Uses of Class

Packages that use Chronology
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.chrono Package containing the chronology classes which define the calendar systems. 
org.joda.time.convert Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects. 
org.joda.time.field Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time

Methods in org.joda.time that return Chronology
 Chronology ReadablePartial.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the partial which is never null.
 Chronology ReadableInterval.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the interval, which is the chronology of the first datetime.
 Chronology ReadableInstant.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the instant.
 Chronology Partial.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the partial which is never null.
protected  Chronology MutableDateTime.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
 Chronology LocalTime.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the time.
protected  Chronology LocalTime.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
 Chronology LocalDateTime.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime.
protected  Chronology LocalDateTime.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
 Chronology LocalDate.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the date.
protected  Chronology LocalDate.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
 Chronology Instant.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the instant, which is ISO in the UTC zone.
protected  Chronology DateTime.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
protected  Chronology DateMidnight.Property.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getChronology(Chronology chrono)
          Gets the chronology handling null.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getInstantChronology(ReadableInstant instant)
          Gets the chronology from the specified instant object handling null.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getIntervalChronology(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
          Gets the chronology from the specified instant based interval handling null.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getIntervalChronology(ReadableInterval interval)
          Gets the chronology from the specified interval object handling null.
abstract  Chronology Chronology.withUTC()
          Returns an instance of this Chronology that operates in the UTC time zone.
abstract  Chronology Chronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Returns an instance of this Chronology that operates in any time zone.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type Chronology
 void MutablePeriod.add(long duration, Chronology chrono)
          Adds a millisecond duration to this one by dividing the duration into fields and calling MutablePeriod.add(ReadablePeriod).
protected  long DateMidnight.checkInstant(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Rounds the specified instant to midnight.
static TimeOfDay TimeOfDay.fromMillisOfDay(long millisOfDay, Chronology chrono)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay from the specified millis of day using the specified chronology.
static LocalTime LocalTime.fromMillisOfDay(long millisOfDay, Chronology chrono)
          Constructs a LocalTime from the specified millis of day using the specified chronology.
static Chronology DateTimeUtils.getChronology(Chronology chrono)
          Gets the chronology handling null.
abstract  DurationField DurationFieldType.getField(Chronology chronology)
          Gets a suitable field for this type from the given Chronology.
abstract  DateTimeField DateTimeFieldType.getField(Chronology chronology)
          Gets a suitable field for this type from the given Chronology.
protected  DateTimeField YearMonthDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Deprecated. Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField YearMonth.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField TimeOfDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Deprecated. Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField Partial.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField MonthDay.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalTime.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalDateTime.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  DateTimeField LocalDate.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
 boolean DurationFieldType.isSupported(Chronology chronology)
          Checks whether this field supported in the given Chronology.
 boolean DateTimeFieldType.isSupported(Chronology chronology)
          Checks whether this field supported in the given Chronology.
static YearMonth chronology)
          Obtains a YearMonth set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static MutableDateTime chronology)
          Obtains a MutableDateTime set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static MonthDay chronology)
          Obtains a MonthDay set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static LocalTime chronology)
          Obtains a LocalTime set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static LocalDateTime chronology)
          Obtains a LocalDateTime set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static LocalDate chronology)
          Obtains a LocalDate set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static DateTime chronology)
          Obtains a DateTime set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static DateMidnight chronology)
          Deprecated. Obtains a DateMidnight set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
 void ReadWritableInterval.setChronology(Chronology chrono)
          Sets the chronology of this time interval.
 void ReadWritableInstant.setChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Sets the chronology of the datetime, which has no effect if not applicable.
 void MutableInterval.setChronology(Chronology chrono)
          Sets the chronology of this time interval.
 void MutableDateTime.setChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Set the chronology of the datetime.
 void MutablePeriod.setPeriod(long duration, Chronology chrono)
          Sets all the fields in one go from a millisecond duration.
 void MutablePeriod.setPeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
          Sets all the fields in one go from a millisecond interval.
 void MutablePeriod.setPeriod(ReadableDuration duration, Chronology chrono)
          Sets all the fields in one go from a duration dividing the fields using the period type.
 DateTime DateTime.toDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Get this object as a DateTime, returning this if possible.
 Interval Interval.withChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Creates a new interval with the same start and end, but a different chronology.
 DateTime DateTime.withChronology(Chronology newChronology)
          Returns a copy of this datetime with a different chronology.
 DateMidnight DateMidnight.withChronology(Chronology newChronology)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this date with a different chronology, potentially changing the day in unexpected ways.
 YearMonthDay YearMonthDay.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this date with the specified chronology.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified chronology.
 TimeOfDay TimeOfDay.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this time with the specified chronology.
 Partial Partial.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Creates a new Partial instance with the specified chronology.
 MonthDay MonthDay.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Returns a copy of this month-day with the specified chronology.

Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type Chronology
DateMidnight(Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs an instance set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
DateMidnight(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
DateMidnight(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs an instance set to the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z using the specified chronology.
DateMidnight(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
DateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
DateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
DateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
DateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
DateTime(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z using the specified chronology.
DateTime(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
Interval(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant with the specified chronology.
Interval(Object interval, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a time interval by converting or copying from another object, overriding the chronology.
LocalDate(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current local time evaluated using specified chronology.
LocalDate(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the specified date and time using the specified chronology, whose zone is ignored.
LocalDate(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the local time defined by the specified instant evaluated using the specified chronology.
LocalDate(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
LocalDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current local time evaluated using specified chronology.
LocalDateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the specified date and time using the specified chronology, whose zone is ignored.
LocalDateTime(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the local time defined by the specified instant evaluated using the specified chronology.
LocalDateTime(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
LocalTime(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current local time evaluated using specified chronology and zone.
LocalTime(int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the specified time using the specified chronology, whose zone is ignored.
LocalTime(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the local time defined by the specified instant evaluated using the specified chronology.
LocalTime(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
MonthDay(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a MonthDay with the current month-day, using the specified chronology and zone to extract the fields.
MonthDay(int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the specified monthOfYear and dayOfMonth using the specified chronology, whose zone is ignored.
MonthDay(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a MonthDay extracting the partial fields from the specified milliseconds using the chronology provided.
MonthDay(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a MonthDay from an Object that represents some form of time, using the specified chronology.
MutableDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
MutableDateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
MutableDateTime(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z using the specified chronology.
MutableDateTime(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
MutableInterval(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant with a chronology.
MutableInterval(Object interval, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a time interval by converting or copying from another object, overriding the chronology.
MutablePeriod(long duration, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration using the standard set of fields.
MutablePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields.
MutablePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
MutablePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
MutablePeriod(Object period, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
MutablePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
Partial(Chronology chrono)
          Constructs a Partial with no fields or values, which can be considered to represent any date.
Partial(DateTimeFieldType[] types, int[] values, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a Partial with the specified fields and values.
Partial(DateTimeFieldType type, int value, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a Partial with the specified field and value.
Period(long duration, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration using the standard set of fields.
Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields.
Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
Period(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chronology)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration.
Period(Object period, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
Period(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period by converting or copying from another object.
TimeOfDay(Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay with the current time, using the specified chronology and zone to extract the fields.
TimeOfDay(int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay with specified hour and minute and zero seconds and milliseconds.
TimeOfDay(int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay with specified time field values and zero milliseconds.
TimeOfDay(int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay with specified time field values and chronology.
TimeOfDay(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay extracting the partial fields from the specified milliseconds using the chronology provided.
TimeOfDay(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TimeOfDay from an Object that represents a time, using the specified chronology.
YearMonth(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a YearMonth with the current year-month, using the specified chronology and zone to extract the fields.
YearMonth(int year, int monthOfYear, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the specified year and month using the specified chronology, whose zone is ignored.
YearMonth(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a YearMonth extracting the partial fields from the specified milliseconds using the chronology provided.
YearMonth(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a YearMonth from an Object that represents some form of time, using the specified chronology.
YearMonthDay(Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a YearMonthDay with the current date, using the specified chronology and zone to extract the fields.
YearMonthDay(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a YearMonthDay with specified time field values.
YearMonthDay(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a YearMonthDay extracting the partial fields from the specified milliseconds using the chronology provided.
YearMonthDay(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Deprecated. Constructs a YearMonthDay from an Object that represents a time, using the specified chronology.

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time.base

Methods in org.joda.time.base that return Chronology
protected  Chronology BaseDateTime.checkChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Checks the specified chronology before storing it, potentially altering it.
 Chronology BasePartial.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the partial which is never null.
 Chronology BaseInterval.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of this interval.
 Chronology BaseDateTime.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type Chronology
protected  Chronology BaseDateTime.checkChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Checks the specified chronology before storing it, potentially altering it.
protected  long BaseDateTime.checkInstant(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Checks the specified instant before storing it, potentially altering it.
protected abstract  DateTimeField AbstractPartial.getField(int index, Chronology chrono)
          Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
protected  void BaseDateTime.setChronology(Chronology chronology)
          Sets the chronology of the datetime.
protected  void BaseInterval.setInterval(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
          Sets this interval from two millisecond instants and a chronology.
 DateTime AbstractInstant.toDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Get this object as a DateTime using the given chronology and its zone.
 MutableDateTime AbstractInstant.toMutableDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Get this object as a MutableDateTime using the given chronology and its zone.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriod(Chronology chrono)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance using the standard period type and the specified chronology.
 Period BaseDuration.toPeriod(PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Converts this duration to a Period instance using the specified period type and chronology.

