
object required extends Attr

textarea - This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form. select - A Boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected. input - This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form. It cannot be used when the <strong>type</strong> attribute is <code>hidden</code>, <code>image</code>, or a button type (<code>submit</code>, <code>reset</code>, or <code>button</code>). The <a title="The :optional CSS pseudo-class represents any <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element that does not have the required attribute set on it." href="/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:optional"><code>:optional</code></a> and <a title="The :required CSS pseudo-class represents any <input>, <select>, or <textarea>&nbsp;element that has the required attribute set on it." href="/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:required"><code>:required</code></a> CSS pseudo-classes will be applied to the field as appropriate.

trait Attr
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object tag extends TagElement

Inherited types

type supports[T <: Tag] = AttrPair[attrType] => AttrPair[tagType]
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def :=(v: Boolean): AttrPair[_required_attr]
def :=(v: Option[Boolean]): OptionalAttrPair[_required_attr]



implicit def boolToPairinputApplied(attrObj: required): AttrPair[tag]
implicit def boolToPairselectApplied(attrObj: required): AttrPair[tag]
implicit def boolToPairstarApplied(attrObj: required): AttrPair[tag]
implicit def boolToPairtextareaApplied(attrObj: required): AttrPair[tag]