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Package io.vertx.core

= Vert.x Core Manual :toc: left At the heart of Vert.x is a set of Java APIs that we call *Vert.x Core*[Repository].

See: Description

Package io.vertx.core Description

= Vert.x Core Manual :toc: left At the heart of Vert.x is a set of Java APIs that we call *Vert.x Core*[Repository]. Vert.x core provides functionality for things like: * Writing TCP clients and servers * Writing HTTP clients and servers including support for WebSockets * The Event bus * Shared data - local maps and clustered distributed maps * Periodic and delayed actions * Deploying and undeploying Verticles * Datagram Sockets * DNS client * File system access * High availability * Clustering The functionality in core is fairly low level - you won't find stuff like database access, authorisation or high level web functionality here - that kind of stuff you'll find in *Vert.x ext* (extensions). Vert.x core is small and lightweight. You just use the parts you want. It's also entirely embeddable in your existing applications - we don't force you to structure your applications in a special way just so you can use Vert.x. You can use core from any of the other languages that Vert.x supports. But here'a a cool bit - we don't force you to use the Java API directly from, say, JavaScript or Ruby - after all, different languages have different conventions and idioms, and it would be odd to force Java idioms on Ruby developers (for example). Instead, we automatically generate an *idiomatic* equivalent of the core Java APIs for each language. From now on we'll just use the word *core* to refer to Vert.x core. Let's discuss the different concepts and features in core. == In the beginning there was Vert.x NOTE: Much of this is Java specific - need someway of swapping in language specific parts You can't do much in Vert.x-land unless you can commune with a Vertx object! It's the control centre of Vert.x and is how you do pretty much everything, including creating clients and servers, getting a reference to the event bus, setting timers, as well as many other things. So how do you get an instance? If you're embedding Vert.x then you simply create an instance as follows: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example1() ---- If you're using Verticles NOTE: Most applications will only need a single Vert.x instance, but it's possible to create multiple Vert.x instances if you require, for example, isolation between the event bus or different groups of servers and clients. === Specifying options when creating a Vertx object When creating a Vertx object you can also specify options if the defaults aren't right for you: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example2() ---- The VertxOptions object has many settings and allows you to configure things like clustering, high availability, pool sizes and various other settings. The Javadoc describes all the settings in detail. === Creating a clustered Vert.x object If you're creating a *clustered Vert.x* (See the section on the <> for more information on clustering the event bus), then you will normally use the asynchronous variant to create the Vertx object. This is because it usually takes some time (maybe a few seconds) for the different Vert.x instances in a cluster to group together. During that time, we don't want to block the calling thread, so we give the result to you asynchronously. == Are you fluent? You may have noticed that in the previous examples a *fluent* API was used. A fluent API is where multiple methods calls can be chained together. For example: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example3(io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) ---- This is a common pattern throughout Vert.x APIs, so get used to it. Chaining calls like this allows you to write code that's a little bit less verbose. Of course, if you don't like the fluent approach *we don't force you* to do it that way, you can happily ignore it if you prefer and write your code like this: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example4(io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) ---- == Don't call us, we'll call you. The Vert.x APIs are largely _event driven_. This means that when things happen in Vert.x that you are interested in, Vert.x will call you by sending you events. Some example events are: * a timer has fired * some data has arrived on a socket, * some data has been read from disk * an exception has occurred * an HTTP server has received a request You handle events by providing _handlers_ to the Vert.x APIs. For example to receive a timer event every second you would do: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example5(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- Or to receive an HTTP request: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example6(io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer) ---- Some time later when Vert.x has an event to pass to your handler Vert.x will call it *asynchronously*. This leads us to some important concepts in Vert.x: == Don't block me! With very few exceptions (i.e. some file system operations ending in 'Sync'), none of the APIs in Vert.x block the calling thread. If a result can be provided immediately, it will be returned immediately, otherwise you will usually provide a handler to receive events some time later. Because none of the Vert.x APIs block threads that means you can use Vert.x to handle a lot of concurrency using just a small number of threads. With a conventional blocking API the calling thread might block when: * Reading data from a socket * Writing data to disk * Sending a message to a recipient and waiting for a reply. * ... Many other situations In all the above