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Package io.vertx.core.parsetools

== Record Parser The record parser allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed size records.

See: Description

Package io.vertx.core.parsetools Description

== Record Parser The record parser allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed size records. It transforms an sequence of input buffer to a sequence of buffer structured as configured (either fixed size or separated records). For example, if you have a simple ASCII text protocol delimited by '\n' and the input is the following: [source] ---- buffer1:HELLO\nHOW ARE Y buffer2:OU?\nI AM buffer3: DOING OK buffer4:\n ---- The record parser would produce [source] ---- buffer1:HELLO buffer2:HOW ARE YOU? buffer3:I AM DOING OK ---- Let's see the associated code: [source, $lang] ---- RecordParserExamples.example1() ---- You can also produce fixed sized chunks as follows: [source, $lang] ---- RecordParserExamples.example2() ---- For more details, check out the RecordParser class.
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