Constructors in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type Chronology
BaseDateTime(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
BaseDateTime(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from datetime field values using the specified chronology.
BaseDateTime(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance set to the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z using the specified chronology.
BaseDateTime(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs an instance from an Object that represents a datetime, using the specified chronology.
BaseInterval(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
          Constructs an interval from a start and end instant.
BaseInterval(Object interval, Chronology chrono)
          Constructs a time interval converting or copying from another object that describes an interval.
BasePartial(BasePartial base, Chronology chrono)
          Private constructor to be used by subclasses only which performs no validation.
BasePartial(Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a partial with the current time, using the specified chronology and zone to extract the fields.
BasePartial(int[] values, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a partial with specified time field values and chronology.
BasePartial(long instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a partial extracting the partial fields from the specified milliseconds using the chronology provided.
BasePartial(Object instant, Chronology chronology)
          Constructs a partial from an Object that represents a time, using the specified chronology.
BasePartial(Object instant, Chronology chronology, DateTimeFormatter parser)
          Constructs a partial from an Object that represents a time, using the specified chronology.
BasePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
BasePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration, which is only really suitable for durations less than one day.
BasePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a new period based on another using the ConverterManager.

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time.chrono

Subclasses of Chronology in org.joda.time.chrono
 class AssembledChronology
          Abstract Chronology that enables chronologies to be assembled from a container of fields.
 class BaseChronology
          BaseChronology provides a skeleton implementation for chronology classes.
 class BuddhistChronology
          A chronology that matches the BuddhistCalendar class supplied by Sun.
 class CopticChronology
          Implements the Coptic calendar system, which defines every fourth year as leap, much like the Julian calendar.
 class EthiopicChronology
          Implements the Ethiopic calendar system, which defines every fourth year as leap, much like the Julian calendar.
 class GJChronology
          Implements the Gregorian/Julian calendar system which is the calendar system used in most of the world.
 class GregorianChronology
          Implements a pure proleptic Gregorian calendar system, which defines every fourth year as leap, unless the year is divisible by 100 and not by 400.
 class IslamicChronology
          Implements the Islamic, or Hijri, calendar system using arithmetic rules.
 class ISOChronology
          Implements a chronology that follows the rules of the ISO8601 standard, which is compatible with Gregorian for all modern dates.
 class JulianChronology
          Implements a pure proleptic Julian calendar system, which defines every fourth year as leap.
 class LenientChronology
          Wraps another Chronology, ensuring all the fields are lenient.
 class LimitChronology
          Wraps another Chronology to impose limits on the range of instants that the fields within a Chronology may support.
 class StrictChronology
          Wraps another Chronology, ensuring all the fields are strict.
 class ZonedChronology
          Wraps another Chronology to add support for time zones.

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono that return Chronology
protected  Chronology AssembledChronology.getBase()
          Returns the same base chronology as passed into the constructor.
 Chronology ZonedChronology.withUTC()
 Chronology StrictChronology.withUTC()
 Chronology LimitChronology.withUTC()
          If this LimitChronology is already UTC, then this is returned.
 Chronology LenientChronology.withUTC()
 Chronology JulianChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology ISOChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology IslamicChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology GregorianChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology GJChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology EthiopicChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology CopticChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology BuddhistChronology.withUTC()
          Gets the Chronology in the UTC time zone.
abstract  Chronology BaseChronology.withUTC()
          Returns an instance of this Chronology that operates in the UTC time zone.
 Chronology ZonedChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
 Chronology StrictChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
 Chronology LimitChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          If this LimitChronology has the same time zone as the one given, then this is returned.
 Chronology LenientChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
 Chronology JulianChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology ISOChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology IslamicChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology GregorianChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology GJChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology EthiopicChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology CopticChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
 Chronology BuddhistChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets the Chronology in a specific time zone.
abstract  Chronology BaseChronology.withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
          Returns an instance of this Chronology that operates in any time zone.