cases, when your thread is waiting for a result it can't do anything else - it's effectively useless. This means that if you want a lot of concurrency using blocking APIs then you need a lot of threads to prevent your application grinding to a halt. Threads have overhead in terms of the memory they require (e.g. for their stack) and in context switching. For the levels of concurrency required in many modern applications, a blocking approach just doesn't scale. == Reactor and Multi-Reactor We mentioned before that Vert.x APIs are event driven - Vert.x passes events to handlers when they are available. In most cases Vert.x calls your handlers using a thread called an *event loop*. As nothing in Vert.x or your application blocks, the event loop can merrily run around delivering events to different handlers in succession as they arrive. Because nothing blocks, an event loop can potentially deliver huge amounts of events in a short amount of time. For example a single event loop can handle many thousands of HTTP requests very quickly. We call this the[Reactor Pattern]. You may have heard of this before - for example Node.js implements this pattern. In a standard reactor implementation there is a *single event loop* thread which runs around in a loop delivering all events to all handlers as they arrive. The trouble with a single thread is it can only run on a single core at any one time, so if you want your single threaded reactor application (e.g. your Node.js application) to scale over your multi-core server you have to start up and manage many different processes. Vert.x works differently here. Instead of a single event loop, each Vertx instance maintains *several event loops*. By default we choose the number based on the number of available cores on the machine, but this can be overridden. This means a single Vertx process can scale across your server, unlike Node.js. We call this pattern the *Multi-Reactor Pattern* to distinguish it from the single threaded reactor pattern. NOTE: Even though a Vertx instance maintains multiple event loops, any particular handler will never be executed concurrently, and in most cases (with the exception of <>) will always be called using the *exact same event loop*. [[golden_rule]] == The Golden Rule - Don't Block the Event Loop We already know that the Vert.x APIs are non blocking and won't block the event loop, but that's not much help if you block the event loop *yourself* in a handler. If you do that, then that event loop will not be able to do anything else while it's blocked. If you block all of the event loops in Vertx instance then your application will grind to a complete halt! So don't do it! *You have been warned*. Examples of blocking include: * +Thread.sleep()+ * Waiting on a lock * Waiting on a mutex or monitor (e.g. synchronized section) * Doing a long lived database operation and waiting for a result * Doing a complex calculation that takes some significant time. * Spinning in a loop If any of the above stop the event loop from doing anything else for a *significant amount of time* then you should go immediately to the naughty step, and await further instructions. So... what is a *significant amount of time*? How long is a piece of string? It really depends on your application and the amount of concurrency you require. If you have a single event loop, and you want to handle 10000 http requests per second, then it's clear that each request can't take more than 0.1 ms to process, so you can't block for any more time than that. *The maths is not hard and shall be left as an exercise for the reader.* If your application is not responsive it might be a sign that you are blocking an event loop somewhere. To help you diagnose such issues, Vert.x will automatically log warnings if it detects an event loop hasn't returned for some time. If you see warnings like these in your logs, then you should investigate. Thread vertx-eventloop-thread-3 has been blocked for 20458 ms Vert.x will also provide stack traces to pinpoint exactly where the blocking is occurring. If you want to turn of these warnings or change the settings, you can do that in the VertxOptions object before creating the Vertx object. [[blocking_code]] == Running blocking code In a perfect world, there will be no war or hunger, all APIs will be written asynchronously and bunny rabbits will skip hand-in-hand with baby lambs across sunny green meadows. *But.. the real world is not like that. (Have you watched the news lately?)* Fact is, many, if not most libraries, especially in the JVM ecosystem have synchronous APIs and many of the methods are likely to block. A good example is the JDBC API - it's inherently synchronous, and no matter how hard it tries, Vert.x cannot sprinkle magic pixie dust on it to make it asynchronous. We're not going to rewrite everything to be asynchronous overnight so we need to provide you a way to use "traditional" blocking APIs safely within a Vert.x application. As discussed before, you can't call blocking operations directly from an event loop, as that would prevent it from doing any other useful work. So how can you do this? It's done by calling Vertx.executeBlocking(io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.Future<T>>, boolean, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<T>>) specifying both the blocking code to execute and a result handler to be called back asynchronous when the blocking code has been executed. [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example7(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- By default, if executeBlocking is called several times from the same context (e.g. the same verticle instance) then the different executeBlocking are executed _serially_ (i.e. one after another). If you don't care about ordering you can call Vertx.executeBlocking(io.vertx.core.Handler, boolean, io.vertx.core.Handler) specifying `false` as the argument to `ordered`. In this case any executeBlocking may be executed in parallel on the worker pool. An alternative way to run blocking code is to use a <> A worker verticle is always executed with a thread from the worker pool. == Verticles Vert.x comes with a simple, scalable, _actor-like_ deployment and concurrency model out of the box that you can use to save you writing your own. *This model is entirely optional and Vert.x does not force you to create your applications in this way if you don't want to.