside Validation record RFC 4431 For publishing DNSSEC trust anchors outside of the DNS delegation chain.
TYPE_DNAME - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Delegation name record RFC 2672 DNAME creates an alias for a name and all its subnames, unlike CNAME, which aliases only the exact name in its label.
TYPE_DNSKEY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DNS Key record RFC 4034 The key record used in DNSSEC.
TYPE_DS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Delegation signer record RFC 4034 The record used to identify the DNSSEC signing key of a delegated zone.
TYPE_HIP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Host Identity Protocol record RFC 5205 Method of separating the end-point identifier and locator roles of IP addresses.
TYPE_IPSECKEY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
IPsec Key record RFC 4025 Key record that can be used with IPsec.
TYPE_IXFR - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Incremental Zone Transfer record RFC 1996 Requests a zone transfer of the given zone but only differences from a previous serial number.
TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
key record RFC 2535 and RFC 2930 Used only for SIG(0) (RFC 2931) and TKEY (RFC 2930).
TYPE_KX - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Key eXchanger record RFC 2230 Used with some cryptographic systems (not including DNSSEC) to identify a key management agent for the associated domain-name.
TYPE_LOC - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Location record RFC 1876 Specifies a geographical location associated with a domain name.
TYPE_MX - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Mail exchange record RFC 1035 Maps a domain name to a list of message transfer agents for that domain.
TYPE_NAPTR - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Naming Authority Pointer record RFC 3403 Allows regular expression based rewriting of domain names which can then be used as URIs, further domain names to lookups, etc.
TYPE_NS - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Name server record RFC 1035 Delegates a DNS zone to use the given authoritative name servers
TYPE_NSEC - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Next-Secure record RFC 4034 Part of DNSSEC, used to prove a name does not exist.
TYPE_NSEC3 - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
NSEC record version 3 RFC 5155 An extension to DNSSEC that allows proof of nonexistence for a name without permitting zonewalking.
TYPE_NSEC3PARAM - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
NSEC3 parameters record RFC 5155 Parameter record for use with NSEC3.
TYPE_OPT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Option record RFC 2671 This is a pseudo DNS record type needed to support EDNS.
TYPE_PTR - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Pointer record RFC 1035 Pointer to a canonical name.
TYPE_QUERY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Message type is query.
TYPE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsHeader
Message type is response.
TYPE_RP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Responsible person record RFC 1183 Information about the responsible person(s) for the domain.
TYPE_RRSIG - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DNSSEC signature record RFC 4034 Signature for a DNSSEC-secured record set.
TYPE_SIG - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Signature record RFC 2535 Signature record used in SIG(0) (RFC 2931) and TKEY (RFC 2930).
TYPE_SOA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Start of [a zone of] authority record RFC 1035 and RFC 2308 Specifies authoritative information about a DNS zone, including the primary name server, the email of the domain administrator, the domain serial number, and several timers relating to refreshing the zone.
TYPE_SPF - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Sender Policy Framework record RFC 4408 Specified as part of the SPF protocol as an alternative to of storing SPF data in TXT records.
TYPE_SRV - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Service locator RFC 2782 Generalized service location record, used for newer protocols instead of creating protocol-specific records such as MX.
TYPE_SSHFP - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
SSH Public Key Fingerprint record RFC 4255 Resource record for publishing SSH public host key fingerprints in the DNS System, in order to aid in verifying the authenticity of the host.
TYPE_TA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
DNSSEC Trust Authorities record N/A Part of a deployment proposal for DNSSEC without a signed DNS root.
TYPE_TKEY - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Secret key record RFC 2930 A method of providing keying material to be used with TSIG that is encrypted under the public key in an accompanying KEY RR..
TYPE_TLSA - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
TLSA certificate association record RFC 6698 A record for DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE).
TYPE_TSIG - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Transaction Signature record RFC 2845 Can be used to authenticate dynamic updates as coming from an approved client, or to authenticate responses as coming from an approved recursive name server similar to DNSSEC.
TYPE_TXT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsEntry
Text record RFC 1035 Originally for arbitrary human-readable text in a DNS record.