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono with parameters of type Chronology
 void AssembledChronology.Fields.copyFieldsFrom(Chronology chrono)
          Copy the supported fields from a chronology into this container.
static StrictChronology StrictChronology.getInstance(Chronology base)
          Create a StrictChronology for any chronology.
static LenientChronology LenientChronology.getInstance(Chronology base)
          Create a LenientChronology for any chronology.
static ZonedChronology ZonedChronology.getInstance(Chronology base, DateTimeZone zone)
          Create a ZonedChronology for any chronology, overriding any time zone it may already have.
static LimitChronology LimitChronology.getInstance(Chronology base, ReadableDateTime lowerLimit, ReadableDateTime upperLimit)
          Wraps another chronology, with datetime limits.

Constructors in org.joda.time.chrono with parameters of type Chronology
AssembledChronology(Chronology base, Object param)
          Constructor calls the assemble method, enabling subclasses to define its supported fields.

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time.convert

Methods in org.joda.time.convert that return Chronology
 Chronology PartialConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology is specified.
 Chronology InstantConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology may be specified.
 Chronology AbstractConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology is specified.
 Chronology PartialConverter.getChronology(Object object, DateTimeZone zone)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the time zone is specified.
 Chronology InstantConverter.getChronology(Object object, DateTimeZone zone)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the time zone is specified.
 Chronology AbstractConverter.getChronology(Object object, DateTimeZone zone)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the time zone is specified.

Methods in org.joda.time.convert with parameters of type Chronology
 Chronology PartialConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology is specified.
 Chronology InstantConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology may be specified.
 Chronology AbstractConverter.getChronology(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the chronology from an object of this converter's type where the chronology is specified.
 long InstantConverter.getInstantMillis(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the millis from an object of this converter's type.
 long AbstractConverter.getInstantMillis(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the millis from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] PartialConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] AbstractConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] PartialConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono, DateTimeFormatter parser)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] AbstractConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono, DateTimeFormatter parser)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 boolean IntervalConverter.isReadableInterval(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Checks if the input is a ReadableInterval.
 boolean AbstractConverter.isReadableInterval(Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Checks if the input is a ReadableInterval.
 void IntervalConverter.setInto(ReadWritableInterval writableInterval, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts interval endpoint values from an object of this converter's type, and sets them into the given ReadWritableInterval.
 void PeriodConverter.setInto(ReadWritablePeriod period, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts duration values from an object of this converter's type, and sets them into the given ReadWritableDuration.

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time.field

Methods in org.joda.time.field that return Chronology
protected  Chronology AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the datetime that this property is linked to.

Methods in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type Chronology
static DateTimeField LenientDateTimeField.getInstance(DateTimeField field, Chronology base)
          Returns a lenient version of the given field.

Constructors in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type Chronology
LenientDateTimeField(DateTimeField field, Chronology base)
SkipDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field)
          Constructor that skips zero.
SkipDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field, int skip)
SkipUndoDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field)
          Constructor that reinserts zero.
SkipUndoDateTimeField(Chronology chronology, DateTimeField field, int skip)

Uses of Chronology in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format that return Chronology
 Chronology DateTimeFormatter.getChronolgy()
          Deprecated. Use the method with the correct spelling
 Chronology DateTimeParserBucket.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology of the bucket, which will be a local (UTC) chronology.
 Chronology DateTimeFormatter.getChronology()
          Gets the chronology to use as an override.

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type Chronology
 void DateTimePrinter.printTo(StringBuffer buf, long instant, Chronology chrono, int displayOffset, DateTimeZone displayZone, Locale locale)
          Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, using the given Chronology.
 void DateTimePrinter.printTo(Writer out, long instant, Chronology chrono, int displayOffset, DateTimeZone displayZone, Locale locale)
          Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, using the given Chronology.
 DateTimeFormatter DateTimeFormatter.withChronology(Chronology chrono)
          Returns a new formatter that will use the specified chronology in preference to that of the printed object, or ISO on a parse.

Constructors in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type Chronology
DateTimeParserBucket(long instantLocal, Chronology chrono, Locale locale)
          Deprecated. Use longer constructor
DateTimeParserBucket(long instantLocal, Chronology chrono, Locale locale, Integer pivotYear)
          Deprecated. Use longer constructor
DateTimeParserBucket(long instantLocal, Chronology chrono, Locale locale, Integer pivotYear, int defaultYear)
          Constructs a bucket, with the option of specifying the pivot year for two-digit year parsing.

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