*. The model does not claim to be a strict actor-model implementation, but it does share similarities especially with respect to concurrency, scaling and deployment. To use this model, you write your code as set of *verticles*. Verticles are chunks of code that get deployed and run by Vert.x. Verticles can be written in any of the languages that Vert.x supports and a single application can include verticles written in multiple languages. You can think of a verticle as a bit like an actor in the[Actor Model]. An application would typically be composed of many verticle instances running in the same Vert.x instance at the same time. The different verticle instances communicate with each other by sending messages on the <>. include::override/verticles.adoc[] === Verticle Types There are three different types of verticles: Standard Verticles:: These are the most common and useful type - they are always executed using an event loop thread. We'll discuss this more in the next section. Worker Verticles:: These run using a thread from the worker pool. An instance is never executed concurrently by more than one thread. Multi-threaded worker verticles:: These run using a thread from the worker pool. An instance can be executed concurrently by more than one thread. === Standard verticles Standard verticles are assigned an event loop thread when they are created and the +start+ method is called with that event loop. When you call any other methods that takes a handler on a core API from an event loop then Vert.x will guarantee that those handlers, when called, will be executed on the same event loop. This means we can guarantee that all the code in your verticle instance is always executed on the same event loop (as long as you don't create your own threads and call it!). This means you can write all the code in your application as single threaded and let Vert.x worrying about the threading and scaling. No more worrying about +synchronized+ and +volatile+ any more, and you also avoid many other cases of race conditions and deadlock so prevalent when doing hand-rolled 'traditional' multi-threaded application development. [[worker_verticles]] === Worker verticles A worker verticle is just like a standard verticle but it's executed not using an event loop, but using a thread from the Vert.x worker thread pool. Worker verticles are designed for calling blocking code, as they won't block any event loops. If you don't want to use a worker verticle to run blocking code, you can also run <> directly while on an event loop. If you want to deploy a verticle as a worker verticle you do that with DeploymentOptions.setWorker(boolean). [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example7_1(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- Worker verticle instances are never executed concurrently by Vert.x by more than one thread, but can executed by different threads at different times. ==== Multi-threaded worker verticles A multi-threaded worker verticle is just like a normal worker verticle but it *can* be executed concurrently by different threads. WARNING: Multi-threaded worker verticles are an advanced feature and most applications will have no need for them. Because of the concurrency in these verticles you have to be very careful to keep the verticle in a consistent state using standard Java techniques for multi-threaded programming. === Deploying verticles programmatically You can deploy a verticle using one of the Vertx.deployVerticle(io.vertx.core.Verticle) method, specifying a verticle name or you can pass in a verticle instance you have already created yourself. NOTE: Deploying Verticle *instances* is Java only. [source,java] ---- CoreExamples.example8(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- You can also deploy verticles by specifying the verticle *name*. The verticle name is used to look up the specific VerticleFactory that will be used to instantiate the actual verticle instance(s). Different verticle factories are available for instantiating verticles in different languages and for various other reasons such as loading services and getting verticles from Maven at run-time. This allows you to deploy verticles written in any language from any other language that Vert.x supports. Here's an example of deploying some different types of verticles: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example9(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- === Rules for mapping a verticle name to a verticle factory When deploying verticle(s) using a name, the name is used to select the actual verticle factory that will instantiate the verticle(s). Verticle names can have a prefix - which is a string followed by a colon, which if present will be used to look-up the factory, e.g. js:foo.js // Use the JavaScript verticle factory groovy:com.mycompany.SomeGroovyCompiledVerticle // Use the Groovy verticle factory service:com.mycompany:myorderservice // Uses the service verticle factory If no prefix is present, Vert.x will look for a suffix and use that to lookup the factory, e.g. foo.js // Will also use the JavaScript verticle factory SomeScript.groovy // Will use the Groovy verticle factory If no prefix or suffix is present, Vert.x will assume it's a Java fully qualified class name (FQCN) and try and instantiate that. === How are Verticle Factories located? Most Verticle factories are loaded from the classpath and registered at Vert.x startup. You can also programmatically register and unregister verticle factories using Vertx.registerVerticleFactory(io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory) and Vertx.unregisterVerticleFactory(io.vertx.core.spi.VerticleFactory) if you wish. === Waiting for deployment to complete Verticle deployment is asynchronous and may complete some time after the call to deploy has returned. If you want to be notified when deployment is complete you can deploy specifying a completion handler: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example10(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- The completion handler will be passed a result containing the deployment ID string, if deployment succeeded. This deployment ID can be used later if you want to undeploy the deployment. === Undeploying verticle deployments Deployments can be undeployed with Vertx.undeploy(java.lang.String). Un-deployment is itself asynchronous so if you want to be notified when un-deployment is complete you can deploy specifying a completion handler: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example11(io.vertx.core.Vertx, java.lang.String) ---- === Specifying number of verticle instances When deploying a verticle using a verticle name, you can specify the number of verticle instances that you want to deploy: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example12(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- This is useful for scaling easily across multiple cores. For example you might have a web-server verticle to deploy and multiple cores on your machine, so you want to deploy multiple instances to take utilise all the cores. include::override/verticle-configuration.adoc[] === Verticle Isolation Groups By default, Vert.x has a _flat classpath_. I.e, when Vert.x deploys verticles it does so with the current classloader - it doesn't create a new one. In the majority of cases this is the simplest, clearest and sanest thing to do. However, in some cases you may want to deploy a verticle so the classes of that verticle are isolated from others in your application. This might be the case, for example, if you want to deploy two different versions of a verticle with the same class name in the same Vert.x instance, or if you have two different verticles which use different versions of the same jar library. When using an isolation group you provide a list of the class names that you want isolated using DeploymentOptions.setIsolatedClasses(java.util.List)- an entry can be a fully qualified classname such as `com.mycompany.myproject.engine.MyClass` or it can be a wildcard which will match any classes in a package and any sub-packages, e.g. `com.mycompany.myproject.*` would match any classes in the package `com.mycompany.myproject` or any sub-packages. Please note that _only_ the classes that match will be isolated - any other classes will be loaded by the current class loader. Extra classpath entries can also be provided with DeploymentOptions.setExtraClasspath(java.util.List<java.lang.String>) so if you want to load classes or resources that aren't already present on the main classpath you can add this. WARNING: Use this feature with caution. Class-loaders can be a can of worms, and can make debugging difficult, amongst other things. Here's an example of using an isolation group to isolate a verticle deployment. [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example14(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- === High Availability Verticles can be deployed with High Availability (HA) enabled. In that context, when a verticle is deployed on a vert.x instance that dies abruptly, the verticle is redeployed on another vert.x instance from the cluster. To run an verticle with the high availability enabled, just append the `-ha` switch: [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js -ha ---- When enabling high availability, no need to add `-cluster`. More details about the high availability feature and configuration in the <> section. === Running Verticles from the command line You can use Vert.x directly in your Maven or Gradle projects in the normal way by adding a dependency to the Vert.x core library and hacking from there. However you can also run Vert.x verticles directly from the command line if you wish. To do this you need to download and install a Vert.x distribution, and add the `bin` directory of the installation to your `PATH` environment variable. Also make sure you have a Java 8 JDK on your `PATH`. NOTE: The JDK is required to support on the fly compilation of Java code. You can now run verticles by using the `vertx run` command. Here are some examples: ---- # Run a JavaScript verticle vertx run my_verticle.js # Run a Ruby verticle vertx run a_n_other_verticle.rb # Run a Groovy script verticle, clustered vertx run FooVerticle.groovy -cluster ---- You can even run Java source verticles without compiling them first! ---- vertx run ---- Vert.x will compile the Java source file on the fly before running it. This is really useful for quickly prototyping verticles and great for demos. No need to set-up a Maven or Gradle build first to get going! For full information on the various options available when executing `vertx` on the command line, type `vertx` at the command line. === Causing Vert.x to exit Threads maintained by Vert.x instances are not daemon threads so they will prevent the JVM from exiting. If you are embedding Vert.x and you have finished with it, you