unallocatedSpace() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemProps
unallocatedSpace() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemPropsImpl
unblock() - Method in class io.vertx.core.Starter
undeploy(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
undeploy(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
undeploy(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
undeploy(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Undeploy a verticle deployment.
undeploy(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Like Vertx.undeploy(String) but the completionHandler will be notified when the undeployment is complete.
undeployAll(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
undeployVerticle(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
unescapeJava(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Unescapes any Java literals found in the String.
unescapeJava(Writer, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Unescapes any Java literals found in the String to a Writer.
unescapeJavaScript(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Unescapes any JavaScript literals found in the String.
unescapeJavaScript(Writer, String) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.StringEscapeUtils
Unescapes any JavaScript literals found in the String to a Writer.
unlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Unlinks the link on the file system represented by the path link, asynchronously.
unlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
unlinkBlocking(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
unlinkBlocking(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
unlistenMulticastGroup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Leaves a multicast group and stops listening for packets send to it.
unlistenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket
Leaves a multicast group and stops listening for packets send to it on the given network interface.
unlistenMulticastGroup(String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
unlistenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<DatagramSocket>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl
unregister() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
unregister(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl.HandlerRegistration
unregister() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
Unregisters the handler which created this registration
unregister(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer
Unregisters the handler which created this registration
unregisterCodec(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Unregister a message codec.
unregisterCodec(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
unregisterDefaultCodec(Class) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus
Unregister a default message codec.
unregisterDefaultCodec(Class) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl
unregisterVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
unregisterVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
unregisterVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Unregister a VerticleFactory
unsetContext(ContextImpl) - Static method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxThreadFactory
UPGRADE - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
Upgrade header value
upgrade() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Upgrade the connection to a WebSocket connection.
upgrade() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
upgradeToSsl(Handler<Void>) - Method in class
upgradeToSsl(Handler<Void>) - Method in interface
Upgrade channel to use SSL/TLS.
uploadHandler(Handler<HttpServerFileUpload>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
Set an upload handler.
uploadHandler(Handler<HttpServerFileUpload>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
uri() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
uri() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
uri() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
uri() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
uri() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
uri() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
usableSpace() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemProps
usableSpace() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemPropsImpl
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
User-Agent header name
userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
Utils - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
Simple generic utility methods and constants
Utils() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.Utils


validate(VertxInternal) - Method in class
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.InternetProtocolFamily
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.DnsResponseCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.DnsResponseCode
Returns the DnsResponseCode that corresponds with the given responseCode.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseCode
Returns the DnsResponseCode that corresponds with the given responseCode.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.HttpVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.impl.FrameType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.WebsocketVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.InternetProtocolFamily
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.DnsResponseCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponseCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.HttpVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.impl.FrameType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.vertx.core.http.WebsocketVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap
version() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
version() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerRequestImpl
Verticle - Interface in io.vertx.core
A verticle is a piece of code that can be deployed by Vert.x.
verticleDeployed(Verticle) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
verticleDeployed(Verticle) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Called when a verticle is deployed in Vert.x .

This method is invoked with Context and thread of the deployed verticle and therefore might be different on every invocation.

verticleFactories() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager
verticleFactories() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl
verticleFactories() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Return the Set of currently registered verticle factories.
VerticleFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
verticleIdentifier() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.impl.Deployment
verticleUndeployed(Verticle) - Method in class io.vertx.core.metrics.impl.DummyVertxMetrics
verticleUndeployed(Verticle) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.metrics.VertxMetrics
Called when a verticle is undeployed in Vert.x .

This method is invoked with Context and thread of the deployed verticle and therefore might be different on every invocation, however these are the same than the VertxMetrics.verticleDeployed(io.vertx.core.Verticle) invocation.

