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Package docoverride.verticles.configuration

=== Passing configuration to a verticle Configuration in the form of JSON can be passed to a verticle at deployment time: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example13(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- This configuration is then available via the Context object or directly using the AbstractVerticle.config() method.

See: Description

Package docoverride.verticles.configuration Description

=== Passing configuration to a verticle Configuration in the form of JSON can be passed to a verticle at deployment time: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example13(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- This configuration is then available via the Context object or directly using the AbstractVerticle.config() method. The configuration is returned as a JSON object so you can retrieve data as follows: [source,$lang] ---- ConfigurableVerticleExamples.start() ---- === Accessing environment variables in a Verticle Environment variables and system properties are accessible using the Java API: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.systemAndEnvProperties() ----
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