Class SendDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>

  extended by org.apache.camel.model.OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<Type>
      extended by org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition<Type>
          extended by org.apache.camel.model.NoOutputDefinition<Type>
              extended by org.apache.camel.model.SendDefinition<Type>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Block, NamedNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
InOnlyDefinition, InOutDefinition, ToDefinition

public abstract class SendDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>
extends NoOutputDefinition<Type>

Base class for sending to an endpoint with an optional ExchangePattern


Field Summary
protected  Endpoint endpoint
protected  String ref
protected  String uri
Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition
inheritErrorHandler, log
Constructor Summary
SendDefinition(String uri)
Method Summary
 Processor createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
          Override this in definition class and implement logic to create the processor based on the definition model.
 Endpoint getEndpoint()
          Gets tne endpoint if an Endpoint instance was set.
 String getLabel()
          Returns a label to describe this node such as the expression if some kind of expression node
 ExchangePattern getPattern()
 String getRef()
 String getUri()
 String getUriOrRef()
          Returns the endpoint URI or the name of the reference to it
 Endpoint resolveEndpoint(RouteContext context)
 void setEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)
 void setRef(String ref)
 void setUri(String uri)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.NoOutputDefinition
getOutputs, isOutputSupported
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition
addInterceptStrategies, addInterceptStrategy, addOutput, addRoutes, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aop, attribute, bean, bean, bean, bean, beanRef, beanRef, beanRef, beanRef, choice, clearOutput, configureChild, convertBodyTo, convertBodyTo, createChannel, createChildProcessor, createCompositeProcessor, createOutputsProcessor, createOutputsProcessor, createProcessor, delay, delay, delay, doTry, dynamicRouter, dynamicRouter, end, endChoice, endDoTry, endParent, enrich, enrich, enrichRef, filter, filter, filter, filter, getIndex, getInterceptStrategies, getOtherAttributes, getParent, id, idempotentConsumer, idempotentConsumer, idempotentConsumer, inheritErrorHandler, inOnly, inOnly, inOnly, inOnly, inOnly, inOnly, inOut, inOut, inOut, inOut, inOut, inOut, isAbstract, isInheritErrorHandler, isTopLevelOnly, loadBalance, loadBalance, log, log, log, log, loop, loop, loop, makeProcessor, markRollbackOnly, markRollbackOnlyLast, marshal, marshal, marshal, marshal, multicast, multicast, multicast, onCompletion, onException, onException, pipeline, pipeline, pipeline, pipeline, placeholder, policy, policy, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrichRef, preCreateProcessor, process, processRef, recipientList, recipientList, recipientList, recipientList, removeFaultHeader, removeHeader, removeHeaders, removeHeaders, removeProperty, resequence, resequence, resolveKnownConstantFields, resolvePropertyPlaceholders, rollback, rollback, routeId, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, sample, sample, sample, setBody, setBody, setExchangePattern, setFaultBody, setFaultHeader, setHeader, setHeader, setInheritErrorHandler, setOtherAttributes, setOutHeader, setOutHeader, setParent, setProperty, setProperty, sort, sort, sort, split, split, split, stop, threads, threads, threads, threads, throttle, throttle, throwException, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, toF, transacted, transacted, transform, transform, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, validate, validate, validate, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wrapChannel, wrapInErrorHandler, wrapProcessor
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.OptionalIdentifiedDefinition
description, getDescription, getDescriptionText, getId, getShortName, hasCustomIdAssigned, idOrCreate, isCustomId, setCustomId, setDescription, setId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String uri


protected String ref


protected Endpoint endpoint
Constructor Detail


public SendDefinition()


public SendDefinition(String uri)
Method Detail


public Processor createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
                          throws Exception
Description copied from class: ProcessorDefinition
Override this in definition class and implement logic to create the processor based on the definition model.

createProcessor in class ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>


public Endpoint resolveEndpoint(RouteContext context)


public String getRef()


public void setRef(String ref)


public String getUri()


public void setUri(String uri)


public Endpoint getEndpoint()
Gets tne endpoint if an Endpoint instance was set.

This implementation may return null which means you need to use getRef() or getUri() to get information about the endpoint.

the endpoint instance, or null


public void setEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)


public ExchangePattern getPattern()


public String getUriOrRef()
Returns the endpoint URI or the name of the reference to it


public String getLabel()
Description copied from class: ProcessorDefinition
Returns a label to describe this node such as the expression if some kind of expression node

Specified by:
getLabel in interface NamedNode
getLabel in class ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>

Apache Camel