Package org.apache.camel.model

The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules.


Interface Summary
Block Interface to add block featuring to the XML element type.
ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<?>> Enables definitions to support concurrency using ExecutorService
ModelCamelContext Model level interface for the CamelContext
RouteContainer Container to hold Route.

Class Summary
AggregateDefinition Represents an XML <aggregate/> element
AOPDefinition Deprecated. will be removed in the future.
BeanDefinition Represents an XML <bean/> element
CatchDefinition Represents an XML <catch/> element
ChoiceDefinition Represents an XML <choice/> element
Constants Various constants.
ContextScanDefinition ContextScanDefinition represents a <contextScan/> element.
ConvertBodyDefinition Represents an XML <convertBodyTo/> element
DataFormatDefinition Represents the base XML type for DataFormat.
DelayDefinition Represents an XML <delay/> element
DescriptionDefinition Represents a description element which can be used on any element in the EIP route
DynamicRouterDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Represents an XML <dynamicRouter/> element
EnrichDefinition Represents an XML <enrich/> element
ExpressionNode A base class for nodes which contain an expression and a number of outputs
ExpressionNodeHelper Helper for ExpressionNode
ExpressionSubElementDefinition Represents an expression sub element
FilterDefinition Represents an XML <filter/> element
FinallyDefinition Represents an XML <finally/> element
FromDefinition Represents an XML <from/> element
IdempotentConsumerDefinition Represents an XML <idempotentConsumer/> element
IdentifiedType The unique identifier for a bean.
InOnlyDefinition Represents an XML <inOnly/> element
InOutDefinition Represents an XML <inOut/> element
InterceptDefinition Represents an XML <intercept/> element
InterceptFromDefinition Represents an XML <interceptFrom/> element
InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition Represents an XML <interceptToEndpoint/> element
LoadBalanceDefinition Represents an XML <loadBalance/> element
LoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <loadBalancer/> element
LogDefinition Represents an XML <log/> element
LoopDefinition Represents an XML <loop/> element
MarshalDefinition Marshals to a binary payload using the given DataFormatDefinition
ModelHelper Helper for the Camel model classes.
MulticastDefinition Represents an XML <multicast/> element
NoOutputDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Base class for definitions which does not support outputs.
NoOutputExpressionNode An ExpressionNode which does not support any outputs.
OnCompletionDefinition Represents an XML <onCompletion/> element
OnExceptionDefinition Represents an XML <onException/> element
OptimisticLockRetryPolicyDefinition Represents an XML <optimisticLockRetryPolicy/> element
OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<T extends OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<T>> Allows an element to have an optional ID specified
OtherwiseDefinition Represents an XML <otherwise/> element
OutputDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> A useful base class for output types
PackageScanDefinition PackageScanDefinition represents a <packageScan/> element.
PipelineDefinition Represents an XML <pipeline/> element which can be used to define an explicit pipeline; or to define a specific pipeline within a <multicast> block
PolicyDefinition Represents an XML <policy/> element
PollEnrichDefinition Represents an XML <pollEnrich/> element
ProcessDefinition Represents an XML <process/> element
ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Base class for processor types that most XML types extend.
ProcessorDefinitionHelper Helper class for ProcessorDefinition and the other model classes.
RecipientListDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Represents an XML <recipientList/> element
RedeliveryPolicyDefinition Represents an XML <redeliveryPolicy/> element
RemoveHeaderDefinition Represents an XML <removeHeader/> element
RemoveHeadersDefinition Represents an XML <removeHeaders/> element
RemovePropertyDefinition Represents an XML <removeProperty/> element
ResequenceDefinition Represents an XML <resequence/> element
RollbackDefinition Represents an XML <rollback/> element
RouteBuilderDefinition Represents an XML <routeBuilderRef/> element
RouteContextRefDefinition Represents an XML <routeContextRef/> element
RouteContextRefDefinitionHelper Helper for RouteContextRefDefinition.
RouteDefinition Represents an XML <route/> element
RouteDefinitionHelper Helper for RouteDefinition

Utility methods to help preparing RouteDefinition before they are added to CamelContext.

RoutesDefinition Represents a collection of routes
RoutingSlipDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Represents an XML <routingSlip/> element
SamplingDefinition Represents an XML <sample/> element
SendDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Base class for sending to an endpoint with an optional ExchangePattern
SetBodyDefinition Represents an XML <setBody/> element.
SetExchangePatternDefinition Represents an XML <setExchangePattern/> element
SetFaultBodyDefinition Represents an XML <setFaultBody/> element.
SetHeaderDefinition Represents an XML <setHeader/> element
SetOutHeaderDefinition Deprecated. not really needed, will be removed in the future
SetPropertyDefinition Represents an XML <setProperty/> element
SortDefinition<T> Represents an XML <sort/> element
SplitDefinition Represents an XML <split/> element
StopDefinition Represents an XML <stop/> element
ThreadPoolProfileDefinition Represents an XML <threadPoolProfile/> element
ThreadsDefinition Represents an XML <threads/> element
ThrottleDefinition Represents an XML <throttle/> element
ThrowExceptionDefinition Represents an XML <throwException/> element
ToDefinition Represents an XML <to/> element
TransactedDefinition Represents an XML <transacted/> element
TransformDefinition Represents an XML <transform/> element
TryDefinition Represents an XML <try/> element
UnmarshalDefinition Unmarshals the binary payload using the given DataFormatDefinition
ValidateDefinition Represents an XML <validate/> element
WhenDefinition Represents an XML <when/> element
WireTapDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> Represents an XML <wireTap/> element

Package org.apache.camel.model Description

The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules.

Apache Camel