can call Vertx.close() to close it down. This will shut-down all internal thread pools and close other resources, and will allow the JVM to exit. === The Context object When Vert.x provides an event to a handler or calls the start or stop methods of a Verticle, the execution is associated with a `Context`. Usually a context is an *event-loop context* and is tied to a specific event loop thread. So executions for that context always occur on that exact same event loop thread. In the case of worker verticles and running inline blocking code a worker context will be associated with the execution which will use a thread from the worker thread pool. To retrieve the context, use the Vertx.getOrCreateContext() method: [source, $lang] ---- CoreExamples.retrieveContext(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- If the current thread has a context associated with it, it reuses the context object. If not a new instance of context is created. You can test the _type_ of context you have retrieved: [source, $lang] ---- CoreExamples.retrieveContextType(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- When you have retrieved the context object, you can run code in this context asynchronously. In other words, you submit a task that will be eventually run in the same context, but later: [source, $lang] ---- CoreExamples.runInContext(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- When several handlers run in the same context, they may want to share data. The context object offers methods to store and retrieve data shared in the context. For instance, it lets you pass data to some action run with Context.runOnContext(io.vertx.core.Handler): [source, $lang] ---- CoreExamples.runInContextWithData(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- The context object also let you access verticle configuration using the Context.config() method. Check the <> section for more details about this configuration. === Executing periodic and delayed actions It's very common in Vert.x to want to perform an action after a delay, or periodically. In standard verticles you can't just make the thread sleep to introduce a delay, as that will block the event loop thread. Instead you use Vert.x timers. Timers can be *one-shot* or *periodic*. We'll discuss both ==== One-shot Timers A one shot timer calls an event handler after a certain delay, expressed in milliseconds. To set a timer to fire once you use Vertx.setTimer(long, io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Long>) method passing in the delay and a handler [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example15(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- The return value is a unique timer id which can later be used to cancel the timer. The handler is also passed the timer id. ==== Periodic Timers You can also set a timer to fire periodically by using Vertx.setPeriodic(long, io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Long>). There will be an initial delay equal to the period. The return value of `setPeriodic` is a unique timer id (long). This can be later used if the timer needs to be cancelled. The argument passed into the timer event handler is also the unique timer id: Keep in mind that the timer will fire on a periodic basis. If your periodic treatment takes a long amount of time to proceed, your timer events could run continuously or even worse : stack up. In this case, you should consider using Vertx.setTimer(long, io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Long>) instead. Once your treatment has finished, you can set the next timer. [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example16(io.vertx.core.Vertx) ---- ==== Cancelling timers To cancel a periodic timer, call Vertx.cancelTimer(long) specifying the timer id. For example: [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example17(io.vertx.core.Vertx, long) ---- ==== Automatic clean-up in verticles If you're creating timers from inside verticles, those timers will be automatically closed when the verticle is undeployed. [[event_bus]] include::eventbus.adoc[] include::override/json.adoc[] include::buffers.adoc[] include::net.adoc[] include::http.adoc[] include::shareddata.adoc[] include::filesystem.adoc[] include::datagrams.adoc[] include::dns.adoc[] [[streams]] include::streams.adoc[] include::parsetools.adoc[] == Thread safety Most Vert.x objects are safe to access from different threads. _However_ performance is optimised when they are accessed from the same context they were created from. For example if you have deployed a verticle which creates a NetServer which provides NetSocket instances in it's handler, then it's best to always access that socket instance from the event loop of the verticle. If you stick to the standard Vert.x verticle deployment model and avoid sharing objects between verticles then this should be the case without you having to think about it. == Metrics SPI By default Vert.x does not record any metrics. Instead it provides an SPI for others to implement which can be added to the classpath. The metrics SPI is an advanced feature which allows implementers to capture events from Vert.x in order to gather metrics. For more information on this, please consult the API Documentation. == OSGi Vert.x Core is packaged as an OSGi bundle, so can be used in any OSGi R4.2+ environment such as Apache Felix or Eclipse Equinox. The bundle exports `io.vertx.core*`. However, the bundle has some dependencies on Jackson and Netty. To get the vert.x core bundle resolved deploy: * Jackson Annotation [2.5.0,3) * Jackson Core [2.5.0,3) * Jackson Databind [2.5.0,3) * Netty Buffer [4.0.27,5) * Netty Codec [4.0.27,5) * Netty Codec/Socks [4.0.27,5) * Netty Codec/Common [4.0.27,5) * Netty Codec/Handler [4.0.27,5) * Netty