vertx - Variable in class io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
Reference to the Vert.x instance that deployed this verticle
vertx - Variable in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
vertx() - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxFactoryImpl
vertx(VertxOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxFactoryImpl
vertx - Variable in class
vertx() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxFactory
vertx(VertxOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.VertxFactory
vertx - Variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
Vertx - Interface in io.vertx.core
The entry point into the Vert.x Core API.
vertx() - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Creates a non clustered instance using default options.
vertx(VertxOptions) - Static method in interface io.vertx.core.Vertx
Creates a non clustered instance using the specified options
VERTX_OPTIONS_PROP_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.Starter
VertxEventLoopGroup - Class in
VertxEventLoopGroup() - Constructor for class
VertxException - Exception in io.vertx.core
VertxException(String) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.VertxException
Create an instance given a message
VertxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.VertxException
Create an instance given a message and a cause
VertxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.vertx.core.VertxException
Create an instance given a cause
VertxFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
Factory for creating Vertx instances.
VertxFactoryImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
VertxFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.VertxFactoryImpl
VertxHandler<C extends ConnectionBase> - Class in
VertxHandler() - Constructor for class
VertxHttpHandler<C extends ConnectionBase> - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
VertxHttpHandler(Map<Channel, C>) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
VertxImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
VertxInternal - Interface in io.vertx.core.impl
This interface provides services for vert.x core internal use only It is not part of the public API and should not be used by developers creating vert.x applications
VertxLoggerFormatter - Class in io.vertx.core.logging
VertxLoggerFormatter() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.logging.VertxLoggerFormatter
VertxMetrics - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi.metrics
The main Vert.x metrics SPI which Vert.x will use internally.
VertxMetricsFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
A factory for the plugable metrics SPI.
VertxNetHandler - Class in
VertxNetHandler(Map<Channel, NetSocketImpl>) - Constructor for class
VertxNioServerChannelFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
VertxNioServerChannelFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioServerChannelFactory
VertxNioServerSocketChannel - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
VertxNioServerSocketChannel() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioServerSocketChannel
VertxNioSocketChannel<C> - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
We provide this class so we can store a reference to the connection on it.
VertxNioSocketChannel(Channel, SocketChannel) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioSocketChannel
VertxNioSocketChannel() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioSocketChannel
VertxNioSocketChannelFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
VertxNioSocketChannelFactory() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxNioSocketChannelFactory
VertxOptions - Class in io.vertx.core
Instances of this class are used to configure Vertx instances.
VertxOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Default constructor
VertxOptions(VertxOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Copy constructor
VertxOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.VertxOptions
Create an instance from a JsonObject
VertxThreadFactory - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
VoidHandler - Class in io.vertx.core
This class can be used for simple handlers which don't receive any value.
VoidHandler() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.VoidHandler


