
object value extends Attr

meter - The current numeric value. This must be between the minimum and maximum values (<code>min</code> attribute and <code>max</code> attribute) if they are specified. If unspecified or malformed, the value is 0. If specified, but not within the range given by the <code>min</code> attribute and <code>max</code> attribute, the value is equal to the nearest end of the range.

<strong>Usage note: </strong>Unless the <code>value</code> attribute is between <code>0</code> and <code>1</code> (inclusive), the <code>min</code> and <code>max</code> attributes should define the range so that the <code>value</code> attribute's value is within it. input - The initial value of the control. This attribute is optional except when the value of the <strong>type</strong> attribute is <code>radio</code> or <code>checkbox</code>.<br> Note that when reloading the page, Gecko and IE <a class="external link-https" href="">will ignore the value specified in the HTML source</a>, if the value was changed before the reload. li - This integer attribute indicates the current ordinal value of the list item as defined by the <a title="The HTML element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list." href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ol"><code><ol></code></a> element. The only allowed value for this attribute is a number, even if the list is displayed with Roman numerals or letters. List items that follow this one continue numbering from the value set. The <strong>value</strong> attribute has no meaning for unordered lists (<a title="The HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list." href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ul"><code><ul></code></a>) or for menus (<a title="The HTML <menu> element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. This includes both list menus, which might appear across the top of a screen, as well as context menus, such as those that might appear underneath a button after it has been clicked." href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/menu"><code><menu></code></a>).

<strong>Note</strong>: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.

<strong>Note:</strong> Prior to <span title="(Firefox 9.0 / Thunderbird 9.0 / SeaMonkey 2.6)">Gecko 9.0</span>, negative values were incorrectly converted to 0. Starting in <span title="(Firefox 9.0 / Thunderbird 9.0 / SeaMonkey 2.6)">Gecko 9.0</span> all integer values are correctly parsed. param - Specifies the value of the parameter. progress - This attribute specifies how much of the task that has been completed. It must be a valid floating point number between 0 and <code>max</code>, or between 0 and 1 if <code>max</code> is omitted. If there is no <code>value</code> attribute, the progress bar is indeterminate; this indicates that an activity is ongoing with no indication of how long it is expected to take. button - The initial value of the button. It defines the value associated with the button which is submitted with the form data.  This value is passed to the server in params when the form is submitted. data - This attribute specifies the machine-readable translation of the content of the element. option - The content of this attribute represents the value to be submitted with the form, should this option be selected. If this attribute is omitted, the value is taken from the text content of the option element.

trait Attr
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object tag extends TagElement


Inherited types

type supports[T <: Tag] = AttrPair[attrType] => AttrPair[tagType]
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def :=(v: String): AttrPair[_value_attr]
def :=(v: Option[String]): OptionalAttrPair[_value_attr]