Codec/Transport [4.0.27,5) Here is a working deployment on Apache Felix 4.6.1: [source] ---- 14|Active | 1|Jackson-annotations (2.5.3) 15|Active | 1|Jackson-core (2.5.3) 16|Active | 1|jackson-databind (2.5.3) 17|Active | 1|Netty/Buffer (4.0.27.Final) 18|Active | 1|Netty/Codec (4.0.27.Final) 19|Active | 1|Netty/Codec/HTTP (4.0.27.Final) 20|Active | 1|Netty/Codec/Socks (4.0.27.Final) 21|Active | 1|Netty/Common (4.0.27.Final) 22|Active | 1|Netty/Handler (4.0.27.Final) 23|Active | 1|Netty/Transport (4.0.27.Final) 25|Active | 1|Vert.x Core (3.0.0.SNAPSHOT) ---- == The 'vertx' command line The `vertx` command is used to interact with Vert.x from the command line. It's main use is to run Vert.x verticles. To do this you need to download and install a Vert.x distribution, and add the `bin` directory of the installation to your `PATH` environment variable. Also make sure you have a Java 8 JDK on your `PATH`. NOTE: The JDK is required to support on the fly compilation of Java code. === Run verticles You can run raw Vert.x verticles directly from the command line using `vertx run`. Here is a couple of examples: [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js (1) vertx run my-verticle.groovy (2) vertx run my-verticle.rb (3) vertx run io.vertx.example.MyVerticle (4) vertx run io.vertx.example.MVerticle -cp my-verticle.jar (5) vertx run (6) ---- 1. Deploys a JavaScript verticle 2. Deploys a Groovy verticle 3. Deploys a Ruby verticle 4. Deploys an already compiled Java verticle. Classpath root is the current directory 5. Deploys a verticle packaged in a Jar, the jar need to be in the classpath 6. Compiles the Java source and deploys it As you can see in the case of Java, the name can either be the fully qualified class name of the verticle, or you can specify the Java Source file directly and Vert.x compiles it for you. You can also prefix the verticle with the name of the language implementation to use. For example if the verticle is a compiled Groovy class, you prefix it with `groovy:` so that Vert.x knows it's a Groovy class not a Java class. [source] ---- vertx run groovy:io.vertx.example.MyGroovyVerticle ---- The `vertx run` command can take a few optional parameters, they are: * `-conf ` - Provides some configuration to the verticle. `config_file` is the name of a text file containing a JSON object that represents the configuration for the verticle. This is optional. * `-cp ` - The path on which to search for the verticle and any other resources used by the verticle. This defaults to `.` (current directory). If your verticle references other scripts, classes or other resources (e.g. jar files) then make sure these are on this path. The path can contain multiple path entries separated by `:` (colon) or `;` (semi-colon) depending on the operating system. Each path entry can be an absolute or relative path to a directory containing scripts, or absolute or relative filenames for jar or zip files. An example path might be `-cp classes:lib/otherscripts:jars/myjar.jar:jars/otherjar.jar`. Always use the path to reference any resources that your verticle requires. Do **not** put them on the system classpath as this can cause isolation issues between deployed verticles. * `-instances ` - The number of instances of the verticle to instantiate. Each verticle instance is strictly single threaded so to scale your application across available cores you might want to deploy more than one instance. If omitted a single instance will be deployed. * `-worker` - This option determines whether the verticle is a worker verticle or not. * `-cluster` - This option determines whether the Vert.x instance will attempt to form a cluster with other Vert.x instances on the network. Clustering Vert.x instances allows Vert.x to form a distributed event bus with other nodes. Default is `false` (not clustered). * `-cluster-port` - If the cluster option has also been specified then this determines which port will be used for cluster communication with other Vert.x instances. Default is `0` - which means '_choose a free random port_'. You don't usually need to specify this parameter unless you really need to bind to a specific port. * `-cluster-host` - If the cluster option has also been specified then this determines which host address will be used for cluster communication with other Vert.x instances. By default it will try and pick one from the available interfaces. If you have more than one interface and you want to use a specific one, specify it here. * `-ha` - if specified the verticle will be deployed as high availability (HA) deployment. See related section for more details * `-quorum` - used in conjunction with `-ha`. It specifies the minimum number of nodes in the cluster for any _HA deploymentIDs_ to be active. Defaults to 0. * `-hagroup` - used in conjunction with `-ha`. It specifies the HA group this node will join. There can be multiple HA groups in a cluster. Nodes will only failover to other nodes in the same group. The default value is ` +++__DEFAULT__+++` Here are some more examples: Run a JavaScript verticle server.js with default settings [source] ---- vertx run server.js ---- Run 10 instances of a pre-compiled Java verticle specifying classpath [source] ---- vertx run com.acme.MyVerticle -cp "classes:lib/myjar.jar" -instances 10 ---- Run 10 instances of a Java verticle by source _file_ [source] ---- vertx run -instances 10 ---- Run 20 instances of a ruby worker verticle [source] ---- vertx run order_worker.rb -instances 20 -worker ---- Run two JavaScript verticles on the same machine and let them cluster together with each other and any other servers on the network [source] ---- vertx run handler.js -cluster vertx run sender.js -cluster ---- Run a Ruby verticle passing it some config [source] ---- vertx