warn(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.JULLogDelegate
warn(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegate
warn(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.Logger
warn(Object) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegate
warn(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.spi.logging.LogDelegate
websocket(int, String, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI
websocket(String, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the host and relative request URI and default port
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI, and with the specified headers
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified host,relative request UR, and default port and with the specified headers
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI, with the specified headers and using the specified version of WebSockets
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified host, relative request URI and default port with the specified headers and using the specified version of WebSockets
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI, with the specified headers, using the specified version of WebSockets, and the specified websocket sub protocols
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket to the specified host, relative request URI and default port, with the specified headers, using the specified version of WebSockets, and the specified websocket sub protocols
websocket(String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket at the relative request URI using the default host and port
websocket(String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket at the relative request URI using the default host and port and the specified headers
websocket(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket at the relative request URI using the default host and port, the specified headers and the specified version of WebSockets
websocket(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Connect a WebSocket at the relative request URI using the default host and port, the specified headers, the specified version of WebSockets and the specified sub protocols
WEBSOCKET - Static variable in class io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders
WebSocket header value
websocket(int, String, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, MultiMap, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocket(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String, Handler<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
WebSocket - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Represents a client-side WebSocket.
WebSocketBase - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
Base WebSocket implementation.
WebSocketFrame - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
A WebSocket frame that represents either text or binary data.
WebSocketFrameFactory - Interface in io.vertx.core.spi
WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketFrameFactoryImpl
WebSocketFrameImpl - Class in
The default WebSocketFrameInternal implementation.
WebSocketFrameImpl() - Constructor for class
Creates a new empty text frame.
WebSocketFrameImpl(FrameType) - Constructor for class
Creates a new empty text frame.
WebSocketFrameImpl(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new text frame from with the specified string.
WebSocketFrameImpl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new text frame from with the specified string.
WebSocketFrameImpl(FrameType, ByteBuf) - Constructor for class
Creates a new frame with the specified frame type and the specified data.
WebSocketFrameImpl(FrameType, ByteBuf, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new frame with the specified frame type and the specified data.
WebSocketFrameInternal - Interface in
A Web Socket frame that represents either text or binary data.
websocketHandler(Handler<ServerWebSocket>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Set the websocket handler for the server to wsHandler.
websocketHandler() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
websocketHandler(Handler<ServerWebSocket>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
websocketHandler() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
WebSocketImpl - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop.
WebSocketImpl(VertxInternal, ClientConnection, boolean, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
WebSocketImplBase - Class in io.vertx.core.http.impl
This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop.
WebSocketImplBase(VertxInternal, ConnectionBase, boolean, int) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
websocketStream(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified port, host and relative request URI
websocketStream(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified host, relative request URI and default port
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified port, host and relative request URI, and with the specified headers
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified host, relative request URI and default port and with the specified headers
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified port, host and relative request URI, with the specified headers and using the specified version of WebSockets
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified host, relative request URI and default port and with the specified headers and using the specified version of WebSockets
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified port, host and relative request URI, with the specified headers, using the specified version of WebSockets, and the specified websocket sub protocols
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream to the specified host, relative request URI and default port, with the specified headers, using the specified version of WebSockets, and the specified websocket sub protocols
websocketStream(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream at the relative request URI using the default host and port and the specified headers
websocketStream(String, MultiMap) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream at the relative request URI using the default host and port and the specified headers
websocketStream(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream at the relative request URI using the default host and port, the specified headers and the specified version of WebSockets
websocketStream(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
Create a WebSocket stream at the relative request URI using the default host and port, the specified headers, the specified version of WebSockets and the specified sub protocols
websocketStream() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer
Return the websocket stream for the server.
websocketStream(int, String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(int, String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, MultiMap) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream(String, MultiMap, WebsocketVersion, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl
websocketStream() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerImpl
WebSocketStream - Interface in io.vertx.core.http
A stream for HttpClient WebSocket connection.
WebsocketVersion - Enum in io.vertx.core.http
Represents the WebSocket version
weight() - Method in class io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.decoder.record.ServiceRecord
Returns the weight of this service record.
weight() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.dns.SrvRecord
Returns the weight of this service record.
WindowsFileSystem - Class in io.vertx.core.file.impl
WindowsFileSystem(VertxInternal) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.file.impl.WindowsFileSystem
WorkerContext - Class in io.vertx.core.impl
WorkerContext(VertxInternal, Executor, Executor, String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.vertx.core.impl.WorkerContext
workerCount() - Method in class
workerExec - Variable in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
wrapTask(ContextTask, Handler<Void>, boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.datagram.PacketWritestream
write(T) - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
write(T) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageProducer
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
write(Buffer, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile
Write a Buffer to the file at position position in the file, asynchronously.
write(Buffer, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
write(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Write a String to the request body, encoded as UTF-8.
write(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest
Write a String to the request body, encoded using the encoding enc.
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
write(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Write a String to the response body, encoded using the encoding enc.
write(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
Write a String to the response body, encoded in UTF-8.
write(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
write(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
write(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
write(String, String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
write(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.VertxHttpHandler
write(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
write(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
write(Buffer) - Method in class
write(String) - Method in class
write(String, String) - Method in class
write(Buffer) - Method in interface
write(String) - Method in interface
Write a String to the connection, encoded in UTF-8.
write(String, String) - Method in interface
Write a String to the connection, encoded using the encoding enc.
write(T) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream
Write some data to the stream.
writeBinaryFrameInternal(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writeBinaryMessage(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
writeBinaryMessage(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
writeBinaryMessage(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
writeBinaryMessage(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
writeBinaryMessage(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Writes a (potentially large) piece of binary data to the connection.
writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
Creates the file, and writes the specified Buffer data to the file represented by the path path, asynchronously.
writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
writeFileBlocking(String, Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.file.FileSystem
writeFileBlocking(String, Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.FileSystemImpl
writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Write a final WebSocket binary frame to the connection
writeFinalTextFrame(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
writeFinalTextFrame(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
writeFinalTextFrame(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
writeFinalTextFrame(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
writeFinalTextFrame(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Write a final WebSocket text frame to the connection
writeFrame(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
writeFrame(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImpl
writeFrame(WebSocketFrame) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocket
writeFrame(WebSocketFrame) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocket
writeFrame(WebSocketFrame) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase
Write a WebSocket frame to the connection
writeFrameInternal(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writeHandlerID() - Method in class
writeHandlerID() - Method in interface
When a NetSocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus, the ID of that handler is given by writeHandlerID.
writeMessageInternal(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writePartialMessage(Buffer, int) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageProducerImpl
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.file.impl.AsyncFileImpl
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientRequestImpl
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpServerResponseImpl
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.ServerWebSocketImpl
writeQueueFull() - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writeQueueFull() - Method in class
writeQueueFull() - Method in interface io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream
This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using WriteStream.setWriteQueueMaxSize(int)
WriteStream<T> - Interface in io.vertx.core.streams
Represents a stream of data that can be written to.
writeTextFrameInternal(String) - Method in class io.vertx.core.http.impl.WebSocketImplBase
writeToBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl
writeToBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray
writeToBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
writeToBuffer(Buffer) - Method in interface io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.ClusterSerializable
writeToChannel(Object) - Method in class
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