run my_verticle.rb -conf my_verticle.conf ---- Where `my_verticle.conf` might contain something like: [source, json] ---- { "name": "foo", "num_widgets": 46 } ---- The config will be available inside the verticle via the core API. When using the high-availability feature of vert.x you may want to create a _bare_ instance of vert.x. This instance does not deploy any verticles when launched, but will receive a verticle if another node of the cluster dies. To create a _bare_ instance, launch: [source] ---- vertx -ha ---- Depending on your cluster configuration, you may have to append the `cluster-host` and `cluster-port` parameters. === Executing verticles packaged as a fat jar A _fat jar_ is an executable jar embedding its dependencies. This means you don't have to have Vert.x pre-installed on the machine on which you execute the jar. A verticle packaged as a _fat jar_ can just be launched using: [source] ---- java -jar my-verticle-fat.jar ---- The _fat jar_ must have a _manifest_ with: * `Main-Class` set to `io.vertx.core.Starter` * `Main-Verticle` specifying the main verticle (fully qualified name) You can also provide the usual command line arguments that you would pass to `vertx run`: [source] ---- java -jar my-verticle-fat.jar -cluster -conf myconf.json java -jar my-verticle-fat.jar -cluster -conf myconf.json -cp path/to/dir/conf/cluster_xml ---- NOTE: _fat jar_ can be built using Gradle build or the Maven plugin. Check the vertx examples for instructions. === Displaying version of Vert.x To display the vert.x version, just launch: [source] ---- vertx -version ---- == Cluster Managers In Vert.x a cluster manager is used for various functions including: * Discovery and group membership of Vert.x nodes in a cluster * Maintaining cluster wide topic subscriber lists (so we know which nodes are interested in which event bus addresses) * Distributed Map support * Distributed Locks * Distributed Counters Cluster managers _do not_ handle the event bus inter-node transport, this is done directly by Vert.x with TCP connections. The default cluster manager used in the Vert.x distributions is one that uses[Hazelcast] but this can be easily replaced by a different implementation as Vert.x cluster managers are pluggable. A cluster manager must implement the interface ClusterManager. Vert.x locates cluster managers at run-time by using the Java[Service Loader] functionality to locate instances of ClusterManager on the classpath. If you are using Vert.x at the command line and you want to use clustering you should make sure the `lib` directory of the Vert.x installation contains your cluster manager jar. If you are using Vert.x from a Maven or Gradle project just add the cluster manager jar as a dependency of your project. You can also specify cluster managers programmatically if embedding Vert.x using VertxOptions.setClusterManager(io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager). == Logging Vert.x logs using it's in-built logging API. The default implementation uses the JDK (JUL) logging so no extra logging dependencies are needed. === Configuring JUL logging A JUL logging configuration file can be specified in the normal JUL way by providing a system property called: `java.util.logging.config.file` with the value being your configuration file. For more information on this and the structure of a JUL config file please consult the JUL logging documentation. Vert.x also provides a slightly more convenient way to specify a configuration file without having to set a system property. Just provide a JUL config file with the name `` on your classpath (e.g. inside your fatjar) and Vert.x will use that to configure JUL. === Using another logging framework If you don't want Vert.x to use JUL for it's own logging you can configure it to use another logging framework, e.g. Log4J or SLF4J. To do this you should set a system property called `vertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name` with the name of a Java class which implements the interface LoggerFactory. We provide pre-built implementations for Log4J and SLF4J with the class names `io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory` and `io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory` respectively. If you want to use these implementations you should also make sure the relevant Log4J or SLF4J jars are on your classpath. === Logging from your application Vert.x itself is just a library and you can use whatever logging library you prefer to log from your own application, using that logging library's API. However, if you prefer you can use the Vert.x logging facility as described above to provide logging for your application too. To do that you use LoggerFactory to get an instance of Logger which you then use for logging, e.g. [source,$lang] ---- CoreExamples.example18(java.lang.String, java.lang.Exception) ---- == High Availability and Fail-Over Vert.x allows you to run your verticles with high availability (HA) support. In that case, when a vert.x instance running a verticle dies abruptly, the verticle is migrated to another vertx instance. The vert.x instances must be in the same cluster. === Automatic failover When vert.x runs with _HA_ enabled, if a vert.x instance where a verticle runs fails or dies, the verticle is redeployed automatically on another vert.x instance of the cluster. We call this _verticle fail-over_. To run vert.x with the _HA_ enabled, just add the `-ha` flag to the command line: [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js -ha ---- Now for HA to work, you need more than one Vert.x instances in the cluster, so let's say you have another Vert.x instance that you have already started, for example: [source] ---- vertx run my-other-verticle.js -ha ---- If the Vert.x instance that is running `my-verticle.js` now dies (you can test this by killing the process with `kill -9`), the Vert.x instance that is running `my-other-verticle.js` will automatic deploy `my-verticle .js` so now that Vert.x instance is running both verticles. NOTE: the migration is only possible if the second vert.x instance has access to the verticle file (here `my-verticle.js`). IMPORTANT: Please note that cleanly closing a Vert.x instance will not cause failover to occur, e.g. `CTRL-C` or `kill -SIGINT` You can also start _bare_ Vert.x instances - i.e. instances that are not initially running any verticles, they will also failover for nodes in the cluster. To start a bare instance you simply do: [source] ---- vertx run -ha ---- When using the `-ha` switch you do not need to provide the `-cluster` switch, as a cluster is assumed if you want HA. NOTE: depending on your cluster configuration, you may need to customize the cluster manager configuration (Hazelcast by default), and/or add the `cluster-host` and `cluster-port` parameters. === HA groups When running a Vert.x instance with HA you can also optional specify a _HA group_. A HA group denotes a logical group of nodes in the cluster. Only nodes with the same HA group will failover onto one another. If you don't specify a HA group the default group `+++__DEFAULT__+++` is used. To specify an HA group you use the `-hagroup` switch when running the verticle, e.g. [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js -ha -ha-group my-group ---- Let's look at an example: In a first terminal: [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js -ha -hagroup g1 ---- In a second terminal, let's run another verticle using the same group: [source] ---- vertx run my-other-verticle.js -ha -hagroup g1 ---- Finally, in a third terminal, launch another verticle using a different group: [source] ---- vertx run yet-another-verticle.js -ha -hagroup g2 ---- If we kill the instance in terminal 1, it will fail over to the instance in terminal 2, not the instance in terminal 3 as that has a different group. If we kill the instance in terminal 3, it won't get failed over as there is no other vert.x instance in that group. === Dealing with network partitions - Quora The HA implementation also supports quora. A quorum is the minimum number of votes that a distributed transaction has to obtain in order to be allowed to perform an operation in a distributed system. When starting a Vert.x instance you can instruct it that it requires a `quorum` before any HA deployments will be deployed. In this context, a quorum is a minimum number of nodes for a particular group in the cluster. Typically you chose your quorum size to `Q = 1 + N/2` where `N` is the number of nodes in the group. If there are less than `Q` nodes in the cluster the HA deployments will undeploy. They will redeploy again if/when a quorum is re-attained. By doing this you can prevent against network partitions, a.k.a. _split brain_. There is more information on quora[here]. To run vert.x instances with a quorum you specify `-quorum` on the command line, e.g. In a first terminal: [source] ---- vertx run my-verticle.js -ha -quorum 3 ---- At this point the Vert.x instance will start but not deploy the module (yet) because there is only one node in the cluster, not 3. In a second terminal: [source] ---- vertx run my-other-verticle.js -ha -quorum 3 ---- At this point the Vert.x instance will start but not deploy the module (yet) because there are only two nodes in the cluster, not 3. In a third console, you can start another instance of vert.x: [source] ---- vertx run yet-another-verticle.js -ha -quorum 3 ---- Yay! - we have three nodes, that's a quorum. At this point the modules will automatically deploy on all instances. If we now close or kill one of the nodes the modules will automatically undeploy on the other nodes, as there is no longer a quorum. Quora can also be used in conjunction with ha groups. In that case, quora are resolved for each particular group. == Security notes Vert.x is a toolkit, not an opinionated framework where we force you to do things in a certain way. This gives you great power as a developer but with that comes great responsibility. As with any toolkit, it's possible to write insecure applications, so you should always be careful when developing your application especially if it's exposed to the public (e.g. over the internet). === Web applications If writing a web application it's highly recommended that you use Vert.x-Web instead of Vert.x core directly for serving resources and handling file uploads. Vert.x-Web normalises the path in requests to prevent malicious clients from crafting URLs to access resources outside of the web root. Similarly for file uploads Vert.x-Web provides functionality for uploading to a known place on disk and does not rely on the filename provided by the client in the upload which could be crafted to upload to a different place on disk. Vert.x core itself does not provide such checks so it would be up to you as a developer to implement them yourself. === Clustered event bus traffic When clustering the event bus between different Vert.x nodes on a network, the traffic is sent un-encrypted across the wire, so do not use this if you have confidential data to send and your Vert.x nodes are not on a trusted network. === Standard security best practices Any service can have potentially vulnerabilities whether it's written using Vert.x or any other toolkit so always follow security best practice, especially if your service is public facing. For example you should always run them in a DMZ and with an user account that has limited rights in order to limit the extent of damage in case the service was compromised.
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